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When you overeat


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I was very hungry today at noon, so for lunch, I ate one boiled egg, one whole avocado, two fresh boiled sweet potatoes (1lb), one medium size carrot, one small red bell pepper, a quarter of a red onion, 2oz baby arugula, tea, 1oz peanuts, one handful of chips, and one tiny candy. I feel guilty now for overeating. When I visited a neighbor's family during their meal time last week, I discovered how little their dinner portion was and wonder if my family is on the overheating side.

Do you realize you overeat when you do? When is it most likely for you to overeat?

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I do realize it now.


But how much another family eats at meals has nothing at all to do with whether you are over eating.


The better questions are:


Why do you feel guilty.


Why were you so hungry and were you actually that hungry? (I'm leaning this way bc it sounds more like you ate until you finally got what you really wanted to begin with. I could be wrong tho.)


Less worry about how much you ate and more about the quality of what you ate.


What else did you eat today! Over eating is not about what you eat at any one meal. It's about your overall habits.

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I had to develop a new understanding of eating and drop the idea of "over eating". The shame and guilt associated with it as a woman was too much to be healthy.


In many ways, I gave up "lady like" idealism. Feeling bad for eating food was counter productive. Eventually, the new freedom and finding a dietary match for my body solved the problem. Moderation emerged because my body was correctly fueled.

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I generally only overeat when we're eating in a restaurant.  However, in the past few years that hasn't been much of a problem.  I've found that two teenaged boys, who generally say "Are you going to eat all of your ____________?" as soon as the plate arrives are good preventatives for that!


I wouldn't compare your family's intake to another family's, nor would I compare any one person to another.  Because (1) we're all unique individuals with differing metabolisms and (2) unless you'd been with that family all day, you had no idea what they had already had to eat.  It could be that they'd all had very large lunches that day.

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If I overeat, it's because I am loading up on healthy foods and  trying to avoid eating what I really want, usually something that I consider bad for me like a slice of pie, chips, oreo cookies.  If I end up eating the bad thing, I don't end up eating much of it because I'm so full of the healthy stuff.  


I just end up with a stomachache but not much guilt







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I feel conflicted about indulging. On the one hand, I'm considered terminal, so why not have that cookie...or 3? On the other hand, I sometimes miss the breif period when I was in shape, berween stage I and IV, and I miss some aspects of that - my clothes fit better and I had more energy. It's a mental sgruggle to find a middle ground.

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I used to be an overeater but I've learned how to eat only when I'm hungry and how to eat slowly so I very rarely eat to a point that I feel I've overeaten.  If occasionally I eat to the point of discomfort, I don't feel guilty but just move on.   If you did not think your family overeats till you ate with the other family, I don't think you should worry about it, unless family members are overweight.

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I would not compare my dinner size portion with others. For all I know they are trying to save money or stretch out a piece of chicken or something. 


There are days my daughter will literally eat air and others where she eats and eats. She is tall and skinny and people look at her in amazement when she is chowing down. 


I used to think I needed overeaters anonymous. I would say 99% of the time I have it under control. There were those fresh baked chocolate chip cookies last month that did send me over the edge though.  :001_smile:


As long as I eat 3 meals during the day I don't overindulge. I was recently away though and ate breakfast at 7am and did not eat again until 4:30. I overate and it tasted so good. 

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