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s/o of the heart attack thread - my mother


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In the other heart attack thread, I said I'd come back and update today.  I don't want to keep hijacking Dashka's thread!


My mom is still in the hospital today, they took her in for a CT scan of her heart this morning.  She's in good spirits, and mostly seemed happy that they'd finally let her eat something after that test. No results yet. So far, they've done X-rays (thanks to the poster who explained that yesterday), lots of blood work, EKGs, and have been monitoring her constantly.  I'm not sure what else they've done, other than the CT scan today.  I think there's more on the schedule for this afternoon.  One great thing is that her blood sugar is excellent - she had wondered how that was doing (she was diabetic and had gotten it under control with diet, she was afraid she'd let it slip again).  Oh, and I think she said there were not cardiac enzymes in her bloodwork, so that's good, right?


It's frustrating to be far away from her right now. But, then again, maybe it's good since I'm being treated for a GI bug that I would hate to give her.  So it may be a good thing that this happened as she was on her way to come visit us, rather than once she'd gotten here.  I would hate to pass it along to her while she's not doing well.  


Her cell phone battery has died, so she is feeling a bit cut off.  No email, no text, no calling people at her whim (she can make local calls from her room, but hasn't figured out how to call most of her long-distance family/friends, but we can call her).  No kindle books!  Oooooh, the agony.  So she is resting a lot - which is good, really.  Hopefully someone can take her a charger today.  :)


So, there's the update.  I'll post again when there's more news.  

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Thanks, Jean and Tammyla.  They are sending her home with nitroglycerin and sending her to a cardiologist.  She has plaques in her blood vessels, and an angina diagnosis.  Glad it wasn't worse this time, and hopefully this will lead to more answers, and some lifestyle changes that will help.

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Thanks, Jean and Tammyla. They are sending her home with nitroglycerin and sending her to a cardiologist. She has plaques in her blood vessels, and an angina diagnosis. Glad it wasn't worse this time, and hopefully this will lead to more answers, and some lifestyle changes that will help.

Spryte...glad to read your update!


I hope your mom continues to be OK! And follows up with a heart doc.

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