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I have to give myself a shot for the next 21 days......


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Can you get the generic Lovenox?  Much cheaper.  I have two if you want them.  Remember to NOT rub the injection area!!  Makes the bruising much, much worse.  And go slow...Lovenox burns.  Hopefully it won't be too bad for you.  I've had to give myself belly and hip shots for up to 14 weeks straight; it does get easier and it's way better than having someone else do it.



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So sorry, Joanne! I have to do Lovenox shots whenever I get on a plane, thanks to a nasty blood clot. Right in the stomach too and they leave huge bruises.


What works for me - exhale when you put the needle in. Pinching the skin gently helps too.



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I had to do that for a month. It's a painful shot and stings for quite a while after. :( ouch !! I dreaded it every day and I ended up with a few spots that bruised something awful. :(


Hmmm. Not very encouraging , am I? I meant to commiserate with you. :) My biggest hurdle was remembering to take it at the same time each day.

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