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Don't Like What You Picked? Tapestry has a special for you

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Can someone quick summarize the difference between paper and DE. I like paper too, but also like the idea of only printing out what I'll use at each stage.


What am I missing if I don't get DE.


Also, I managed to hop on and apply early October, didnt see anything from them so applied again a week later and got the download email right away. Got an email from them saying I had double applied, etc. then explained my situation. I think they might have just bed a bit slow at the beginning. And I was so excited .... :-)

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Can someone quick summarize the difference between paper and DE. I like paper too, but also like the idea of only printing out what I'll use at each stage.


What am I missing if I don't get DE.


Also, I managed to hop on and apply early October, didnt see anything from them so applied again a week later and got the download email right away. Got an email from them saying I had double applied, etc. then explained my situation. I think they might have just bed a bit slow at the beginning. And I was so excited .... :-)


For me, the big difference is free upgrades for life with DE. HOWEVER, I'm a paper girl so I get both.


The format for the sample weeks of GoToEgypt is slightly different than the free unit, fwiw.  Well, not so much the format, but the way you access them.  I actually like the GoToEgypt way better so far, because it's downloaded as a regular pdf and I can view it on my ipad that way.  With the free unit, there's a bunch of stuff to install in order for it to run on your computer, and then it's only able to be viewed from a computer, not from a tablet.  That's a bummer for me, as I like to work from a tablet on my lap with digital stuff like this.  Not a deal breaker, but if I find I like using TOG, I'm going to be extremely eager for their mobile device version to come out.  Other than that, the material itself all looks exactly the same (without all the little help bubbles that they include on the Egypt one) in the sample vs the free unit.



They're working on the mobile version! I am looking forward to that, although I mainly use my paper. I do print out things to mark up from the DE version though. I most often use it to pull up the answer key for Map Aids because I don't print those out. Also, you can contact them to get extra licenses to put it on more than one computer. I have it on my desktop and laptop.

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Apparently, you don't know Reformed theology very well. GRACE is preached ALL the time. In fact, it's why they name things as they do (Sovereign Grace, Tapestry of Grace, Grace Community, etc)


Actually if you read my full post the antecedent  of "it" is not grace but common grace. 





If you read the whole article you'll see they divide common grace down even more, but the way in which Tapestry uses it is common to most protestant theology. 


However, I'm not surprised that you had not heard it before. It's not exactly a much preached bit of theology just kind of a background thread. 


I am happy to know reformed churches teach grace a lot so do most protestant denominations. 


Common grace is not the same thing, that's why wikipedia has one article for it and one for grace, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grace_(Christianity)

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Check Year 1, Week 1, p. 44, Bible Survey and Church History: Background Information. It is available for free online for everyone as part of the Go to Egypt mini-unit that is always offered for free.


The discussion of common grace and special grace makes it very clear that they are, in fact, using the term in the Reformed sense.


Yes, I agree not so much with the first paragraph of that discussion there, but when they start talking about "special grace" they have moved from a broad concept that most protestants will endorse to a more narrow one, but in the actual history teaching when I see common grace themes I see the more broad protestant take, but this is another area where you to start defining terms and to be honest just reading terms like "prevenient grace" in the first wikipedia article I linked gives me a bad case of MEGO. 

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Can someone quick summarize the difference between paper and DE. I like paper too, but also like the idea of only printing out what I'll use at each stage.


What am I missing if I don't get DE.


Also, I managed to hop on and apply early October, didnt see anything from them so applied again a week later and got the download email right away. Got an email from them saying I had double applied, etc. then explained my situation. I think they might have just bed a bit slow at the beginning. And I was so excited .... :-)



I started when there was print only and honestly the biggest thing you get if you get print only is the ability to transfer the curriculum to someone else. 


If you aren't sure Tapestry is for you, then buy print only because you will be able to resell it and recoup your money. Although be aware Tapestry is narrowing support of resold print only versions which might lower resale price. 


Personally I think if I was to buy again I'd go with DE, but I already own materials that I am reusing for the print so there's no real point and I do like that in the end I can bless someone else by giving them my old print versions. Although even with only an 8th grader and 11th grader that is still a long time away. 

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I only like the DE.  Less paper and bulk to deal with.  I just print anything I want related to Upper Grammar and that's it.  Then I highlight on those few pages what we are going to do, make notes, and my weekly planning is done (works out to be about 4 double-sided pages and 1 single).  Workbook pages for Upper Grammar I print to the appropriate classes in Onenote for dd to complete. I then print out only what is needed from Map Aids and Writing Aids for each week for the appropriate level (usually about 2-3 pages and 1 map). I read whatever else I need (teacher's notes) on my laptop and we're good to go.  Simple and easy. 


I never got the so-called fog.  I just focus on the level I need now and don't bother with the rest.  However, I know it will be there, ready and automatically updated, the next time we go around at a higher level.  The best part is I don't have to buy new curriculum for that cycle again.  Once I have all 4 years, I'm done purchasing curriculum except for science, math, and Latin.

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I was going to ask how that works with putting it on more than one device. I like to work from a tablet also, but want it on my main computer. My sister is also giving me a laptop in a month or so.


You can use it on more than one computer. You have to fill out a form online to get extra licenses for LockLizard.


It will be available on iPads sometime in the near future, but no Android yet.

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I finally was able to download YR2 Unit 2 (it took a LONG time....my internet?).  Something I've wondered for awhile and now that I have a real unit to look at I can't find the answer-- Is there a list of all of the readings/books done for the unit?  I know each individual unit has reading assignments  but I am looking for an overview of the books used.  I couldn't find anything on the LOOM or introduction.  It is A LOT to go through so maybe I am just missing it.  I'd like to know ALL books used and see it on one page.  I don't have to figure that all out myself do I?  I know Bookshelf Central has books listed for each year and how long each will be used, but not lined up in an easy way.  


Anyone know?

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I finally was able to download YR2 Unit 2 (it took a LONG time....my internet?).  Something I've wondered for awhile and now that I have a real unit to look at I can't find the answer-- Is there a list of all of the readings/books done for the unit?  I know each individual unit has reading assignments  but I am looking for an overview of the books used.  I couldn't find anything on the LOOM or introduction.  It is A LOT to go through so maybe I am just missing it.  I'd like to know ALL books used and see it on one page.  I don't have to figure that all out myself do I?  I know Bookshelf Central has books listed for each year and how long each will be used, but not lined up in an easy way.  


Anyone know?


I haven't seen a concise list, except what you can do at Bookshelf Central. What I typically do is go to BC and have it listed in "Order Form View" (the last of the options at the top). Then I can copy and paste into Excel. They're not in order, but that doesn't really bother me.


Then I go to my library's website and look up all the books, storing them in a list labeled something like "Year 4 Unit 1 - UG" (both libraries I use let me make lists). Then when I get ready to put books on hold, I look at 2 weeks' worth of reading assignments and find those books on my list (which is easy to do), putting them on hold. It literally takes a minute or two to do that, since the other stuff was done beforehand. I also printed out the reading assignments for the entire unit ahead of time and marked on there any alternates being used, crossing out books we would skip, etc.

I think the Y2 download took a while because it downloads *everything* even though you can't access everything. When I was downloading, some stuff was slow and some stuff was faster. At least it's quick to use once it's downloaded and set up. So the day-to-day usage is much easier. The download process is the convoluted part.

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I finally was able to download YR2 Unit 2 (it took a LONG time....my internet?).  Something I've wondered for awhile and now that I have a real unit to look at I can't find the answer-- Is there a list of all of the readings/books done for the unit?  I know each individual unit has reading assignments  but I am looking for an overview of the books used.  I couldn't find anything on the LOOM or introduction.  It is A LOT to go through so maybe I am just missing it.  I'd like to know ALL books used and see it on one page.  I don't have to figure that all out myself do I?  I know Bookshelf Central has books listed for each year and how long each will be used, but not lined up in an easy way.  


Anyone know?


You use Bookshelf Central.  You can search by year; by year and unit #; or by year, unit #, level, and subject.


Here's how I did it.  I purchased Y2U1 over the summer just to see what it would be like.  In the fall, I ended up incorporating it into our regular studies.  I didn't bother buying any of the books because I had the main spine anyway with plenty of other books to supplement.  Then we discovered we much preferred TOG over what we had been using.


Just last week I purchased Y2U2 (2 weeks prior to finishing Unit 1).  Once I had that, I looked on Bookshelf Central to see what books should be used in this unit. (I searched under Y2U2, Upper Grammar, subjects: history, lit, activities, read alouds) I did not have the main spine, so I purchased that plus two other books I would need.  The rest of the suggested books were either available in my library or used less than 3 weeks so I plan to use what I have on hand.  If a suggested book is used less than 3 weeks, you can confidently substitute it!  You do not have to buy every book listed.  Some 3+ weeks books are just too expensive (even used), and I will substitute them. Now I'm ready for Unit 2 in two weeks.


Another helpful tip:  TOG uses a lot of the Yesterdays Classics books.  Thankfully, I had purchased these (the whole 225 book set) last spring while they were having their $50 Kindle, epub sale.  That has saved me a lot.  The only downside is that TOG refers to page numbers rather than chapters because sometimes they break up the chapter.  So, I just go to the YC website (Amazon works too with the Look Inside feature), look under the TOC to match page numbers with chapters.  It works very well, even though sometimes you may have to have your child read the whole chapter rather than just a major portion of it.


I hope this helps.

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I'm curious if those of you who have used year 2 can advise me. We are doing an around the world animals and people study this year. We are adding Middle Ages history to our year using a mix of SOTW 2, MOH 2 and the Homeschool in the Woods Project Passport Middle Ages. I am curious which unit you prefer of year 2: 1 or 2 for youngers. Thanks. :)

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I really like the The Awakening Europe which is an Upper Grammar book used in unit 2 of Year 2. I have read nothing like it at this level (and really up some). They cover what we might think of as the religous wars in Europe by focusing on particular people and events. It is quite interesting and well told. BUT it appears your students are probably too young for the UG level. 

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Can you use these freebies on a Mac?


I tried to download one of the instructional videos today, and it was an execute file which apparently doesn't work on my Mac.  Do I need to request something different?  I thought I followed the instructions exactly...


DE is supposed to work on Mac, and the training videos should also. Are you sure you clicked on the option:


"Digital Download for MAC (no shipping and handling)"


before "buying" it? The default option is PC.


I'd contact TOG and tell them you got the PC version instead of the Mac version. I'm sure they'd change it over for you.


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DE is supposed to work on Mac, and the training videos should also. Are you sure you clicked on the option:


"Digital Download for MAC (no shipping and handling)"


before "buying" it? The default option is PC.


I'd contact TOG and tell them you got the PC version instead of the Mac version. I'm sure they'd change it over for you.



Thank you!  I bet ya anything I clicked the wrong thing, since I have no recollection of what I may have done.  I will contact them, and see if I can get another link for the training videos.


I was eventually able to get the curriculum download with some help from my DH, although that was rather complicated, too.  But it seems like it is all in order now, if I can only get  the videos to help me make some sense of it all.


Thank you so much for your response.  

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Thank you!  I bet ya anything I clicked the wrong thing, since I have no recollection of what I may have done.  I will contact them, and see if I can get another link for the training videos.


I was eventually able to get the curriculum download with some help from my DH, although that was rather complicated, too.  But it seems like it is all in order now, if I can only get  the videos to help me make some sense of it all.


Thank you so much for your response.  


Yeah, their download process is pretty complicated. They need to just write an installer that handles LockLizard and any other thing you're downloading. That would be super easy to do.


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