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tricycle dilemma

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Ok hive, here's a dilemma. My 3yog tricycle was run over and crushed by family members visiting elderly folks that live down the street from us. I didn't even know waht happened until the wife (her dh ran it over at night) called to say what happened and thet they "wanted to do the right thing" Then things got shady - I asked to have the tricycle back (b/c dd was crying and not understanding what happened - I wanted her to realize I wasn't HIDING her bike!) they stood us up but finally the wife came with it. I asked for a replacement bike that looks like it and showed her a picture and website (around $55 free shipping) she said she would go and take care of it and email me. I have called her 5 times and left messages and actually talked to her once and she "was working on it" then I talked to her sisiter who said her dh was ill. Since then I've left messages...I realize it's probably a lost cause at this point and I should have gotten the $ right away. She seemed like she would do the right thing. I guess I am both foolish and naive! It's not like we can't go and buy a bike for dd, it's the principle of it I guess. My dh says I should go to the elderly neighbors and talk to them about it...I don 't know tham at all and neither does dh, and what could they do? Guilt them into it? I feel awkward doing this. Soooo...any bright ideas? Or has this happened to you? :confused: I feel bad for dd but I also feel stupid!


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Question for you. Where was the tricycle when they ran over it? If it had been left out at night, I would probably not fault them for it. My children know that they will have to replace anything that is not put away properly after they use it.


If it was in an area that is a common drive at night, I would replace it myself. If it was in *your* yard or driveway where no one else is expected to driveand they ran over it, I would pursue a replacement from them.


Sorry about this. My daughter's scooter was stolen about a week after she got it for her birthday. Tears all around on that one.

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Is it possible they don't have internet access to order it or are afraid of the computer?


Is it possible that the DH is really ill and they are struggling to survive dealing with that?


What about money? So many seniors are struggling under the costs of medical care. Maybe they want to do the right thing but cannot. :(



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Ok hive, here's a dilemma. My 3yog tricycle was run over and crushed by family members visiting elderly folks that live down the street from us. I didn't even know waht happened until the wife (her dh ran it over at night) called to say what happened and thet they "wanted to do the right thing" Then things got shady - I asked to have the tricycle back (b/c dd was crying and not understanding what happened - I wanted her to realize I wasn't HIDING her bike!) they stood us up but finally the wife came with it. I asked for a replacement bike that looks like it and showed her a picture and website (around $55 free shipping) she said she would go and take care of it and email me. I have called her 5 times and left messages and actually talked to her once and she "was working on it" then I talked to her sisiter who said her dh was ill. Since then I've left messages...I realize it's probably a lost cause at this point and I should have gotten the $ right away. She seemed like she would do the right thing. I guess I am both foolish and naive! It's not like we can't go and buy a bike for dd, it's the principle of it I guess. My dh says I should go to the elderly neighbors and talk to them about it...I don 't know tham at all and neither does dh, and what could they do? Guilt them into it? I feel awkward doing this. Soooo...any bright ideas? Or has this happened to you? :confused: I feel bad for dd but I also feel stupid!



Goodness, I have to be honest, I would just replace the trike.


How I was brought up is that the other person IMMEDIATELY whips out her wallet and offers money, but before the first person can get the cash out, the injured party refuses vehemently. It was an accident and accidents happen.


Should the person later bring over the equivalent in steaks or a certificate for lawn service or something, that would cover it and is often done. But I wouldn't wait for the trike or even contact them again. I'd even go so far as to say that I'd send word through the sister that this was already taken care of.


If her husband is ill, he might now be hospitalized or incapacitated. Ordering a replacement trike might be on her list of things to do, but not at the top.


I'm not trying to make you feel guilty for taking her offer. It's just that other people's background might not predispose them to very quickly jump at replacing the trike. They should replace it, since they ran over the original and certainly because they offered. But I would just extend forgiveness in this case to the point of forgiving the debt as well.

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Agree with all the above. Unless the trike was on the front porch and the neighbor ran up and over the lawn to get to it, it's not really the neighbor's responsibility. Sorry about the baby's trike :sad:




wow..I may be the only person that thinks differently here but here goes... I think the family members of the older people just don't want to pay for it and are avoiding her. Maybe they don't have the money or maybe they just don't want to pay. I don't think just because it was left out that it is the 3 yr olds or the parents fault. They RAN OVER IT. Thank GOD there wasn't a 3 yr old ON that trike. I know I wouldn't go ask the elderly neighbors to pay for it but I may very well ask how their sick family member is the next time I see them. I also would have no problem calling again to let her know she could replace it with the $30 trike from Target. After that, I'd be mad but blow it off & get my kid a new bike.


Bummer situation really but ignoring you isn't the way they should deal with this situation and it isn't worth it at all to force them legally on a $50 bike.

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Well, the trike was on our own driveway right in front of the garage. Yes dd should have put it in the garage, not right in front. I confess I was satisfied with that since it's our driveway and I never thought someone would comealong and run it down. After all, it's not a highway! Of course I'm not going to sue anyone over a tricycle;) that would be so...so...American! I must have come across as vengeful, and that was not my intent.

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Now that I know more about the situation, I agree with you that they were at fault, and should do the right thing.


Before the OP clarified, it wasn't clear where the tricycle was sitting. If it had been down at the neighbor's house, in the neighbor's driveway, or on the sidewalk, or in the street, and since it was dark, then I wouldn't fault the drivers for hitting it. But, since it was in the OP's driveway, and they had to drive onto the OP's property in order to hit it, then, they should replace it with another in a condition similar to the condition of the tricycle at the time it was hit.

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Well, the trike was on our own driveway right in front of the garage. Yes dd should have put it in the garage, not right in front. I confess I was satisfied with that since it's our driveway and I never thought someone would comealong and run it down. After all, it's not a highway! Of course I'm not going to sue anyone over a tricycle;) that would be so...so...American! I must have come across as vengeful, and that was not my intent.


Yeah, totally different then. All I could imagine is that one of your children must have abandoned the tricycle right behind their car out of sight and it got squished. My daughter did this to me at age 4 and she didn't get a new bike until her next birthday. But I'm flabbergasted that they ran over the bike in your own driveway! Totally speechless.



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Yes, it was run over in my own driveway...Here I was feeling all terrible from some of the comments. I'm not a total meanie! :tongue_smilie:I'm glad I clarified more. I know that I haven't been as tough on my kids in getting everything in the garage since I had the last baby(I've settled for in the bin by the garage door), but the trike was in my drive way not in the street, near the street or on another driveway. I'm just going to assume that I'll never hear from these folks again and I'll find a bike somewhere for my 3yo and it will be a lesson for us all on many levels :)

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One other thought...I wasn't sure from your OP whether it was was one of the elderly people that ran over the trike or not. If so, there may some fear and pride involved. My FIL is 89 and until very recently drove although he probably shouldn't have. Taking away his right to drive was very difficult and very very hard for him to accept. I think he felt like the lost his freedom and some of his dignity. He hit some things and became very defensive about it when confronted with it. (Thankfully it was all things in his own driveway...someone's car, the garage door, etc.)


I may be totally wrong but my thought was that if it was one of the older people there might be some defensiveness about admitting fault which carries over not wanting to buy the new one.

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