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Exercise Thread ~ 10/6 - 10/12


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Ellen Barrett: Slim Sculpt


I'm squeezing in every day of tennis I can before the snow flies!

Dee, good for you. :)

Yoga today. I need to get back into doing yoga a few days a week. It stretches my muscles and makes me a nicer person all at the same time. :-)

Faithe, yes, yoga makes me feel like a more pleasant person - more patience and just happier overall. 

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I'm hoping for a good week but we'll see. I was at a festival this weekend and there was a 10k, 1 mi run and an Iron Man, my town has a pretty large amount of fitness type activities especially for the size. Seeing it just made me depressed though. I just don't have enough energy now to do any major exercise. I do not get enough sleep and I'm still not sure that my thyroid function is optimal. I feel lazy watching everyone else and then sad because I wonder when I will feel normal again. My energy is 1000x better than when I was pregnant though and seems to be increasing. I'm aiming to slowly increase my activity a bit at a time. I just didn't realize how active I was until pregnancy knocked me down. The baby is generally doing better w/ sleep but it is sporadic, like last week when I had 2 really bad nights and several other not so great ones. I cannot just recover from no sleep and it so greatly affects me, it takes at least 2 good nights to make up for a really bad one. Anyway, I know I'm whining. Today I'm hoping for a walk and to get the house back in order.

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I'm hoping for a good week but we'll see. I was at a festival this weekend and there was a 10k, 1 mi run and an Iron Man, my town has a pretty large amount of fitness type activities especially for the size. Seeing it just made me depressed though. I just don't have enough energy now to do any major exercise. I do not get enough sleep and I'm still not sure that my thyroid function is optimal. I feel lazy watching everyone else and then sad because I wonder when I will feel normal again. My energy is 1000x better than when I was pregnant though and seems to be increasing. I'm aiming to slowly increase my activity a bit at a time. I just didn't realize how active I was until pregnancy knocked me down. The baby is generally doing better w/ sleep but it is sporadic, like last week when I had 2 really bad nights and several other not so great ones. I cannot just recover from no sleep and it so greatly affects me, it takes at least 2 good nights to make up for a really bad one. Anyway, I know I'm whining. Today I'm hoping for a walk and to get the house back in order.

Soror, you have a baby, a 3 year old and a 6 year old ( and a 9 year old to boot!!!). You are still in the "heavy with child" place in your life. NO ONE would call that lazy! It is just a different scene. When I had 4 littles... And even when I had some bigs and some littles, the most I could manage was a daily walk. My youngest was 8 when I could finally work out and actually think about training at all!


Seriously, be kind to yourself. This is the hardest part and the most physically grueling time of parenthood. I think it is why God made it so we would have to sit while nursing our young....when else do we sit???


Pretty soon you will be out of this stage and wonder where it went. And don't worry, by then you will be dealing with teens and their angst....more than enough reason to go slam some heavy weights or run until your legs won't take you another step! :-)


Don't compare yourself to anyone else. Compare you to you. A year ago, mi had never run a step in my life! Last week I logged over 20 miles! MILES!!!! Seriously, your body is doing what it needs to do right now....taking care of your little ones! And your body will do what you need it to do later on if you respect that now...


Oh, just a FYI....I ran a 10 K this summer. When I looked at the finishing stats I was amazed. Women in the 40-49 and 50-59 age groups had WAY BETTER TIMES ....like MINUTES faster than the women in the 20-29 & 30-39 age groups!!! I think that is because we are out of the "heavy with child" stage. And FTR, mi would have placed WAY better if I was younger :-). The competition in my age group was crazy!



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I know your right Faithe but it is hard for me to believe at times. I was terribly spoiled by pregnancy #2 and 3, with both of them I stayed really, really active throughout and was able to jump right back into life fairly easily. They both slept great and were easy babies, especially my last one. Now baby #4, my goodness pregnancy was like a semi-truck ran over me and she is an extreme nurser like ds, she can nurse multiple hrs straight and usually does every afternoon and if we miss it then we don't sleep at night. It has been a good lesson in humility for me. I feel far more forgiving now of others and a lot less likely to think others are lazy. It really is improving but after a week like last week it feels discouraging.


BTW WTG, you should be proud of yourself!

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Today was a bit discombobulated, but I still got in a workout. Focus on shoulders, felt it wasn't quite enough so did some karate and Parkour training as well. My second workout was supposed to be a lot longer, but the kids needed me. I'd like to get at least 20 more minutes of Parkour practice in, as well as 20 or 30 minutes of breakdancing practice if I have time. That'll probably have to wait until my DH gets home tonight, though.




Workout 1:
  • 3 minutes handstand
  • 3 minutes dips
  • 3 minutes frog stand
  • 3 minutes inverted row
  • 3 minutes rows (20lbs)
Workout 2:
  • 2x Ten No Kata
  • 10 minutes Parkour practice (rolls, vaults, precision jumps)


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Denise Austin: Body Burn with Dance & Pilates - I'm not the most coordinated and not a good dancer. I've decided to just replace the dance part with rebounding. The pilates part was great.


Seeing it just made me depressed though. 

:grouphug: I fully agree with what Faithe says. I don't think you should be hard on yourself. 

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Monday: cycle class then sculpt class....1 hour and 45 minutes of burn! Felt good after my hiatus last week. Sometimes a body needs a rest! :-)


Tonight is my HIIT night. Still planning my set...but it is likely to include:


1000 m row


300 ab moves: 50 crunches, 50 sit ups with a heavy weight, 50 reverse sit ups, 50 bicycle crunches, 50 scissor legs with heavy weight, 50 oblique standing crunches with a heavy weight,


The HIIT part:

Then 4 sets of 6 exercises 30 second rest between sets...no rest between moves with heavy dumb bells. This set usually includes lots of push ups, weighted squats, heavy swings, burpees, etc. The idea is to get my heart rate up high fast, then back down. Sprintishness.


Finish with 1000 row.


I usually burn close to 500 calories in an hour with these types of workouts, but they are hard on my body....so only go for it once or twice a week. I have seen the best results from these though, so......just gotta do them :-)

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Faithe, that workout would put me out for more than a week!  Maybe someday I could do that much. It's the ab work that would kill me. :)


Monday--2 swings, 3 mile run, 200 more swings

Tuesday- My first day on the treadmill because of the cold!  I did 100 swing warm up, then ran a mile, then 100 more swings.  3 miles total, 400 swings total.


I hoping for some Yin yoga tonight. 

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It has been a good lesson in humility for me. I feel far more forgiving now of others and a lot less likely to think others are lazy.

Ah, I had a huge humble pie shoved in my face after having my second child. Not just a slice of humble pie but the whole darn thing. :closedeyes:  I had it so together and was pretty darn smug about it. Then enter child #2 and humility came with him. Along with humility he teaches me patience like no other person on this planet. :lol:





 as well as 20 or 30 minutes of breakdancing practice if I have time.

Breakdancing as in 1980s breakdancing?







I did Jillian Michaels kickboxing cardio yesterday. Nothing yet today. Got up late.

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Fiona, tell me about your handstands.  Are they wall handstands?  Are you holding a 3 minute single handstand?


Not 3 minutes straight, lol. But just regular handstands. I'd like to work up to holding a single hadstand for two minutes or so and then transition to handstand push-ups, but my balance isn't quite that good yet.

Breakdancing as in 1980s breakdancing?


If 1980s breakdancing is like what they do today...



I would love to have this kind of body control, and it could give me some cool ideas to add to my parkour/tricking regime.

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I'd love to join you ladies here, as I have been consistently working out for almost 5 months now. I'm down 25 lbs. and lots of inches and have come to really look forward to my daily workouts.


Yesterday I did 55 minutes of intervals on the elliptical, followed by 15 minutes of upper body machines. (4 machines/3 sets of 12-14 each)

Today I completed 12 minutes at level 10 on the stairs and 50 minutes of intervals on the elliptical, followed by 100 reps on the squat machine at 50lbs.


So happy to join you all here!

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Can I join in? :)


I used to lift weights a lot, but have been doing yoga, walking,  with some pushups for about a year.


So, today I decided to pull out some of my fitness dvds, and did my first weight workout in a year:  Cathe's LIS (Low Impact Series) Tri Sets. I'm really sore! :p

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did my yoga routine on Monday and today.  I'm pacing myself getting back into it after not having done any for a few months..  I want to add in some walking - and it's good weather today.  I am going out to work in my yard . .  on a slope is a workout.

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Nothing for me yesterday or today. I've come down with a bad case of the flu.

Sorry to hear that, hope you are better soon :(


I'm fighting a cold here. I thought I had missed it and it doesn't seem really wretched but my throat is sore and I'm just not feeling the best.

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Sorry you guys aren't feeling well.




JM yoga meltdown this morning. I hope to get something in this afternoon. I'd like to get back to doing a short workout (30 min or less) in the morning and another in the afternoon to help keep metabolism up and to give me bursts of pick me up energy.

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After a horrible night of pain (most of it thankfully gone now - thanks to Advil ), I did a shorter than usual session of rebounding. It's all I could handle at the moment. Have to slowly build up my strength again. 


I'm fighting a cold here. I thought I had missed it and it doesn't seem really wretched but my throat is sore and I'm just not feeling the best.

Hope you feel better soon also. The sore throat part is the absolute worst. Hope you get to have rest and chicken soup. 


I'd like to get back to doing a short workout (30 min or less) in the morning and another in the afternoon to help keep metabolism up and to give me bursts of pick me up energy.

Thank you for your kind thoughts. 

Yes, two workouts a day would be my absolute ideal. Sometimes I manage to do it, but it's rare these days. I know that I'll be able to someday, hopefully sooner than later. 

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I know your right Faithe but it is hard for me to believe at times. I was terribly spoiled by pregnancy #2 and 3, with both of them I stayed really, really active throughout and was able to jump right back into life fairly easily. They both slept great and were easy babies, especially my last one. Now baby #4, my goodness pregnancy was like a semi-truck ran over me and she is an extreme nurser like ds, she can nurse multiple hrs straight and usually does every afternoon and if we miss it then we don't sleep at night. It has been a good lesson in humility for me. I feel far more forgiving now of others and a lot less likely to think others are lazy. It really is improving but after a week like last week it feels discouraging.


BTW WTG, you should be proud of yourself!


My fourth baby was really tough, too. I was that much older (though I didn't want to admit that it had any impact), my body wasn't producing as much milk, and the baby was REALLY active. Add 3 young kids to the mix and I was a mess for a few years!


Every baby is different, and every recovery for you will be different. Be patient with yourself and realistic with your expectations. You will make it through this!

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