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Talk to me about tablets other than iPad/iPad mini


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I am a DIE HARD Apple fan and own almost everything they make. That being said, I am considering buying my step-grandson (4) some sort of tablet for Christmas and would like it to be considerably less expensive (not sure how well it will be taken care of).


What budget-friendly tablets still have good apps, movies, etc.?


Actually, I guess another option would be an iPod touch, but I'm thinking the size won't be as conducive to certain things.



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I tried the cheaper tablets with my kids. I bought 2 Android tablets (Acer Iconia) and had so many problems I sold them for half what I paid for them and went with refurbished iPads.  Now I might consider a Kindle Fire because they are backed by amazon's stellar support. I know my SIL has one and loves it.


Cheaper isn't always worth the monetary savings. We learned that the hard way.

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We have 6 Kindle Fires.  My ds13 saved his money and bought the new Nexus 7 FHD.


We bought the Fires the first year they came out, so they aren't the newest ones.  That said, I will never buy another until there is a guarantee that they've fixed the port problem.  They replaced the First for the first year, since they were under warranty.  All of them had to be replaced at least once, most twice, and one three times.  The charging port disconnects inside the Fire.  Dh took them to work (he's an engineer), pried them open and was appalled.  He said they used minimal solder to hold the port in place, and also there was a gap so it wasn't even supported well.  He's surprised that they lasted for any length of time.

I love Amazon, and I love my working Fire, but I'm angry about this and can't recommend them.

Now, the Nexus 7 is pretty awesome, so definitely check that out.  Ds13 was saving for an iPad mini, but I came across an article that said the new Nexus was an awesome rival and outshone the iPad mini in some areas.  I gave ds13 that information and he researched it and has been thrilled with his purchase.

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Anyone have experience with Kindle Fire apps? And is it worth it to go HD?


I have a Kindle Fire HD and love it. I think it's worth HD. A friend had the original, non-HD, and there's quite a difference. Also, I haven't used it because I have a teenager and my grandson is too young, but Amazon offers some really cool parental control features for the Fire. You might want see what they include to find out if they'll be right for your little guy.

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I think it depends on what you use it for.  I had a KF HD and I felt very limited on apps compared to what I can get on my Android phone.  I sold the KF and bought a Hisense Sero Pro 7 inch tablet from Walmart for $129.  (Online only price.)  I was skeptical, but it really has been an awesome tablet for what I need. Just make sure to look at reviews on the net.  

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I recently got the Google Nexus 7  because JudoMom told me too. :D It's just pretty awesome. The sound is wonderful. I had an android phone, so I was used to their apps. The clarity on the videos is excellent. I've been well pleased, although I've only had it a week. 



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