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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Plans for today:


-homeschooling the kids

-Greek & Latin vocab

-1 load of laundry

-clean toilets (didn't get to it yesterday, oops)

-take dd7 and dd9 to music lessons

-grocery shopping

-buy birthday gift for neigbour

-go to library?

-take a walk/exercise

-read a book

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Busy day today because tomorrow we're going on our history field trip (Jamestown and Williamsburg) :D


--school: just English and geometry, finishing up a week's worth in two days!

--a gazillion errands: Costco, Target, orchard, two grocery stores, library

--run apples and yogurt to dd18's dorm

--exercise if cramps cooperate

--order AMC10/12 cd of old exams from MAA



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I'm really struggling with trying to find a balance between all of life's demands and my own sanity/happiness.



up, showered, dressed

devotion time


tried to handle insurance issue over the phone but it turned into a huge nightmare.  

daycare child arrived (8am)



school (focuses for today:  dd6-all, dd9-history, spanish, math, ds-science, history, english; dd15-all)

call our old insurance company and try to switch back.

go by PS to complete registration for dd15 to take the PSAT in Oct

return library books that are due

take dd15 to dance (3:30)

take daycare child to her grandma (4:15)


ds soccer practice (5:30-6:45)

work out at Y while ds is at soccer practice

pick up dd15 from dance (7pm)


math tutoring for dd15 with dh

work on lesson plans (this flying by the seat of my pants is not working out)



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Updated at 2:19:


Wash dd's bedding and make her bed-done

Go to campus (mine) and fill out some paperwork-done

Email a professor, my ES for a PO, and a class group-done

Do school time with kids-did a half day and called it done

Make dinner (something in a crockpot)-nope, looks like dad will make kids Mac 'n cheese and I will get something at food court

Take a nap- yep, on my to do list :), but I am pregnant - checked this off :)

Pack my dinner and a snack for class- nope, but I did put away a basket of laundry and make up dd's bed with fresh washed bedding :)

Drop kids off with sitter

Attend class from 4-6 and 7-9:30 :)

Come home and unwind a bit and then go to bed


Trying to be kind to myself and know I might not be able to do it all...:)

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I'm overwhelmed before I even start today.


I have to do these no matter what:


Help my daughter get through her day (she has a lot due and is feeling awful)

 -- finish Iliad, do questions

 -- take gk quiz

 -- finish latin hmwk

 -- go to latin

 -- go to socratic


Feed my family nutritious meals

 -- note supper ingredients

 -- buy

 -- cook

we have everything else.


Get my daughter to bed by 8pm (per dr. orders!)

  -- should be easy enough since she feels so poorly


Poor kid, I hope she is able to focus on her work.  

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So yesterday while it was mostly good, though we really weren't home enough to do the chores I planned so they are bumped to today


845-945am dd14 online latin class


wash windows in livingroom, kitchen and entrance

clean kitchen incl floor

clean livingroom incl floor

do another baking soda treatment on my hair(note, vaseline will eliminate any and all lice, getting rid of vaseline, not so easy...just sayin')

cadet open house 630-930, ds15 getting an award, and as a member of the parent committee I have to be "on" the whole time for new parents checking it out

write letter to businesses for donations, this is imperative to have done by friday

work on writing project, also imperative to have rough draft done by friday


clean bathroom

garbage can out to curb

am petcare

pm petcare





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Plans for today:


-homeschooling the kids

-Greek & Latin vocab

-1 load of laundry

-clean toilets (didn't get to it yesterday, oops)

-take dd7 and dd9 to music lessons

-grocery shopping

-buy birthday gift for neigbour

-go to library

-take a walk/exercise

-read a book


After dinner check in:


still need to do the toilets :closedeyes: . I can't exercise because hubby is going to pick up a bed we bought (secondhand) for dd9.

I did buy new nailpolish, so I'm going to paint my nails and read a book. After I have cleaned up the dinner dishes and gotten the kids to bed......


Busy day today because tomorrow we're going on our history field trip (Jamestown and Williamsburg) :D


That's so cool! Enjoy your day tomorrow.


I'm really struggling with trying to find a balance between all of life's demands and my own sanity/happiness.


:grouphug: I know the feeling, things haven't been going well here too :ohmy: .


Take a nap- yep, on my to do list :), but I am pregnant


Congratulations! :thumbup:


I'm overwhelmed before I even start today.


:grouphug: I hope you will feel better soon and your dd too!

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I really ought to tackle this day, but I just am not feeling it. We did manage to get our final rabies shots, the laundry is drying, one son went to his tennis lesson, and that same son made lunch. After lunch I'll go grocery shopping with him so he can make dinner tonight and breakfast tomorrow.


But I really need to get ready for the movers to come in a few days. I suspect I will procrastinate because I know I can get everything ready tomorrow.


Oh, and I need to go to the cemetery and take photos to help with my son's scout project that might get done before we leave.

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I've been tackling ...



  • two loads of laundry with one more to go
  • vacuumed and dusted first floor 
  • unloaded dishwasher and washed up breakfast dishes
  • latin...and more latin
  • swept porches and reconned the yard 
  • played with baby 
  • wiped down bathrooms X 3
  • cleaned out refrigerator


To Do:

  • put away laundry
  • work on school lesson plans/grading 
  • go over budget for next month
  • dust my bedroom...it seems to always be dusty. 
  • several large print jobs for school
  • get together all the stuff we need to do science experiments tomorrow morning.

Have a lovely day everyone!



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I've been tackling ...



  • two loads of laundry with one more to go
  • vacuumed and dusted first floor 
  • unloaded dishwasher and washed up breakfast dishes
  • latin...and more latin
  • swept porches and reconned the yard 
  • played with baby 
  • wiped down bathrooms X 3
  • cleaned out refrigerator


Tammy, I like your Latin posts, they make me feel not alone when I'm also wrestling with Latin :tongue_smilie:  .


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dd14 done her latin class.  Her teacher is driving us both nuts.  If this is the extent of her class I will be pulling her and getting a refund and then ordering the teacher guide for this book and teaching myself.  The teacher is an airhead that I am sure would lose her head if it were attached to her neck.  There is people in the class who have no clue about the basic parts of speech, which make translation challenging.  This class uses lingua latina, it jumps right into translating.  Problem is it meets twice a week for an hour each time for 10 months.  They plan to only get through 9 chapters in that time.  Seriously! 9 chapters.  DD14 sat down and translated all of chapter one this week in about a combined total of 1.5 hours.  But when people still didn't have their text books today, don't understand the parts of speech enough to understand how to structure the sentences into english from the latin(so they sound like yoda when reading it in english) and the teacher is an airhead nothing is being accomplished.  This course was $480, so giving her to the end of thursday's class and if no improvement I am getting a refund.  dd14 looked at me and said "if this class is always going to be this slow and stupid I will need to also be working on Latina christiana with the boys just to give me more work to challenge me"

Did a baking soda treatment on my hair, made pilsbury crescent rolls for breakfast, am petcare done.  About to get changed into my clothing for the day, have my 2nd cup of coffee and switch the laundry,


Oh and in all of that I forgot the sink was running and overflowed it everywhere, burnt the first batch of crescents slightly, burnt my finger on the second one and got a sliver of glass in my foot that I missed last night when I cleaned up the light bulb I dropped.  My head is in a fog that is making me clutzy and forgetful so hoping the coffee will fix that.

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We're getting our household goods!!!!  Woohoo!!!!  I'm currently checking off the numbers on the inventory sheet as they bring the boxes in.  Including wrapped furniture that is in pieces (headboard, footboard, mattresses, etc), we have 232 boxes/pieces in this shipment.  I'll be unpacking for WEEKS!  Oh, and there are 2 more shipments coming!  They could honestly keep it all if they gave me my bed and my shoes.  ;)


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After dinner check in:


still need to do the toilets :closedeyes: . I can't exercise because hubby is going to pick up a bed we bought (secondhand) for dd9.

I did buy new nailpolish, so I'm going to paint my nails and read a book. After I have cleaned up the dinner dishes and gotten the kids to bed......


I had forgotten that we now have a treadmill, so I *can* exercise while my dh is away! Yeah!




-cleaned toilets

-removed nailpolish....I doubt I will have time to paint my nails tonight

but I am going to read a book!


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3pm update.


Trying to take deep breaths and tackle whatever comes my way.  It is so discouraging to look at my list and only be able to cross off two things (and we didn't even get to Spanish today).  But I have literally been working all day---spent hours on the phone between two insurance companies.  And the rest of the day has been consumed by schooling and caring for daycare child.  I did manage to get dinner prepped so ds can keep an eye on it in the oven while I take dd to dance.  Hopefully we'll be able to eat before soccer practice tonight since the younger ones had meltdown last week when  we tried to wait and eat after practice.  



school (focuses for today:  dd6-all, dd9-history, spanish, math, ds-science, history, english; dd15-all)

call our old insurance company and try to switch back.

go by PS to complete registration for dd15 to take the PSAT in Oct  Going to have to do this on Wednesday or Thursday since we couldn't get there in their "7am-1pm" time frame

return library books that are due  Will do this on Wednesday when we are in town

take dd15 to dance (3:30)

take daycare child to her grandma (4:15)


ds soccer practice (5:30-6:45)

work out at Y while ds is at soccer practice

pick up dd15 from dance (7pm)


math tutoring for dd15 with dh

work on lesson plans (this flying by the seat of my pants is not working out)


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Noon update:

School mostly done.

Dealing with a tantrummy 7 year old - done! What a nightmare she was this morning. But then around snack time she comes out of her room with a pleasant smile on her face and a handful of schoolwork neatly done, including the paper that she was screaming about. "I don't know how to do this. You are so mean. You won't even explain how to do this. I hate you!" Yeah, that paper.... Done.


Now, to make lunch.

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4 pm - I'm back.  I'm toast.  I'm going to sit here and try to decompress and hopefully de-ache.  


Did a bunch of errands.


Dropped ds off at friend's house.


Went to Japanese bookstore and finally found a Japanese language program that I like for dd11.  (Most jump in way too early with written Japanese and are written for older students.)


Went to a Japanese bakery and watched sumo on their t.v.  That sure took me back!  I was really disappointed in their cake though - in fact, it was so buttery it made me feel sick.  


Ran to the grocery store for some last minute groceries.


Got home and realized that I had totally forgotten to drop off the charity stuff!  (Oh well, it will sit in the car for another day.)

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OMG, who bought all this stuff that is now in my house????   We're surrounded by boxes.  I'm slightly overwhelmed by the sheer amount of boxes we have.  I've unpacked most of my transferware and found only a few broken pieces (SOB!).  Fortunately they aren't any of the really expensive pieces, but still!  The number of pieces I've unpacked is staggering.  I think I may need as some sort of intervention.  We should do it at my house, because I have plenty of dishes to SERVE (not sever!) people.  I can serve tea (tea, NOT TeA!) to 47 people!  I have 47 tea cups!  

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Back from  cadets.  They ended up not giving ds his award yet.  He needs to get a bigger uniform and they would like to wait until he is wearing it to award him.  Next week he will get the new one so the week after he will get it.  I drank far too much coffee there tonight so I will be finishing my chores as I wait for the caffeine to wear off.

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