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I found out mid-June that a pregnancy was not going to continue.  It took 2 more weeks of testing and ultrasounds until baby's heart stopped beating.  I "miscarried" for 6 long weeks then had another test done only to find out that my levels were still very high (2000+, maybe?).  Further testing has shown the levels are very slowly coming down - VERY slowly.  Last week I was at 236, today I am at 139.  The odd thing is that last week I began another AF so getting the news that my levels are still high was a shock.  


My question is if anyone has had this happen?  My loss at the beginning of the year was similar only my levels stalled out at 9000 or so; I ended up with a D&C.  I didn't pursue surgery this time as I thought things were happening on their own which, I guess, is true yet for goodness' sake, it's taking a long time!


Doctor wants another u/s next week which I think is useless as my levels are way too low to show anything in the uterus.


Thoughts?  Experiences to share?  This last test result has about shaken me off of what tiny bit of strength I had left to get through this loss.  I thought things were over and felt a smidge of hope, of being able to move on.  This sucks.

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I have no experience or advice, but many, many hugs for you and for the life you carried that did not make it.


I hope you, your body, and the medical professionals involved can sort this all out sooner rather than later. 



This.   I did have a m/c in the past, but it didn't take that long, and levels came down more quickly too.  Prayers as you navigate this difficult road.

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Hugs to you! I am sorry you are going through this! I had 3 miscarriages from last June on (until this little babe stuck). And my numbers came down rather quickly. My 3rd one took a little longer and they thought maybe I would need a d&c to completely clear things out but I declined and everything eventually worked out. But we are talking a week maybe not months.


Obviously, I am not a professional but I do not think it seems normal to still have elevated numbers this far out. I would have the ultrasound just to rule out any unforeseen issue.


Again, lots of hugs to you!

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What is your doctor's explanation about the numbers?

Doctor and nurses say it can take this long, at least the levels are dropping, blah blah blah.  If it was partial molar wouldn't my levels initially have been very high?  I thought that was a symptom of molar/partial molar and my levels were right on for normal singleton.


Guess I'll get the u/s.  That will be emotional as I've been in that same place too many times these last 7 months, all with bad results.  sigh

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You need the U.S., unfortunately. It's very doubtful that the bleeding you had was AF. Sounds like the miscarriage is incomplete, and some tissue remains. On another message board that I frequent, 2 of the posters have been going through something quite similar to what you are dealing with. One ended up with an accreta and decided on an hysterectomy. The other had a d&c that was incomplete, and a recent endometrial biopsy confirmed that there was necrotic embryonic tissue present that was missed in the d&c. She is also suspected of having an accreta. Currently, she is trying to work out a surgery date, and hopes to retain her uterus. Both of these women are grand multiparas, like yourself.


I'm sorry for your loss.

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I'm sorry for your losses.


I don't have advice about the numbers, but with my last miscarriage i bled for 10 weeks straight. It is exhausting, & yes i had 2 normal cycles in that time. I did have another US to check for retained products. They said there was some small blood clots irritating & prolonging the bleeding but i avoided a d&c this time.



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