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Tomato Free Sloppy Jow


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Anyone have a tomato free sloppy joe recipie?


Whenever I eat anything with tomato or tomato sauce in it I end up in severe pain for two days due to the acid. Much to my complete dismay. DS is crushed because his favorite foods have tomatos in it. I am working one recipie at a time to find suitable replacements. Thanks!

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It's called different things...loose meat burger, is one I've heard.

It's got beef broth, garlic, onions, seasonings. Anything you'd like really. Just brown the ground beef, with clothes on, because it splatters. Add garlic and onions. When those are done, add the broth and seasonings ans simmer.

WHAT? What naked cooking adventure generated this response?

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I just told the family that I had a recipe to try, but I might have to try it in secrecy and spring it on them unawares because it's weird. I was reminded that they caught, fried, and ate grasshoppers earlier this summer.


Still, it's beets and pumpkin.

But - it doesn't taste like beets (which I detest) or pumpkin.  The beets give it the right color.  The pumpkin gives it the right texture.  

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What about cooking the meat/onions etc for the sloopy joes and adding the warmed up sauce "on the side"? Whoever wants can add and whomever doesn't can have a loose meat burger.

I have no self control. I will eat the sauce.


My lack of self control is why the only thing sweet in the house is maple syrup.

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I just told the family that I had a recipe to try, but I might have to try it in secrecy and spring it on them unawares because it's weird. I was reminded that they caught, fried, and ate grasshoppers earlier this summer.


Still, it's beets and pumpkin.

No kidding, I would have to make sure everyone was out doing something, leaving me with enough time to sneak the ingredients into the house and make this up without getting caught.


So bizarre I might have to try it. Now off to check my calendar to see when I might have an open date where everyone else is busy...

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OK - if anyone is brave enough to try it, please come back and weigh in on if my family's taste buds are totally off.  


I plan on trying it. I've got a touch of arthritis in my hands, and some people argue that nightshades exacerbate arthritis. Every time I try to go tomato free to see if it helps, tomato sauce is what drags me back down. And did I mention that my husband and kids eat grasshoppers? So, they have no gastronomical stones to throw.  :001_smile:

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I plan on trying it. I've got a touch of arthritis in my hands, and some people argue that nightshades exacerbate arthritis. Every time I try to go tomato free to see if it helps, tomato sauce is what drags me back down. And did I mention that my husband and kids eat grasshoppers? So, they have no gastronomical stones to throw.  :001_smile:

The reason I even tried this recipe is because I was nightshade free for a while.  

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http://www.adventuresofaglutenfreemom.com/2010/01/tomato-free-marinara-sauce/  This recipe is tasty.  My family did not even know that it was "weird".  I added meat.  


From Jean's link: " Regular beets just smell like regular dirt"  FInally, someone who agrees with me! I've always described beets as tasting like "woody dirt." My kids, on the other hand, love them. (My father serves them at his house.)  I neither eat nor cook beets (or lima beans). As the author of this recipe said, "I am done growing so I don't need them!"  But since she and I feel the same way about beets, maybe I'll try the recipe!

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