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so not impressed

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So last night at 2am-ish I was up feeding baby when I hear a bunch of idiot teen boys yelling and generally being loud. Then I hear them yell 1-2-3 and a big crash. They smashed my fence down. It was too dark to see exactly what the damage was last night, but this is what I woke up to. This is not just a panel, but actually 2 with the post inbetween which they snapped as well.



My landlord is going to have a kinipshun (sp?) when I call on Monday (the office is only open for emergencies on weekends). So not impressed, freakin' vandals. I now can not open my dayhome in 2 weeks like planned, I have to wait for my landlord to get around to fixing the fence first.

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I have to wait for my landlord to get around to fixing the fence first.


Can you ask your landlord if you can do the footwork for him? Does he have a fix-it guy you can call, or can you call 3 places and get quotes? Tell him your income stream will be delayed if the fence is not fixed. Usually landlords want you to have income, so you can pay rent.

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Can you ask your landlord if you can do the footwork for him? Does he have a fix-it guy you can call, or can you call 3 places and get quotes? Tell him your income stream will be delayed if the fence is not fixed. Usually landlords want you to have income, so you can pay rent.


If this was a regular rental I would do that, but I am in housing owned by the city, so they have their own maintence department that will deal with it, but like everything else in the city ends up on a list of "to do's" kwim. My resident manager is a real PITA, so I will have to deal with her first and then have her go through the proper channels through housing.


Regardless, I am going down to the police station today to file a report so they can't turn around and try to blame me. (I am in one of the few actual houses left in this program everything else is crappy housing complexes, and they want to sell off all the houses, but can not evict tenants just to do so)

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Wow, that is awful. :glare: I have been having problems with teens in my neighborhood also. Not doing this to my house. But teasing my "small" children. One girl was teasing my 6 year old daughter. How rude and immature. And another teenage boy tried pushing my son off his bike. My kids were just playing in their yards and driveways. These teens need Jesus to change their hearts, that is where the difference will be. Did you get a good look at these kids to recognize them?

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I agree that they need a heart change, in the meantime I'd be tempted to sit outside with a bb gun.



Laws around here state I can't use my BB gun. There are no such laws against air soft and I'm a good aim.


1-2-3 Aim FIRE.. !!!!


To the op, why didn't you go outside when you heard them? Or grab a camera and start shooting pix?

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I thought the graffiti I had was bad, I guess they could have knocked down whole fence.


I am so sorry, there has to be a solution to all these bored kids.


I started a neighborhood watch program, but noone's joining. This town likes to keep their head in the sand.


Just for that, I am going to have grafitti boys, paint a nice mural all over my fence, that will teach them.



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I agree that they need a heart change, in the meantime I'd be tempted to sit outside with a bb gun.


Hey, I could send my dh over. I found him sitting in the yard with his Red Ryder trying to scare birds away from the fruit trees. I'm sure he'd love to scare away some teen boys.


And what are teen aged boys doing out at 2AM anyway. Parents????



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Laws around here state I can't use my BB gun. There are no such laws against air soft and I'm a good aim.


1-2-3 Aim FIRE.. !!!!


To the op, why didn't you go outside when you heard them? Or grab a camera and start shooting pix?



Because it was 2 am and not only was I laying in bed nude(way too hot out for pjs), but I was nursing the baby. I didn't even know until this am it was the fence. My house backs onto a green belt with an alley behind us. There is no light back there so while I could hear them and see their outlines as they ran off I could not actually see much. Now I am wishing I had installed my motion sensor sooner, my back light is broken and I bought a motion sensor light to replace it but hadn't done so yet.


On the bright side, a neighbor from 2 doors down helped me stand it back up and nail some 2x4's in it to temporarily have it upright until the landlord fixes it.

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Because it was 2 am and not only was I laying in bed nude(way too hot out for pjs), but I was nursing the baby. I didn't even know until this am it was the fence. My house backs onto a green belt with an alley behind us. There is no light back there so while I could hear them and see their outlines as they ran off I could not actually see much. Now I am wishing I had installed my motion sensor sooner, my back light is broken and I bought a motion sensor light to replace it but hadn't done so yet.


On the bright side, a neighbor from 2 doors down helped me stand it back up and nail some 2x4's in it to temporarily have it upright until the landlord fixes it.


wow.. well a neked screaming woman may very well have frightened them or... well ok nevermind, sounds like a good thing you didn't run outside. Dumb teens.

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