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It's official: I feel old in the mornings.


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My shoulders hurt every morning when I wake. Today, my hip hurts when I walk. I really think it is because I sat around too much this week. My dad for years only sleeps for five or six hours because he says it hurts too much to sleep much longer than that. I remember him doing this in his 30s. He is a healthy and active guy. And here I am feeling the same. I'm 30 pounds from my ideal weight. So, I honestly don't think it is the extra weight. I do feel my best when I run three times a week and didn't run this week. I'm only 31. I shouldn't get out of bed and move slowly yet LOL!


eta: I am the lightest weight wise since my first year of marriage. So, I am the lightest I have ever been in the past 10 years.

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If it's mainly in the morning then at your age I would wonder if maybe your mattress is old and in need of replacing, or if it just doesn't suit you.  It could also be lack of activity.  Weight can play a part, but IME the other two things are more likely culprits.

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If it's mainly in the morning then at your age I would wonder if maybe your mattress is old and in need of replacing, or if it just doesn't suit you.  It could also be lack of activity.  Weight can play a part, but IME the other two things are more likely culprits.


ha ha. It could be an old mattress. We can't afford a new one anytime soon, either! 

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ha ha. It could be an old mattress. We can't afford a new one anytime soon, either! 


Can you afford to try a topper?  We got a new Beautyrest mattress several years ago.  DH loved it, but I woke up very achy every morning, especially in my hips.  I ordered a memory foam topper from Overstock and problem solved!

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Can you afford to try a topper?  We got a new Beautyrest mattress several years ago.  DH loved it, but I woke up very achy every morning, especially in my hips.  I ordered a memory foam topper from Overstock and problem solved!


we have a feather filled topper but I don't think it does much ha ha. I could probably afford a memory foam one in October. September is full of co-op registration fees, car tag expenses, etc. No fun being an adult sometimes! I may try the topper, though. However, we have said for a while now that we will be buying a mattress next year.

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If you exercise in the evening, you can tell yourself that you're sore from your workout. I do this and I'm in blissful denial. "I'm not old, I'm a dancer. Aches and pains are expected."

Why I like running: I can deny that I'm getting to be as old as dirt. When I don't exercise and I hurt, I'm old. When I do exercise and I hurt I chalk it up to the run. Probably not true, but it's a nice little lie I tell myself. While not trying to look at my many, many gray hairs in the mirror.

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Take an Epsom salt bath in the mornings if you can. Soak for a minimum of 10 minutes, preferably 20. I threw my back out recently. Tylenol didn't touch the pain and I couldn't take ibuprofen because I'm pregnant. 20 minutes in the tub gave me 2-3 hours of relatively pain free (but not pressure free) movement.

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I really think it is because I sat around too much this week. 

The older I get, the more I notice that sitting for long periods of time makes me achy and sore. I'm considering getting this book. Mind you, I definitely do not need another fitness/health book. I just happened to be impressed by an article about it. I think it was this article. I think she mentioned how for every 20 minutes of sitting, we should get up and stretch for a while. I need to start doing that more regularly. I used to be very vigilant about that. 


I hurt in the morning when I don't exercise regularly. I feel like exercise helps keep my joints aligned better and so they hurt less.

Yes, this. Yoga, swimming, and gentle exercise helps me a lot. 

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Just seeing this! I am the same way. I have pinpointed several culprits and started to implement several helps.  I did an elimination diet (b/c I was suspicious of an autoimmune issue, like RA)--I have identified a few things I can NOT eat (potatoes!! eating potatoes will send my body into a flurry of pain).  I try not to drink much caffeine or eat much sugar, b/c sugar also makes me achey and pained.  By the third or fourth day of the elimination diet/nutritional cleanse I was getting out of bed and walking around like a normal, young person. I couldn't believe it.


Boosting my Vit D intake helped--I was perilously low on vit D!


Yoga helps tremendously. I think swimming would, but we don't have access to a pool.  I now get a monthly massage from an excellent massage therapist who is very clinical--but this is also due to the fact that I have severe scoliosis (rods in my back). 


Not sitting for long periods of time is important for me, too.  And stretching a lot. 



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