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Would the movie Chariots of Fire be interesting for a 13 and 10 yr old?


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I've never seen it but wanted to start "family movie nights" with wholesome family movies. None of us really watch much TV, and what they do watch is "older" stuff-like Andy Griffith, Sound of Music, etc. (so it's not like they're used to big blockbusters and anything else would be boring to them!)


If not, I'm open for other suggestions (keeping in mind that we're quite conservative :))


The 10 yr old is a boy and 13 yr old is a girl.

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Depends on the kid. I was 9 when it came out and saw it in the theater.

I was SO BORED. Spent about as long as I could watching the video games in the lobby play itself (ZooKeeper).

So unless there's already interest in the topics, I'd say no :)

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I've been thinking of picking it for family movie night sometime soon. I saw it in college and loved it. I guess I'll find out what my 13yo thinks!


Your family might like Follow Me, Boys. It stars Fred MacMurray and is kind of Andy Griffith in feel. Another good one is Mr. Smith goes to Washington. We watch a lot of older movies too.

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I saw it around that age and I enjoyed it, but I ran track so I might have been more interested than the average 13 year old would be.


Honestly, I don't recall the profanity. If I had to take a guess, the one Jewish character or his coach may have had racial slurs directed at them, but it's been years since I saw it so I can't swear to that. I would pre-watch it before writing the movie off entirely.

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probably not.  it's mostly dialogue.


there are racial slurs at the jewish runner (and his first date with the actress who ordered her "usual" not thinking about the fact it was pork.  it's very easy to miss.  they do laugh about it.  and irl- they eventually were married.)


the devout Christian did have pressure put upon him to run on sunday, to break his religious convictions, by the prince of wales no less.

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Hobbes saw it about a year ago.  He enjoyed it but it wasn't a perfect fit: there are a lot of characters who are all the same age (college students/runners) and he had a hard time separating them out.  I think it's worth watching, but maybe wait a couple of years.


According to Common Sense Media, the words 'bloody' and 'hell' are used.



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