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American Girl Dolls?


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I don't know if any of you/your DDs are AG doll owners, but I figured I would try.  My DD was given 3 American Girl dolls last night by a neighbor's older daughter (she at her Mom's house emptying out stuff from the attic).  One doll is definitely Kit and she's in really good shape.  The other 2, we believe to be Samantha and Molly -- their hair is a WRECK!  The young lady did PLAY with them and it shows in their hair; the rest of the doll is really in good shape, no marks or anything on the skin.


Has anyone ever done any doll hair repair on their own?  I found a bunch of videos on washing, "downy dunking", and downy spray-treating doll hair, but none of the hair that was being worked on was as bad as these 2.  I know there's a AG doll hospital I could send them to for new  heads/hair, but that would probably be beyond my budget.


DD is thrilled to death to have these dolls (she owns Kirsten, also gifted to her a few years ago) and she is worried about these "home remedies", lol.  I told her what was the worst that can happen?  The hair can't come out any worse looking than it is now!


So, if your DDs have AG dolls, have any of you done home hair repair on them?  Thanks!



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you can buy the wire brush from AG and just use a most of water to brush out the hair. Start at the bottom and work towards the top. I know about the downy dunk too, but I'm not risking it on such expensive dolls!

The doll salon can fix the hair without replacing the heads, mostly likely.

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How exciting for your daughter! 


My daughter has restored some pretty horrible hair with a Downy Dunk. It does work. Go for it ;) .


I think AG would actually just replace the head, if you sent them in for hair. It's $44 for replacement + S&H, so still cheaper than a new doll, plus they get one of those adorable hospital gowns.  *I* want to send a doll to the hospital, but we haven't needed to yet: http://store.americangirl.com/agshop/static/dollHospital.jsp

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I've restored two previously loved AGs with horrid hair. The Downy Dunk definitely works. You can get a very affordable small metal wig brush at Walmart in toy isle (where they keep their version of the dolls). Make sure to take the head completely off to protect the body and cover the eyes with a towel to prevent splashes. Their eyes have metal components so any drips in the sockets will equal rust and opening problems. Best of luck!!!

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Thank you all for the responses!!  I think we are going to do the Downy Dunk this weekend on ONE of the dolls, to see how it turns out.  She has the a metal brush already with Kirsten, so we are good for that.  I saw a video last night where the girl put the doll into a bag (Walmart type plastic baggy) and tied the bag at the doll's neck.  She taped cotton balls over the eyes to protect them!  The only concern I have are is the repeated warnings not to get the scalp part "wet"; well, that part of the head is bad too, so not sure how I would get that part into the Downy.  


Like I said, I think we'll try on just one of them, to test the process.  I am not hoping for perfect AG hair, but at least getting it to NOT look like a rat's nest!  DD will most likely just braid the hair on both of them, so if we can get it somewhat smooth we'll be happy.  You know, I may just try this on a ratty looking Barbie first, just to see what it does to that hair!


I will definitely take before and after pics!


Thanks again!



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The only concern I have are is the repeated warnings not to get the scalp part "wet"; well, that part of the head is bad too, so not sure how I would get that part into the Downy.  



My guess is that this is so that water does not run down through the holes in the scalp (the ones where the hair comes out) into the inside of the head, where it would mold or rust the eyes.  If you keep the doll's head pointed down while she is being dunked, she should be okay.


Good luck, and congratulations on such an awesome gift!  I miss having a girl young enough to play with an AG doll.  Sniff sniff.

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My guess is that this is so that water does not run down through the holes in the scalp (the ones where the hair comes out) into the inside of the head, where it would mold or rust the eyes.  If you keep the doll's head pointed down while she is being dunked, she should be okay.


Good luck, and congratulations on such an awesome gift!  I miss having a girl young enough to play with an AG doll.  Sniff sniff.

There aren't holes in the head that the hair comes out of, since AG dolls' hair is a wig.  I'm not sure why you wouldn't want to get the scalp wet.  I cant imagine that it would hurt.  From my perspective, there's no reason not to try, and if it's a flop, send her to the AG hospital for a new head! 

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I would try spray detangler before the Downy dunk; just wrap a hand towel or two around the doll to prevent the liquid from getting in the eyes. We have Kirsten and her ridiculous amount of hair as well, and the spray detangler has worked well. You just need to use a fair amount of it and detangle small portions at a time.

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I rewigged a doll. It wasn't hard, but the hair wasn't anywhere near the quality of an AG doll's, and it wasn't cheap. It's fine to do it for a display doll, but I wouldn't other for a play doll. Downy Dunk all the way! You can also use a plastic clothing steamer - if you can find one - and it will really smooth out the hair beautifully. I found one at thrift shop and did my daughter's rewigged doll, and it even helped her hair. I also did the Josephina mini doll, and she looks tremendous.



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Have you seen the videos about using a flat iron? If the doll doesn't have curly hair you can try that. On one of dd's dolls the individual hairs would get bent and that would cause them to all tangle together. I did a low-temp flat iron on her and it worked pretty well.

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I rewigged a doll. It wasn't hard, but the hair wasn't anywhere near the quality of an AG doll's, and it wasn't cheap. It's fine to do it for a display doll, but I wouldn't other for a play doll. Downy Dunk all the way! You can also use a plastic clothing steamer - if you can find one - and it will really smooth out the hair beautifully. I found one at thrift shop and did my daughter's rewigged doll, and it even helped her hair. I also did the Josephina mini doll, and she looks tremendous.



I think the steamer would have the same effect as the flat iron and would be safer.
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