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First week of school and . . .

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. . . I'm discovering all the things that AREN'T working. And after all the time I put into planning our schedule!

This is what I've realized:

*While my study time is best done in the morning, that is when my 9yo ds best concentrates and really needs interaction.

*I REALLY need my dd14 (almost 15) to do most of her studying independently, without me doing all the planning, thus

I may have to switch up HER curriculum.

*I had PE scheduled for first thing in the morning, early, but none of us is enjoying the wake up time for that! But when else

do you do PE in the summer in Phoenix? It's still over 100 F every day here!


Anyone else having issues? (Jean, I already know YOU are!  :coolgleamA: )

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Surprisingly not yet. It's only day 3, so we're early into it yet. Because our life is totally chaotic anyway, we've started something new, school starts at noon. This give me time to get stuff done in the morning, ds can sleep in, and our subjects are going fairly well. 


It's like we've rotated our schedule to start later. 


Don't be too jealous, the rest of my life is pretty chaotic. I need a job like yesterday, my central AC needs work, which if I get gutsy enough to play with the 220 I can fix, ds can't find food he likes to eat and he's growing and hungry, my dog has licked a sore spot on her back, and I'm trying to cram vast amounts of math knowledge in my head in the next week so I can test out of college math classes. So yeah, school is a bastion of calm in comparison.

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*I had PE scheduled for first thing in the morning, early, but none of us is enjoying the wake up time for that! But when else

do you do PE in the summer in Phoenix? It's still over 100 F every day here!


Do PE as a block in the cool season? (We do all our PE over summer vacation)

If it's about regular physical actvity while it is so hot: can't you go swim? Or to a gym?

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As for PE, any cool place in which we could do PE would cost $$.

As for swimming, our pool is not cut out for anything more than play and the local pools are CLOSED already. Yeah, I know.

Might have to get some more Groupons! Tomorrow morning I decided we're going to the ZOO early, for PE, since we as members can get in

at 6 am! We're not going to be there then but we will be leaving our house at 6am! And Friday, our homeschool group is having a pool day at a family's

house, so that is PE for Friday. Saturday is the day off. Beyond that I'm going to have to figure something out!


We tried a "starting school later in the day" schedule last year but that didn't work out great, so I really don't want to do that again. The schedule needs revamping,

that much is obvious!


Elegantlion, I'm in school, too, so I get you there! Thankfully mine is a Masters Degree so all that General Studies nonsense is a non-issue.


Jean, message me to talk about dd14. Thanks for offering to help!

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Could you do some exercise videos for PE? You could pick something dancy like Zumba or something simple like Leslie Sansone DVDs. Shaun T from BeachBody made a kids' fitness DVD called "Fit Kids Club" that might appeal to your son.


The exercise DVDs might not be ideal for you, but at least you and the kids can do them in the house.


Do you have a treadmill, an elliptical machine, or an exercise bike?

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Dd18 and I have been following the Beginner's Calendar at Blogilates.com http://www.blogilates.com/calendar/beginners-calendar-for-popsters-just-starting-out It is really so much fun! No equipment at all is required---you don't even need a mat if you have carpet. You must need a small space, maybe 3' by 5' at the most. The YouTube videos for each day are linked right below the calendar page so no searching necessary.


Dd13 does Pilates at ballet each week. She thinks it's hysterical that I'm doing some of the same things she does.

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Thank you for all the suggestions. We live in a townhouse of less than 1400sf. Divide that in half and that's about the 'space' available on each floor.

No room for equipment like those mentioned above. I am researching our options. May just be more hiking the mountains and I'll leave the C25K training for me.

They do like hiking in the foothills here.

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We're in the valley too. We go out for exercise around 6:30 AM. When it's too warm we shove the furniture aside and put on exercise videos. 5 people trying to do one of those videos is hilarious, and we've made some great memories...lol.

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Well, I called the YMCA this morning and a family membership there is looking promising. It's not exactly close but close enough - about a 20-30 minute drive, depending on

traffic. With my veteran's discount it might actually work. Then (Jean) we COULD actually do stuff indoors because all fitness classes and open/lap swim are included!

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If you have a mall nearby they may open early for mall walking.  That would work for P.E.  Just plain calisthenics and body-weight exercises are good, too.  Buying something small and simple like a kettlebell, medicine ball or indoor rebounder might be an idea.  My rebounder folds up to fit under a bed if I need it to.



Anyone else having issues? (Jean, I already know YOU are!  :coolgleamA: )


So far (all available appendages crossed and knocking on wood) things are going really, really well here.  The curriculum is all a hit and DS has declared that he is enjoying it and the new schedule.  I don't know if it will last, but I'm calling it a win for now.  The only thing that may end up being a little iffy is Bible.  DS dug into the first chapter this week and apparently, "it's really hard."  :glare:

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