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Summer Theater class/camp woes, WWYD? And some vent...

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My ds's special summer activity this year was supposed to be theater camp/classes for August--a 4 day per week thing, not an overnight camp.


It is a new group that just got their space late last spring, and is the only thing like it to be tried in a rural area relatively near where we live.   Otherwise anything like this would require a long drive to a city.  I also know that  one of the main people in it has had some health issues.


Anyway, we arrived at the location and were told that as only 4 children had shown up that day, 2 for each of 2 different planned sessions (one of the others being a friend who we convinced to do it too) it would not happen that day, but they would call and see if others on their list were still planning to come or not, and if the two sessions could be combined.  Then we got a call in the evening, and they said, that it was only the 4 and that was not enough even in a combined session, so they would try to advertise and get more people and maybe start on Monday, and that they would let us know Sunday (3 days from now) night.  


I am finding myself increasingly annoyed.   I think it should be held for those who did show up, personally.   But aside from that I am not liking being on hold, so to speak, for something that might or might not happen.  I got a call about a possible outing to a lake for Monday, but, I do not know if we can go or not, because I will not know if the theater thing is or is not happening Monday until late Sunday.   (And, unless they say it is not, I guess I really will not know until we show up and it does happen, because we could just drive there again, and be told no again.  Even though it is way closer than things in the city it is still over an hour to go there and back--and longer to add on getting ready, kenneling our dog and so on.


They also had the attitude that we who showed up should go tell others how great it is and to join too--but it has not happened yet, so all I know is that it is very frustrating, and have no idea if it will be great or not, if it ever does happen.  I don't want more friends to also make a trip for nothing.  I felt bad about the one friend who did go having wasted her and her family's time and energy and gas money, and emotional energy in expectation and disappointment.



Any experiences along these lines or ideas for what to do, or say?   My overall goal is that I would like this new rural theater group with classes and programs for children to turn out to be a successful venture for the long run that my ds might be able to participate in for several years.   But so far it does not seem to be boding well.


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I would call and tell them that you won't make the drive again unless you are guaranteed a lesson, even if your child is the only one to arrive.  Though- with all the steps you have to go through and the time, I'd probably just drop it and wait for a better opportunity. 

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I'd tell them I would prefer a refund than to put my next 3 weeks on hold after having wasted one already. I'd try to say it politely, but I don't know that they'd take it that way no matter how I said it. And frankly, as long as I got my refund, I would care.


I have developed real close to zero patience for this unprofessional foolishness and ineptitude.

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Refund. That's crazy. And if they didn't have enough on the first week, it's highly doubtful they'll have enough during the following weeks.  I also think it's incredibly unprofessional that they didn't cancel ahead of time. Because of that, they should have just done it for the four kids, and had some kind of intensive training - voice, monologue, whatever.

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Thank you for all the ideas!  I also think they should have done it for just the 4 who were there.    They could have taught a "the show must go on" idea, and similar to if only 4 people are in audience, one may have hoped for full-house and been disappointed, but going ahead and giving the show may lead to word of mouth bigger audience.  Saying, "bye-bye, you aren't enough audience to bother with, but do talk it up to your friends and maybe tomorrow or next week the show will actually be performed" will likely just alienate the small audience one did have.  



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