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Summer is over and all through the house...


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Just posted this on my blog, thought some of you would appreciate it. :) 

Just popped in my head tonight as I sit and get my last minute stuff done for our first day back tomorrow!!!  :scared:




Summer is over...

Summer is over and all through the house 
Not a mama was sleeping not even an ounce.
Curriculum was organized in shelves with care,
In hopes that the bank account would soon be repaired.

The children were resting all sweet in their beds,
While visions of new read alouds danced in their heads.
And mama at the laptop, the printer going strong,
Had her coffee and planner working all the night long.

When all of a sudden, she jumped with a start,
Surely something is missing, I have forgotten some part!
Away to her lists and her charts she flew,
Reviewing the details and checklists to do.

But alas all was right in her crazy little world,
Ideas and excitement around her now swirled.
Curriculum ordered, all printed and bound,
She was ready, the children she would soon astound.

All the hard work and planning of the months past,
Would too soon be changed and she'd have to think fast.
For no matter how hard you plan and prepare,
The children never fit your plan, so not fair. 

So weeks and months down the road, don't despair.
Your children won't remember your plans, but your care.
So sleep homeschool mommy, rest indeed.
For free you shall be to enjoy them, take heed.

Love those little faces and smile at things gone awry.
Read stories, and cuddle, build tents and lie.
For the memories made and the love shared,
Will last forever, but precious time is rare.

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That is soooo beautiful! I'm gonna show it to my dd who has a little one of her own now. She is just in the beginning stages of *homeschool* reading Shepherding a Child's Heart. But I can see her relating this with our past experience,s and her future ones. Thanks for sharing!

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The only part is DON'T like is that summer is NOT. OVER. YET. Please, don't let summer be over!  Swim team just ended, so August is prime camp and vacation time for our family.  We'll not go back to 'school' until after Labor Day.  Ever.  :tongue_smilie:


Good luck with the beginning of your year.  By the end of August, I'm perfectly itching to get back into a routine and begin our new year of learning.  I'm just not there yet!  Thanks for sharing your poem.  It is a good reminder of what is important.





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Cute, but I'm wondering why summer is over it isn't even August yet. :lol:


:lol: yes, true...summer heat is in full force, but summer vacation ended for us sadly! :( I love our area when school ends in May, but then envy the northerners with their post labor day start dates... ;) 


Still ridiculously hot out, but I was ready for routine!!! 

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yes, true...summer heat is in full force, but summer vacation ended for us sadly! :( I love our area when school ends in May, but then envy the northerners with their post labor day start dates... ;)


Still ridiculously hot out, but I was ready for routine!!!

Routine is good. Kinda ready for that myself. Our PS don't start until after Labor Day here, so I would have a big revolt on my hands. Enjoy your year.

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