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Neighbor vent


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So Thursday night as I was tucking ds into bed, I heard a loud crunching noise.  From his bedroom window I saw a huge white pickup partially on our lawn backing up and then turning into our neighbor's driveway.  I sent dh out to see what happened, and our nice big rolling trash can with the latching lid to keep racoons out was in pieces.  It was late, and the person from the pickup had already gone inside, so I told dh I would go talk to them the next morning.  Well, the next day no one was home.  Or at least no one answered - the big pickup was still there.  I was gone all day today, so I didn't have a chance to try again until this evening. 


My neighbor was in fact home this time.  I told him what happened.  His response:  <shrug>  That must have been my brother.  He left to go back to Iowa this morning.  Sorry. 



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Um. Okay. I have two possible responses.


What did you expect him to do when informed that TWO DAYS ago his brother may have run over your trash can? He didn't do it and his brother is on the road to Iowa. I don't know your relationship with your neighbor either. If you aren't particularly buddies, then you are just some stranger showing up to complain about something without proof or witnesses. The error here was that you or your Dh should have gone over when it happened if you wanted compensation.


Response #2 if this is actually a JAWM vent:


That sucks.


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That does suck. 


Situations like this make me want to believe in karma.

At the very least, can you hope that his beautiful white truck was scratched up and damaged more than the cost to replace the garbage can?


I have more evil thoughts on this, but I'd probably better stop now.

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I would probably ask for his brother's phone number and call and ask him to pay for the damage. It doesn't hurt to try.


Even just to let him know he didn't get away with it.  It would be doubtful that you would get $$ from him, unless he is a more ethical person than he has shown to be so far.


He backed into your yard, and he shouldn't have done that.

He caused damage, and he wasn't responsible enough to double-check if he had done harm, or to contact you about it.


Outside garbage cans aren't cheap.  What if he had run over the family dog?



I have experience getting money out of people.  PM me if you really want the money and need some pointers.


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I don't see why distance is a huge problem. Ask for the brother's phone number, call him and tell him the replacement cost of a new garbage can. Put it nicely, say, "I'm sure you didn't realize it at the time...


Keep neighbor informed of the response. If you don't get compensation then White Truck Guy will be responsible for harming his brother's neighbors and not taking care of it. (This would be true whether the brother lived in Iowa or in town)


Or if you prefer, drop it in your neighbor's lap. "This is the amount of a new can. Please ask your brother to mail you (or us) a check."


That gives your neighbor the opportunity to get the money from his brother, or just give you the money because his brother is irresponsible. (If I were in neighbor's shoes and didn't get money from brother, I'd pay brother's share myself)


Because good neighbors are an important and valuable asset. He may need a favor from you someday.

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Just out of curiosity, given the neighbor's response, what makes anyone think that the neighbor would either 1)call his own brother to get $ out of him for the garbage can, or 2)pay for it himself? (Sure, TruSciFi could ask him to pay for it, but she probably shouldn't hold her breath waiting for him to man up, given his initial response.)


That said, I don't think that it would be wrong for her to ask him, if nothing else, to make him aware of the cost that she will have to incur to replace it. Personally, if I were in that situation, I'd go buy something exactly like what was wrecked and then take him the receipt and ask him to either reimburse or have his brother reimburse it.

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I have experience getting money out of people.  PM me if you really want the money and need some pointers.

Duckens, if it isn't too personal, would you mind just sharing here on the forum? I'm interested. If you'd prefer, you can PM me. Thanks. (From time to time, I have situations like this, and I'm not batting very well. I need to come across with more authority (?) or something.)

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That stinks, stinks, stinks!


Too bad you didn't get the license plate number and truck info.  I guess in hindsight, you should have called the police after the incident.  It makes me sad that the driver didn't notice his destruction and offer to replace the damaged property.  You might be able to get the info out of your neighbor, but would that cause a stress living next to him.


Have you tried googling his brother's last name and Iowa?  You might get the address on your own if you're lucky. I'd want to let him know he didn't get away unnoticed and even mention calling the police and or your insurance to report it. 

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