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Need suggestions for baby carriers for a plus size mama ;)

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I'm expecting number 6 in the fall so I need to figure out what kind of carrier will work well for me. I had a Moby Wrap with ds3, I weighed about 190lbs after he was born. After a few times wearing it is was stretched enough to fit me and my little guy comfortably. However, my baby got big fast and by about 3 months I stopped using it. I'm bigger now that I was at the end of my last pregnancy. I weigh *blushing* 240lbs right now. I'm pretty sure my Moby wrap isn't going to work when this baby is born. What is a good carrier for a plus size women? I don't need something for long hikes, or short ones for that matter. I need something to wear the baby around the house, and out shopping. I will be nursing, but I've never had luck nursing in a sling or a wrap so that really isn't a requirement. All of my babies have been very clingy and only sleep when being held. My babies also grow fast, they are usually 20lbs by 4 months! So I need something that is going to support that weight.


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I've always loved a ring sling, particularly for the newborn days - well, really the whole time. They come in any size - just a longer piece of fabric for a bigger gal and a shorter for a smaller gal. My favorite sling is from sleepingbaby.net.


Best of luck finding something that works for you! A comfy baby carrier is so essential.

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I'm expecting number 6 in the fall so I need to figure out what kind of carrier will work well for me. I had a Moby Wrap with ds3, I weighed about 190lbs after he was born. After a few times wearing it is was stretched enough to fit me and my little guy comfortably. However, my baby got big fast and by about 3 months I stopped using it. I'm bigger now that I was at the end of my last pregnancy. I weigh *blushing* 240lbs right now. I'm pretty sure my Moby wrap isn't going to work when this baby is born. What is a good carrier for a plus size women? I don't need something for long hikes, or short ones for that matter. I need something to wear the baby around the house, and out shopping. I will be nursing, but I've never had luck nursing in a sling or a wrap so that really isn't a requirement. All of my babies have been very clingy and only sleep when being held. My babies also grow fast, they are usually 20lbs by 4 months! So I need something that is going to support that weight.


You can order the Babyhawk mei tai with extra long straps. That would work, and is great for wearing around the house. Also good for supporting the weight.

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a podeagi.  it's a Korean baby carrier.  a friend has one, and I've used it to carry her babies.  piece. of. cake.   I wish I'd known about it when I was having my babies.  it has a learning curve to use, but it is VERY flexible on sizes as well as position.  both of mom, and baby.

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I just got an Infantino Mei Tai and I love it! It's way more comfortable than my old carrier, and the straps are plenty long...and my baby is 16 months old! I'm looking forward to using it as a front carrier and a backpack for a good long while, because she loves it when I wear her! :)

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