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Dog people- what on earth is wrong with mine?

plain jane

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My 5 year old dog has been having "issues" the last few weeks and I'm not sure what is going on.


He has peed on the floor 4x now and I'm not talking a piddle- I'm talking full out lake.  The other evening I was folding laundry on my bed when he walked in.  He looked at me, then peed all over the floor.   While he was peeing it was like he was in this weird stupor.  His eyes were glazed and he had a blank look on his face.  I kept calling his name over and over and asking him WTH?? but he didn't budge or move.  It was so weird.  And he peed for like a full minute.  After, he went on with his night without the slightest remorse (very odd for him, his demeanour is often very revealing of what he's been up to when we are out).


This morning my ds5 came into my room complaining that his bed smelled funny but he hadn't wet it (he often does wet through his pull-up).  I ran over and sure enough, his bed is SOAKED with urine.  Ugh.  Thank heavens he sleeps with a full plastic sheet covering it and all I had to do was wash the bedsheet.


There have been several other instances of finding pee in the house.  This dog has been house trained for the last 4 years. Makes no notion of needing to go out before peeing and this is so out of character for him.  It's like he's just "out of it" lately.


I talked to the vet and she said 5 is very young for mental issues but it's possible he's losing his mind, so to speak (but very unlikely).


The only thing the vet can offer is to do bloodwork to the tune of $200.  Bleh.  What is bloodwork going to tell me?  Do I want to go ahead with this?  And how the heck do I make this stop?  I do let him out often, and more often than not, he is barking and whining to come back in (he's a bit of a princess and hates being "banished" to his dog run area.


I'm not impressed with finding urine everywhere.  :glare:

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I read the description but none of it sounds like what is happening, other than the urination.  He has no period before or after that includes any kind of different behavior.  It's only when he was peeing that one time that he was seemingly out of it.  I don't know what he was like the other times he has peed as I wasn't around.


it was very out of character for him to come into a room, look me in the eye, then pee on my floor in front of me and not flinch or anything.  LIke it was a perfectly normal thing to do.  Sigh.

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it was very out of character for him to come into a room, look me in the eye, then pee on my floor in front of me and not flinch or anything. LIke it was a perfectly normal thing to do. Sigh.

That's exactly why I think Jean may be correct about it being a seizure. If he was an older dog, I might have also suspected a stroke, but the glazed eyes and blank look sure sound like a seizure to me.


Did you describe exactly what happened when you spoke with your vet? If you didn't mention the blank look and glazed eyes, I think you really need to do that, as I suspect that is an important piece of the puzzle.


I hope your dog is OK!



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That's exactly why I think Jean may be correct about it being a seizure. If he was an older dog, I might have also suspected a stroke, but the glazed eyes and blank look sure sound like a seizure to me.


Did you describe exactly what happened when you spoke with your vet? If you didn't mention the blank look and glazed eyes, I think you really need to do that, as I suspect that is an important piece of the puzzle.


I hope your dog is OK!




Ah. Ok. I'm thick. :blushing:


He didn't show any weird signs before or after like that site suggested but it does make sense now. I'll read more into this and talk to the vet about it when we go in. Thanks for explaining it.

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I hope something was lost in translation.  Because if I called my vet and described those symptoms in a five-year old dog, and he said in so many words "possibly something mental/your dog is losing his mind" . . . . I would be running as fast as I could to another vet.


Physical possibilities I can think of off the top of my head (which bloodwork would help diagnose) include diabetes melitus, diabetes insipidus, Cushing's disease, Addison's disease, liver or kidney issues.



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I hope something was lost in translation. Because if I called my vet and described those symptoms in a five-year old dog, and he said in so many words "possibly something mental/your dog is losing his mind" . . . . I would be running as fast as I could to another vet.


Physical possibilities I can think of off the top of my head (which bloodwork would help diagnose) include diabetes melitus, diabetes insipidus, Cushing's disease, Addison's disease, liver or kidney issues.

She said he was too young for that but anything was possible. It was the tech I spoke with, not the vet. We bring him in today so hopefully we will have some answers soon.

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Please update us and let us know what the vet says, Jane -- I hope it's nothing serious! :grouphug:


But do be sure to mention that your dog is housebroken and would normally look guilty about having an accident in the house, yet he didn't even seem to realize what he was doing when he peed on the floor right in front of you.

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She said he was too young for that but anything was possible. It was the tech I spoke with, not the vet. We bring him in today so hopefully we will have some answers soon.


Oh, goodness. That tech should not be saying such things.  Animals are like humans and can have diseases that cause problems you wouldn't typically see in younger pets. We had a cat die of renal failure at age 7, diagnosed at age 5, due to a non-functioning kidney he'd had since birth. His one kidney had been compensating. We had no idea.


Our dog has Addison's Disease and it has caused her to urinate in the house when her cortisol is low and she needs a shot. Addison's is tricky to diagnose.  We almost lost her.


:grouphug: I hope you get some answers soon.

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