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Oh, the Betrayal!

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I think he should have stayed retired and gone out at the top of his game. But, you know.....he didn't ask me this year! It will be a bitter pill for Packer fans to swallow!!


I agree! He should've played one more year with the Pack before retiring, but since he did he should have stayed retired. My theory is that Deanna realized he'd be home, all the time, during the season and urged him to return ;).


I really am sad. It's going to be hard to watch. And we just bought the boys Favre Jersies last year for Christmas. I can't believe he's going to be wearing another teams uniform. It's just not right :svengo:.

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With all the coverage this has gotten here, you'd think no one's been robbed, murdered or hit by a car in our fair city lately! I'm not a football fan (sshhh - this is sinful in GreenBay), but since we "own" (LOL) the team, and its so dramatic, I find myself sucked in. Its interesting to hear everyone dancing around "mental stability" and "irreversable wounds", with no one coming right out and stating facts. I'm not sure anyone knew any of this before. And I feel really bad for Aaron Rogers - even a child at practice the other day told him "You stink, we want Brett." He seems to be handling it like an adult, though - he's about the only one.


I, too, wish he would have just gone out like a legend instead of all this muck that will surely tarnish the end of (football) days for him. But, since no one is completely forthcoming with the reasons, its hard to make an informed decision from our vantage point. I can assure you - everyone has something to say about it here.

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Yes, I have heard the updates about Favre....HOURLY..from my avid ESPN Radio-listening sons.


My boys wanted me to mention to you that the Packers' division has little competition (with the exception of the Vikings) and that going to the Jets will allow Favre to play the best team in NFL history (The Patriots!!! Our favorite..LOL). We love our Tom Brady. Okay, the 11 yob has to maintain a standard of sibling rivalry and hate the Patriots...he likes the Steelers.


11 yob says that Favre will likely start for the Jets, but will be humbled when he gets clobbered by the teams in the AFC since it is the toughest conference.


One of my 14 yo twin boys mentioned that the Jets could fight be in a contest w/ the Bills to get second place now that they have Favre.


As you can see, we have been conversing on this issue multiple times per day.


Hugs to you, dear Cheesehead. Time will heal your wound....


How will you Cheeseheads react if Favre wins a division championship for the Jets...or even worse, the Superbowl?





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How will you Cheeseheads react if Favre wins a division championship for the Jets...or even worse, the Superbowl?



Well, the only good thing is that it will increase the value of the trade for the Packers if he does. If he takes them to the Superbowl this year then their trade goes from a 4th round draft pick to a first. :001_smile:

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I agree! He should've played one more year with the Pack before retiring, but since he did he should have stayed retired. My theory is that Deanna realized he'd be home, all the time, during the season and urged him to return ;).


I really am sad. It's going to be hard to watch. And we just bought the boys Favre Jersies last year for Christmas. I can't believe he's going to be wearing another teams uniform. It's just not right :svengo:.


Well, my ds will be proudly wearing his Shaun Alexander Seahawks jersey, even though he won't be playing either. So, they can still wear their jerseys with pride!!

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How will you Cheeseheads react if Favre wins a division championship for the Jets...or even worse, the Superbowl?



Gasp! Unspeakable! I envision riots of the flaming kind! All up and down Holmgren Way and Brett Favre Pass (yes, these are actual streets)!



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I am not into football at all, except for rooting for our poor underdogs, the Lions :D but I have avidly hated the Packers since jr. high..........and this has made me such a fan of theirs. Dh finds this very funny. I caught a snippet of sports radio a month ago and they were talking about the timeline of when Favre retired and changed his mind and changed his mind and changed his mind again and again, often within days of each other and how he strung the Packers along...........I think it is just awesome that they didn't give in to His Highness, the Ego, and stood their ground. I love it.

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Ooohh, you are really asking for it, Sally, speaking about Favre that way (laugh).


But what astounds me is that you admit to be a fan of the Lions! LOL. (said in a tone from a household of Lions fans who hide it).


Kitna is the best quarterback in that division, but he has no offensive line to protect him. The Lions had a first or second round draft pick from Boston College who may be able to give him some protection from the line.


We are hoping to see either Kevin Smith or Tatum Bell as running backs.


((((Hugs from a fellow Lions fan))))




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My twins say "They will not go to the Superbowl...PERIOD." LOL.


Mindy, how are ya'll receiving Aaron Rodgers? He's got some shoes to fill!


Well, considering that I'm a Seahawks fan and not a Packers fan, I'm just fine with him!!! ;) I do like Favre, though. I sure wouldn't want to BE Rodgers, however...unless he does really well and then people will be saying, "Brett who?"

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My dh (Wisconsin born, Packer fan for life) called this morning and asked if I'd seen the news yet...I was all worried until he said they made the trade...What...??? I said how sorry it all is and thanked him for not waking me last night. To me, it tarnishes Brett and is a slap in the face of all the Cheese-heads.


Camy, I can not even begin to dread a visit up to the in laws. Heated discussion doesn't begin to describe their table talk. And for the record...Unless someone died, do not call a Packer fan during the game...even new grandparents.:001_huh:


Brett Favre is leaving the Packers for the Jets. I cannot fathom. I feel so betrayed. What is he thinking? Why couldn't he just continue with his retirement on a happy note as planned?



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....then people will be saying, "Brett who?"


Mindy, I just cannot imagine that happening!


One of my twins says he thinks the Seahawks will win their division and then get a wildcard bid for the Superbowl this season. They've upgraded their running back talent because they released Sean Alexander. The other twin says they have Julius Jones and TJ Duckett who will do very well, in his opinion.


There ya go, Mindy! LOL



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Mindy, I just cannot imagine that happening!


One of my twins says he thinks the Seahawks will win their division and then get a wildcard bid for the Superbowl this season. They've upgraded their running back talent because they released Sean Alexander. The other twin says they have Julius Jones and TJ Duckett who will do very well, in his opinion.


There ya go, Mindy! LOL




I'm hoping for a good season. It will be Homgren's last season, so I hope he has a good one!!

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Well, as true to the core Viking Fans, we're glad to see him not playing for Green Bay. ;) On the other hand, we would have been thrilled to see him in Minnesota.


It's sure hard being married to the last true blue Viking Fan!



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And I feel really bad for Aaron Rogers - even a child at practice the other day told him "You stink, we want Brett." He seems to be handling it like an adult, though - he's about the only one.






How horrible for that child to say that - you KNOW it's coming from the adults in his life.

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How horrible for that child to say that - you KNOW it's coming from the adults in his life.


Absolutely. I've lived in GB nearly all my life, so I don't know if we are out of the norm or not, but the Packers is an all-consuming thing here. Parents and children alike hold back very little when discussing it and its a ghost town here during the games; no traffic to be seen up until a few years ago, and now only a smattering of cars (obviously re-located individuals who don't understand the protocol, LOL). And everyone has something to say, some opinion, often times depending on the here-and-now performance or based upon snippets of info. Unfortunately, this child was not alone - the majority were chanting similar things. In an interview shortly after the practice w/Aaron Rogers, he seemed so young to be so wise and taking it very well, even though it was evident in his eyes that it hurt. He chose his words well and wasn't negative or proud in the least. It was rather impressive, compared to the rest of the situation, IMO (I really don't know if all the local hoo-ha gets out and about across the country). And when this is all said and done, I believe it will have gotten him far in the opinions of Green Bay fans everywhere.

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:grouphug:I feel your pain. Although I'm a MN Vikings fan (no rotton tomatoes, please, I'm true to my team!:glare:) I'm disappointed that he didn't come to us! What other team needs him more than my pathetic Vikes, I ask you?


Although my dh knew that trade wasn't likely to happen - no way would Green Bay want Farve quarterbacking the Vikings - he's been a little down today. I swear if those Vikes could ever pull off a Super Bowl, my husband would be content the rest of his days.


We never give up!



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Yes, I have heard the updates about Favre....HOURLY..from my avid ESPN Radio-listening sons.


My boys wanted me to mention to you that the Packers' division has little competition (with the exception of the Vikings) and that going to the Jets will allow Favre to play the best team in NFL history (The Patriots!!! Our favorite..LOL). We love our Tom Brady. Okay, the 11 yob has to maintain a standard of sibling rivalry and hate the Patriots...he likes the Steelers.


11 yob says that Favre will likely start for the Jets, but will be humbled when he gets clobbered by the teams in the AFC since it is the toughest conference.


One of my 14 yo twin boys mentioned that the Jets could fight be in a contest w/ the Bills to get second place now that they have Favre.


As you can see, we have been conversing on this issue multiple times per day.


Hugs to you, dear Cheesehead. Time will heal your wound....


How will you Cheeseheads react if Favre wins a division championship for the Jets...or even worse, the Superbowl?






You're 11 yob is wise beyond his years!

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You're 11 yob is wise beyond his years!


I *just* noticed your response to my post today...


Now (said w/ raised eyebrow...the right brow...and a squinted right eye)..are you blasting our dear Brady (quarterback for the Patriots) or seconding 11 yob's opinion of the Steelers?


Just checking (said w/ a head-bob...LOL)




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