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Crock Pot Dinner, Oops! Is it safe to eat?


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I put 3 chicken breasts in the crock pot at 10:30 this morning with some seasoning and chicken broth. I just checked on it to see if I could start shredding if for the enchiladas I was going to make with them. I then noticed that instead of putting it on low this morning that I had put in on the keep warm setting.


It's not 4:45 and it's been sitting on the keep warm temp for about 6 hours. I am guessing it's to late to salvage this? I don't have a thermometer to check the temp right now but the crock-pot is warm but the chicken is not cooked either. :glare:

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I'd probably toss it too. That type of warmth seems like it would be a perfect environment for bacteria to grow to harmful levels. And I'm not the type to follow all the meat safety rules by the book. I've been known to let thawed meat sit out for an hour or so before cooking (or realizing it has thawed).

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If the chicken was cooked to not being pink inside, I would have served it.  I once had a Crockpot that cooked so hot that I had to cook things on keep warm or they dried out.  That doesn't sound like what happened here though.

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