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Are there any jobs working with abused/neglected/needy children that doesn't require a degree?


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I'm asking for someone that I know. They have a heart for working kids who need love....abused, abandoned, neglected, etc. They have some college but a degree is just not in the picture right now. Are there any jobs available in this type of field without having a degree? Maybe just training or something? I thought that maybe someone here may have some ideas since I was coming up blank.

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Yes. My sister worked at a shelter run by Catholic Children's Services for years. She hasn't got a degree, just a G.E.D. and heart for the work (having been a resident of that same shelter before becoming part of our family).


There's also foster parenting--though foster/adopt is the preferred model, there are also emergency, respite, and therapeutic foster parents.

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No. It was a faith-based nonprofit, but like many such worked to take care of children in state care.


Many workers need training but not a degree. Positions with "aide" in the title are a good place to start.


ETA: a background check/fingerprinting are also going to be necessary.

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Well, this job may not put her working with children directly, but (sadly) a legal advocate or paralegal at a not-for-profit legal service center will spend the vast majority of his or her time helping women and their children get out of abusive relationships/households/marriages. In some states you do have to have a degree to work in this capacity, but in some you do not.


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. Positions with "aide" in the title are a good place to start.


ETA: a background check/fingerprinting are also going to be necessary.


This. The pay will not be great. But if she eventually wants to go back to school for a degree, the experience will be helpful.


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Another thought is that some Family Courthouses have child care centers, where the children stay while their parent(s) have their court dates. My best friend is the co-ordinator/director at the one in my city. That might be a decent place to look for a child care position.

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