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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Friday.  Yay.  (Trying to muster up some internal enthusiasm...)


Done So Far:


Dd to music camp


Stop at Parent-Teacher store

Stop by the church - assembled bulletins, finished prep. & set-up S.S. craft supplies


Irrigated eyes to try to relieve burning


To Do:

Kitchen.  I don't' want to do this.  Everything (not really) is covered in mushed-up blueberries

Dishes.  Ditto above comment.

Figure out what to do with 1/2 bushel of peaches that aren't quite ripe

Story Time

Music practice w/kids

More emails

Pick up dd from music camp


Irrigate eyes again

Meal plan for next week


Lunch - lettuce wraps, grapes

Dinner - Quesadillas?  or soup.  Or something that doesn't require cooking.





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Done so far:


Personal hygiene, dressing and all that stuff.  I won't be embarrassed if the neighbors stop by!

Made beds

Animals are all cared for.  The cat is wailing in angst but he does that sometimes for no discernible reason.

Breakfast with no grains.  Sigh.

Couponing.  A necessary evil.

Got ds set up with his logic.

Got dd set up with "The Jungle Book".  She's complaining about the 'archaic language' but she will live.  


Next up:  clean the kitchen.  Hopefully my sister will answer the phone and it will make the time pass more quickly.


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This is going to be pretty much a do-nothing day for me...dh and I "camped" overnight at the grand opening of Boudin Bakery to get a year's worth of free bread on Wed night - it was chilly and drizzly so I didn't get much sleep, plus there was a doozy of a car accident where I got to give first aid to the driver and wait for the ambulance to show up - guy will be OK but yikes...no one else wanted to check on him because they were sure he was going to be dead. :glare:


So, trying to rest and recoup today although I have to take my dd to the dr later on this afternoon. Will probably do some laundry and school work.

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Wow, Sparkle.  That was some night.   I hope the injured man recovers quickly.  Thank God you were there with your compassion and clear thinking.  On a less serious note, I've never heard of getting free bread for a year.  How does that work?


11:30 - 

Ds is done with his logic and has been assigned his Latin.

Dd is done with her reading.

I talked to my sister and got my kitchen clean and got the refrigerator cleaned out too.  

And I took my meds.  

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O:K - my head is spinning trying to figure out which one of the gazillion things on my mental list I should do next.  So. . . laundry.  We'll do laundry.  I'm going to make dd get all the dirty clothes off her bedroom floor while we're at it.  And per someone's suggestion on one of my allergy threads, it is time to do a very hot wash of all of ds's bedding again this week.  

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I'm in...it's now 3:15 and we've:


wiped down and cleaned the kitchen

vacuumed all three floors

dusted all furniture 

cleaned all four bathrooms

clean sheets and towels in all rooms

laundry is going and will be for sometime


Next up dinner prep...then sofa therapy. :)

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Wow, Sparkle.  That was some night.   I hope the injured man recovers quickly.  Thank God you were there with your compassion and clear thinking.  On a less serious note, I've never heard of getting free bread for a year.  How does that work?


11:30 - 

Ds is done with his logic and has been assigned his Latin.

Dd is done with her reading.

I talked to my sister and got my kitchen clean and got the refrigerator cleaned out too.  

And I took my meds.  


Jean: Boudin Gives Away the Dough  I am the last person pictured/interviewed in the article.

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Been taking it easy today.  Just a lazy Friday but do have a few things I need to do yet

To Do:
finish moving books to the backroom so they are no longer cluttering up my kitchen.

clean the backroom around the books

finish cleaning the kitchen including the floor once the books are out of there
drive ds14 to and from work

more laundry (as usual)

water veggie garden

clean front entrance (including floor)

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Worked 7-11:30

Met a friend for lunch

Took dd to meet friends at the movie

While waiting on dd, shopped for ingredients to make 3 cakes for a bake sale this Sunday

Picked dd up, and then shopped for the cold ingredients


Now, I'm pooped! I still have more to do, but I want to relax first.

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Friday.  Yay.  (Trying to muster up some internal enthusiasm...)


Done So Far:


Dd to music camp


Stop at Parent-Teacher store

Stop by the church - assembled bulletins, finished prep. & set-up S.S. craft supplies


Irrigated eyes to try to relieve burning


To Do:

Kitchen.  I don't' want to do this.  Everything (not really) is covered in mushed-up blueberries

Dishes.  Ditto above comment.

Figure out what to do with 1/2 bushel of peaches that aren't quite ripe

Story Time

Music practice w/kids

More emails

Pick up dd from music camp


Irrigate eyes again

Meal plan for next week


Lunch - lettuce wraps, grapes

Dinner - Quesadillas?  or soup.  Or something that doesn't require cooking.


It's 10 'til 5 and I still don't know what to make for dinner.  Ordinarily I'd ask dh to pick up something cheap on the way home, but since we're eating gluten free for the time being, there's no such thing as "pick up cheap on the way home."  Maybe we should have chef salad.  Yes - that will do.  I'll quick hard boil some eggs and cut up some leftover chicken.  I have some gf tortilla chips, too.

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Been taking it easy today.  Just a lazy Friday but do have a few things I need to do yet


To Do:

finish moving books to the backroom so they are no longer cluttering up my kitchen.

clean the backroom around the books

finish cleaning the kitchen including the floor once the books are out of there

drive ds14 to and from work

more laundry (as usual)

water veggie garden

clean front entrance (including floor)


Well so far I have dropped ds off at work, then ran to the bank to deposit a forgotten cheque, and to the drug store to pick up ds's prescription the dr faxed in yesterday.  I really should get a move on.  It is 5 pm and I have to be at ds's job at 10pm to pick him up.  So about 4.5 hours to get the list done.

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Made my Tomato Free Marinara sauce.  Now I'm making the normal marinara sauce and the pasta.  I'm just going to drop dd off at volunteering.  I'm not going to Zumba.  I know, I know, heresy.  But I still don't feel tip-top.  And I can't eat the regular pasta and so I have to make zucchini noodles - which won't take that long but will take longer than I have before Zumba starts.  Having food allergies takes up a whole bunch of time.  

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OK - I am such an idiot.


I left to drop dd off at the Y and left the Tomato free marinara on the stove.  I came home to the smell of burned beets and dh and my ds saying "What's burning?"   :glare:   Fortunately it was only burned on the bottom.    It actually is very tasty!  I had it on zucchini "noodles" which is doubly virtuous.


But that's not what makes me an idiot.  I had gf pancakes today at lunch so that I could join the kids in their pancake lunch.  I never even thought to check to see if it was made with POTATO flour.  I didn't check until I started to wonder why my pain was ramping up tonight.  Sigh.  Staying nightshade free is more difficult than I thought and being gf on top of it is going to kill me.  

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