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Celebrating and not just because it is Canada Day


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We got the phone call about an hour ago. DD13 leaves on Monday for a 2 week Christian pioneer camp thanks to a full scholarship covering all but her tuck and bus costs (the camp will pick her up and drop her off in the city 2 hours from me-rather than me driving the 5.5 or so hours to it). She spends the first 5 days at the ranch learning the proper care of the horse that will be her's for the 2 weeks and then they do a 5 day long excursion, where they trail ride all day and set up camp each night, then back for the final few days at the ranch again. Never in a million years did I ever think a camp like this would be possible given the cost of it vs the amount of money we have, but a full scholarship! Holy cow. The whole thing came as a surprise, last Thursday late afternoon I got a call from the camp that dd had entered the draw they had at the christian youth conference she attended and while she did not win would she still be interested in attending. I told them our financial situation didn't allow for camps like that which was too bad because it was her dream camp. The lady said, your situation is exactly what we have the scholarship fund for and decisions are being made tomorrow! So I filled out a registration for camp online, faxed over the completed scholarship application both within minutes of hanging up and then waited. The scholarship form said they typically only offer 1/2 the price of camp but in special circumstances will consider a full scholarship. Despite it being a holiday today the call came in!.


I guess tomorrow I am doing laundry and packing dd. Her kit list is huge, and packed in 2 separate packs, 1 for the trail and 1 for the ranch. Talk about the chance of a lifetime, she has asked for a camp like this for going on 9 years and I have always had to tell her no, that I simply could never afford one like this. Tonight when she gets home before we head out for the free movie, I get to tell her she is going to the camp of her dreams!


I had to post, because I am just so overjoyed with the blessing this scholarship is, and to celebrate my dd being given the opportunity to do something she has always dreamed of. God is good!

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When the kids came home to get ready for the movie I acted all stern like I was mad about something and said "I received quite the phone call tonight" DD got very worried that she had done something wrong lol Then I said, yeah it indicated to me that we have a lot of packing to do before Monday. So they asked why that was. And I said to dd "Because I have to take you to meet your bus to horse camp" Let's just say my sunburn is still feeling the effects of her hanging off of me, though the tears cooled it down. She was so embarassed to be crying in front of the boy she likes, but she was just slightly overwhelmed with excitement.

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