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Father's Day after loss


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To all those on the board who have lost their fathers.........


I hope you have a Father's Day weekend filled with good memories. My father passed March of last year so this is my second Father's Day without him. Last year, it was still so fresh. This year, it is still quite sad.


Take care.......

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What a sweet thought. I know it's a bit trendy to write these days off as Hallmark Holidays, but for me that's not purely evil. In fact, the opposite really. It's a day that I know I'm not alone in missing someone who was special to me. It might be sad that it takes Hallmark to make that happen, but I'm grateful anybody does (make it happen).


I won't forget my special person, but life gets busy and others naturally will; these are the days that I feel I'm not the only one still missing and loving someone who has passed. I appreciate your thoughts, and hope your sadness is peppered with some special, happy memories.


And I'd like to extend this to those who have lost the fathers to their children ... :Angel_anim:.

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Thank you. My dad passed away 6 years ago and Father's Day is still hard for me.


In fact, I have lost 2 dads. My dad was killed in a car accident when I was 5. My mom remarried and he adopted us. He was my daddy in every sense but blood related. He died from cancer 6 years ago. It doesn't help that I don't have a good relationship with my mom and I was super close to him.


I try to focus on the fact that my DH is an awesome dad. And his dad is pretty awesome too. I am blessed in spite of my losses.

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My dad's been gone 13 years now and it is still so hard. I get emotional every year when my dds are making or buying their dad cards. It doesn't help that my birthday is always at the same time. The worst years for me are when my birthday is on Father's Day. I remember my dad telling me that I was his gift that year. I also try to focus on the fact that I married an awesome guy and my girls are so fortunate, so I want to make the day special for him.


:grouphug: to all of us out there missing our dads.

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I'm going through this now. Dad is dying and being evaluated for hospice tomorrow. I woke up tonight and started crying again. He's 87, we've been expecting it in some sense, but that doesn't make it easier. I want to be strong for my kids, but I can't stop crying. I don't want to be this sad. I just never realized it would be this hard.

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I'm going through this now. Dad is dying and being evaluated for hospice tomorrow. I woke up tonight and started crying again. He's 87, we've been expecting it in some sense, but that doesn't make it easier. I want to be strong for my kids, but I can't stop crying. I don't want to be this sad. I just never realized it would be this hard.


I don't think one is ever fully prepared to lose a parent. :grouphug:


This will be my second Father's Day without my dad.

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:grouphug: To all missing their dads. Losing a parent is so hard. I'd love to give each of you a real hug.


I lost my mom the week after Mother's Day and the last day I saw her was Mother's Day. I'd just like to skip it altogether next year :( .

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