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I think different martial arts have different rules, and I'm sure individual dojos/schools have their own set of rules. We went to Tae Kwan Do and our advancement was a special event held for the whole school so everyone could test on the same day. Tournaments were not mandatory. I know I've also heard people complain about all the various fees associated with some dojos, like for tournaments and stuff. The one we went to had one contract and no hidden fees anywhere.

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tournaments aren't mandatory for my son either. He has done them, but only because his teacher expressly invited and encouraged him to compete. He got a trophy each time. :)


Your son will probably end up wanting to do them, but the first one needs to some how be his choice and he needs to be set up for success.


Otherwise its just an expensive Saturday.

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My kids have taken Karate & Jujitsu via the community center. It's actually a company that is hired out by the rec. department. Going to a tournament is traditional in my experience. It really can be a good experience, once they are ready. They get to see a variety of levels working, plus some things he will not be able to do until he reaches a higher belt level. You have to take him to a tournament EVERY time they hold one. My kid's instructors tell them when they think they're ready to test for an advancement. That way we don't have to waste time/money going to a tournament that they would have no chance to get a new belt.

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My son is a 2nd degree black belt who has been training for about 9 yrs. and he has never participated in a tournament. Here, they are totally optional and unrelated to belt testing. Through blue belt the belt testing is done within your own dojo with a group. Once you are up for black belt you go to a regional location where hundreds of students are testing for one of many black belt levels. That is an all day event.

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My Black Belt has been studying for 4 years and has never participated in a tournament.


Different styles/gyms/dojos/instructors have different rules and expectations. Tournament particpation is not an uncommon or unreasonable requirement, but not one that everybody wants or needs.

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Tournaments were mandatory for my son to get his black belt at his old school. They aren't mandatory at his new school and I think it is a disservice to the kids. Tournaments are expensive and I don't find them fun, but they really helped my son improve. People don't spar at school like they do in tournaments because those people are friends and the extra motivation to win isn't there. I can see a marked difference in the abilities and attitudes of the kids in the different schools and I know it isn't all because of the tournaments, but I think the over confidence of the students in the new school is due to lack of competition and tournament participation. I don't think I'll let my daughters get their black belts at this school if they don't attend any tournaments.

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eople don't spar at school like they do in tournaments because those people are friends and the extra motivation to win isn't there.


Hmmm that's an interesting perspective that I hadn't considered. Sparring is the area where my son is the weakest. Forms pose no problem for him, but the sparring has always been a struggle. This has always baffled me because he routinely spars in class with men (and women) who are easily 3 - 4 times his size. He couldn't hurt them if he tried, and yet, he is still so timid about it.

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