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Exercise Thread ~ 6/9-6/15


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Interesting article on leanness, strength and body image. I've been thinking about this here myself. While I wouldn't mind to lose a few more pounds I'm in my range. I've been eating more towards trying to fuel myself instead of trying to lose. I'm trying to focus more on gaining strength. I need to think more on my goals and my priorities. Just the other day I was telling my mom and sil about how I really want to be strong again. I want to be able to do a real pull-up again. I want to be able to do real push-ups and lots of them. I'd love to be able to do some of the more challenging moves in yoga which right now I'm not near strong or flexible enough right now to pull-off.

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Interesting article on leanness, strength and body image. I've been thinking about this here myself. While I wouldn't mind to lose a few more pounds I'm in my range. I've been eating more towards trying to fuel myself instead of trying to lose. I'm trying to focus more on gaining strength. I need to think more on my goals and my priorities. Just the other day I was telling my mom and sil about how I really want to be strong again. I want to be able to do a real pull-up again. I want to be able to do real push-ups and lots of them. I'd love to be able to do some of the more challenging moves in yoga which right now I'm not near strong or flexible enough right now to pull-off.



I don't have anyone irl to talk to about fitness. I just get scoffed at.

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It is a big "problem" especially if you are already on the small side. It is expected quite often that we should not eat healthily or be active. Then for women like in the article I posted who are trying to gain muscle that is seen as especially weird. It seems we cannot win. People who are overweight are watched like a hawk as they should be exercising and not eating. If you are "too small" by whatever standards you must be anorexic or have some other type of eating problem. Anyway, I think it is good to examine our personal goals outside of what we think others think.


Personally I've found it interesting in the few months I've seen a couple of different pics set of women at the same weight but vastly different sizes. Of course we know that weight is just a number and not always the best indicator of anything.

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We went to the bike park yesterday, although I didn't get to ride much. My 3yo wants to ride on her trike, which is unfortunately painfully slow, so I did a bit w/ her on my bike and then I decided just to walk. The baby wasn't tolerating the trailer anyway. However, we did get a good walk in and dh and I did several sprint races. So, at least I got in some sprints this week. We did a set of pushups as well. I can only manage a couple of reg pushups with any decent form BUT I can at least do 20 now from my knees. I'd like to be able to do 10 from my toes by the end of the month.


I can still remember the first time I tried a real push-up, iirc it was about 11 years ago. I had been working out at that point pretty hard and consistently for about 1 yr. I couldn't do a single one, not even a little bit. However, I started working on them nearly every day and once you are able to do one it is so much easier to practice and increase your skill. The same w/ pull-ups. I've only been able to do those once, when I did p90x a few years back. I worked on the negatives for a good while. Right now I'm using the bands, 2 as I'm not strong enough to just use one. I need to work the negative more as well as I really think that helps build the strength faster.


Rambling a bit, anyway, plan is to do something today, what I haven't decided. I need to figure that out I guess. We were to bed late late night so I'm waking up slowly today.

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I'll post for accountability. Thanks for having me.


Sunday - was a lazy day for me; I took the baby for a couple of walks so I did get in some movement.

Monday - Day 1 C25K (completed); taking baby in the Burley(10 miles); then tennis this afternoon (1.5 hours)


I will update as I finish.


ETA: Added completed times or distances

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did my regular yoga practice. my hamstrings are stiff from the bar method on saturday. while doing standing forward bend, I had to use a block. I haven't had to use a block for months. - I honestly don't think TBM has enough stretching for the work they're doing. I have found if properly stretched after a workout, I don't get stiff.

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did my stepped up yoga practice. It works more core/upper body. It doesn't have as many twists or stretches. But I will add it into rotation. (she does table top instead of bridge pose. It's a killer on the wrists.)


doing my stretchy yoga yesterday did wonders for how tight the bar method practice left my hamstrings. I knew there wasn't enough stretching.

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First time checking in here. I really like the variety of exercise you're all doing! Great job.


Sunday - Tennis: 1.5 hours, Cycling: 1 hour

Tuesday - Strength work-out: 30 min.



Soror, love your comments on building strength and feeling strong again. I've slowly let my upper body strength slide, and want to build it up again.

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Dee- Welcome! It is so much easier to lose strength, endurance, etc then it is to gain it. But wow, what a great feeling to have it.


Negin hope you feel better!


I had a long day yesterday. I didn't even sleep 4 hrs then I ran errands, many, many errands all w/ 4 kids, including the baby. Then we went swimming at a friends house and didn't make it home until almost 8 pm. I was exhausted but I did my push-ups and pull-ups. I just went for a number and not a time as speed was not going to happen yesterday.


Tuesday- 120 push-ups (knees)- 25 pull-ups (w/bands)

I really tried to focus on my form and concentrated on the negatives with the pull-ups. Wow, before I could at least do the negatives w/out bands and now I cannot even do that well.


I do think I can see some changes in my shoulders already. I'll be anxious to compare my 4 week shots, 1.5 weeks to go!

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Wednesday - 5km run


Soror - you are so right about the ease and quickness of LOSING strength and endurance. My short run felt heavy this morning. It's the first time I've run in 3 weeks, since my marathon. Time to get back on the "horse" and recommence a running training plan! :o I'm doing a 5km run with my ds on July 1 - his very first! Then I have a half marathon in September.

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I did an old Jane Fonda Weights routine.


Negin hope you feel better!

Thank you. Today seems to be much better already.


I do think I can see some changes in my shoulders already. I'll be anxious to compare my 4 week shots, 1.5 weeks to go!

Good for you! :)


Soror - you are so right about the ease and quickness of LOSING strength and endurance.

Yes, I can fully relate to this also. Each and every time I lose my momentum.



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wednesday: kenpo- 20 minutes- still recovering from lack of sleep.


Baby slept decently last night and I almost got in 10 hrs, hopefully I'll be nearly normal today, although I slept late so we'll see when I get to work-out. Almost done w/ week 3 of my 4 week challenge. Yoga today and squat and pushups tomorrow. I have a good hike planned this weekend for Father's Day, it is only 3 miles but a very rough 3 miles, it will take at least 3 hrs. I think it took us even longer than that when we did it before as we each had a kid strapped on us.

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Wed night - Taekwon-Do training

Thurs - Run 5km with ds.


It really blows my mind how easy my ds can run 5km! Why couldn't I do this at his age or 30 years later?! :laugh:


I also find it amazing how many of you moms can get out there (or in the house) and get active with little ones! Awesome and inspiring!!


High heels - Ropes courses are so much fun, and what an upper body work-out! No wonder you needed some rest days!

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Thurs. evening - Tennis for 2 hours


ScouterMominIL - Another tennis mom!! And you play with your kids, too! Someone after my heart. My kids are enjoying tennis as well, though I can still beat them. This will change in a few years, I'm sure! :001_rolleyes:



Sadly, on the drive home from tennis, the dc and I hit a deer. We're fine, the deer isn't, and the front end of the van is in pieces along the road. :huh:

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Hi all. I usually don't work out at all, but I have found motivation in the last two weeks. I have lost four pounds and my body is completely different already. Not sure if I have a goal weight wise - losing seven more pounds would put me back at my favorite weight of 115. It's been a long time!


Every Morning: Turbo Jam's 20 min workout


Every Evening: Turbo Jam's Ab Jam (standing only)

Bar Method's Change Your Body (minus abs)


I'm trying to figure out what to eat and when. My night time workout isn't until 10-11. Then I go to bed within an hour or two. I wake up a bit lightheaded, eat a yogurt and do cardio. After that, I need to take a nap! Obviously, I haven't figured out the best way to replace the energy I'm losing.

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Hi all. I usually don't work out at all, but I have found motivation in the last two weeks. I have lost four pounds and my body is completely different already. Not sure if I have a goal weight wise - losing seven more pounds would put me back at my favorite weight of 115. It's been a long time!


Every Morning: Turbo Jam's 20 min workout


Every Evening: Turbo Jam's Ab Jam (standing only)

Bar Method's Change Your Body (minus abs)


I'm trying to figure out what to eat and when. My night time workout isn't until 10-11. Then I go to bed within an hour or two. I wake up a bit lightheaded, eat a yogurt and do cardio. After that, I need to take a nap! Obviously, I haven't figured out the best way to replace the energy I'm losing.


Great job! You look very dedicated. Maybe try some granola and/or a banana in the yogurt. Our muscles need some quick carbs for energy.

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Change of plans here as dh was off today we went on our hike a few days early. It was just as hard as I remembered but we were quicker. 1 hr on the way up and 1 hr on the way back, the trail is sooooo very rough, you have to watch every step. On the way back it is nearly straight up the rocks and then up and up and up, goodness it kicked our butt.


Fri: 2 hr BUTT kicking hike


Sat will probably be a rest and I'll try to get a bike ride w/ sprints, squats and pushups on Sun. I almost did my squats and pushups before we left but I'm so glad I didn't as my legs were toast as it was. I did pull one of my quads a bit when I tripped but it seems ok now, hopefully it isn't sore tomorrow.

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