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Sunburn at 25 weeks pg - help


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The main concern for the baby is mom's dehydration and potential rise in body temperature (which can accompany a more serious sunburn). As long as she stays well-hydrated and tries to keep her temperature down the baby should be fine. Wrapping her calves in wet cool towels can help bring down body temperature. From what you've described (redness, no blisters) it sounds uncomfortable but not too serious. The baby should be just fine. :grouphug:

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When I was badly sunburned a few years ago during my 2nd trimester, my midwife made sure I did things to build up my immune system. She said that sunburn during pregnancy can adversely affect the mother's immune system. So, along with lots of water, I would have her research safe ways to build up her immune system. hth

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Guest inoubliable

It wouldn't even have occurred to me that it would be a problem.



You and me, both.


What matters that you're pregnant if you get a sunburn?? :confused1:

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I thought the question was going to be different. How to help it heal/soothe it. My dd (not pregnant!) got a bad burn last year at the beach. I put her in a tub with lots of tea bags. Lots and lots of tea bags. I want to say everything left in the box. The tannins did their work and she was better in a day.


(oh the spelling errors I just fixed would have made you laugh!)

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you don't want to use any kind of gel in the first 24 hours because it holds in the heat and makes the burn worse. I've occasionally had good luck with making a strong black tea, and soaking the skin with it (after it's cooled) during the first 24 hours.

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