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I have a new dog but I hate people who abuse dogs


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I guess we can't put emoticons in the title.


I have a wonderful new dog. Here is how it happened. My old, sick mini poodle disappeared in early April. We, the vet and everyone basically thinks he went off to die alone, as dogs do sometimes. Yesterday morning, I got a call from a woman who lives on a nearby mountain in my city. She had found a mini poodle mix and wanted to make sure it wasn't my dog. It wasn't, since mine was a pure breed and this dog was younger and fat, while my dog was visibly old (you could see cataracts and he was actually almost completely blind) and skinny. But I was talking with her about her find and I asked her if she was planning to keep the dog. She wasn't since she already had two large dogs- Great Dane and Weimaraner and was involved with Great Dane rescue so needed to have the ability to take one of their dogs, if needed. She did tell me that the dog needed treatment and that she was just waiting the required seven days before trying to get it to an appropriate shelter, rescue, etc. for new home placement. Well I expressed interest and through talking with me, she figured out that I was a responsible pet owner. She had told me that the dog was a great dog, barks only once at doorbell, totally housebroken, non aggressive, got along with her other animals and her younger kids. SHe would come over in an hour.


What the dog turned out to be is a poodle/corgi mix. He has a corgi body but a poodle head and probably mostly poodle hair. She had to mostly shave him since he was so matted when she found him he couldn't poop. We took him and called for a vet appointment. He had bad ears, we could see, and like the woman had said, a big hard mass in his throat area. She said her vet, who had checked him for microchips, told her that it probably wasn't cancer since he was still eating well, too fat (turns out by five pounds), and generally not acting sick at all. So off we went to the vet.


Here is what we figured out about his abuse- his ears have been permanently changed because of untreated infection for so long- his ear cartilage is much larger than it should be and won;t go down but won't bother him once we get rid of the infection. We did ask for the mass to have a syringe inserted and send the cells to a lab. The vet did that and came back with a syringe full of blood. He doesn't have cancer, almost certainly, he had a giant bruise. It was hard because there was so much blood packed in. My dd noticed that while we were waiting that it looked like he had had a too tight collar because new skin was growing in around his neck in a collar fashion. It was pink while the rest of his skin is mostly grey with a darker area in his stomach area. He also had very long nails. Someone had put a too tight collar on him, probably had him on a chain, and didn't care for him except feed him too much (or maybe he is just too fat because he didn't get any exercise). We left him at the vet, they were doing draining/surgery first thing this morning, plus starting treatment on his ears, checking him for heartworm, giving shots, etc.


I am just so angry that someone could have done this to this sweet dog. We had him at our house from 9am to 2pm when he went to the vet. He was so well behaved and smart, he did just bark once when the UPS guy came and then stood watch at the window. My dd hadn't heard the doorbell since she studies with music but she heard the dog, went out and got the package, and praised the dog abundantly. He also was very smart with the cats. He wants to be their friend but noticed they puffed up their hair when he came towards them so he stopped and walked back and looked to see if they had changed their mind and they hadn't so he walked away. No fuss, no problem. He acts like a poodle and his face looks like one but his body is a corgi and I think we will have a great dog. But AAAAHHHH, the evil some people do.

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We don't have a name yet because I wanted my dh to help choose it. After all, no matter what dd thinks, this dog is going to be mine and my dh's. She should be off to college in two years (and a summer) and then he will be left for us to take sole care. One thing, other than getting his weigh reduced (and probably a pound will go when the bruise is drained= that is how big it was), is that I will have to have dh build a portable ramp I can use with him. I have bad arthritis and he is too heavy for me to pick up right now (27 lbs). It was why I was looking for smaller dogs. BUt I just couldn't pass up such a sweet dog that needed a home and that I was sure would have problems getting placed. The lady said she had one couple who called her and wanted the dog but she made excuses because after talking a bit with them, they said they would take the dog to the vet eventually. The dog needed treatment now.

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I'm convinced I was put on this earth to help rescue/abused animals. Every animal I've owned has been one or the other. I've never purchased an animal. People like us need to stick together because we make all the difference in the world to these precious babies.


I've got a pit, for example, that I rescued off of a free cycle list. When I went to pick her up, this puppy (barely a month old) was covered in fleas, and they handed me a can of alpo and said good luck. I was so livid when I left their home. Has she been a handful? Oh yes. Once she got bigger than my two bassets, she got aggressive about her toys and food. Most people would have given her up by now but we stayed the course and trained her. Unfortunately our bigger basset passed away 2 years ago, but she's now best friends with the little basset.


It's all about patience, love, and care. And just yesterday, I dropped another $200 on vet bills and will drop another $150 on Tuesday because both doggies have grass allergies that have affected them.


Kudos to you and that goggie is in good hands!

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That is so sad. People don't surprise me though at all. I have always taught our kids that our animals needs come first (food, shelter, etc) because they didn't choose their situation or to be taken in by us. We chose to help them and care for them.


Thanks for taking this fella in. I'm sure he will give you much love and enjoyment!

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I got off the phone with the vets. He is heartworm negative! :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: They are not sure what he had but the two vets with 50 years of experience between them had never seen anything like it. They really don't think he has cancer but don't know if he had a congenital abnormality or whether he suffered a carotid aneurysm as a youngster or what. They are sending it off to the lab, less to rule out cancer, and more to get an identification of what it was. I am picking him up at 5pm/

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I got off the phone with the vets. He is heartworm negative! :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: They are not sure what he had but the two vets with 50 years of experience between them had never seen anything like it. They really don't think he has cancer but don't know if he had a congenital abnormality or whether he suffered a carotid aneurysm as a youngster or what. They are sending it off to the lab, less to rule out cancer, and more to get an identification of what it was. I am picking him up at 5pm/



You know we need pics, right? Soon!

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THe vet called me. She really thinks that he has a strange hematoma. It was a hard encapsulated mass of blood. They are sending it to the lab to make sure but she thinks it is most likely from an old injury. I am not getting him back tonight since he is too groggy and also needs to be watched if he starts bleeding. He has non dis solvable stitches. But he will be coming home tomorrow around noon. So I will post a picture then.

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