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We need a FUN core! SL, WP, HOD, MBtP, Amanda Bennett???


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I am trying to find something fun for my kiddos. They were not ready for SOTW 1 and are not into their respective programs with Elemental Science. We have been foregoing a Bible curriculum and I want to include that if I can. Most importantly, they are not having fun. My thoughts are Winter Promise Animal Worlds, Moving Beyond The Page 5-7, Sonlight Core A, Heart of Dakota Bigger Hearts, or Amanda Bennett Unit Studies. What are your thoughts on these? Or other suggestions?

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How old are your kids? I could point you towards a HOD guide if I new more about their ages and where they are at academically. I do not have experience with the other curricula listed. ;)


DS will be 6 in two months and DD will be 5 in a month.


DS is reading level 1 and 2 readers with 80% fluency. He is adding and subtracting to 10 with no manipulatives and is skip counting 2, 5, and 10. He is telling time to the 5s. He can write complete sentence on his own, with occassional misspelled words. He excels at spelling.


DD just started reading the first few BOB Books. She is starting addition and subtraction with manipulatives. She has some fine motor delays but is progressing well.


Both kids love Song School Latin and DD is doing well with Phonics Museum and really likes it.

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With those ages you could easily combine them in Little Hearts. You would get the K options for one and the 1st grade for the other. Your older might be a better fit in Beyond but 5 is a bit young for that.



My older would sail through lhfhg....plus he did the science and history in it last year when he did CLP...

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I am agreeing with twocell. I can see your problem with your ds having already done the history and science though. Problem is no so much the books in the package, but the skills needed for Bigger. Most find that they are better off using it for a 8 or 9 yo. I suppose if you skipped all of the notebooking (or at least most) and used your own math and English (I do this anyway) for each child at their level then Bigger may work. There are still the art work assignments and science exps, that can be done by younger children, which are fun.


I can't comment on your other choices as we have never used them. We much prefer FIAR at this stage, but that is another thread. :)

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Why do you think your son is too little for SOTW 1? Just curious--and nosy! lol



I purchased SOTW1 and we gave it a whirl. Neither child had ANY interest in it. They love being read to and handle chapter books well..from Boxcar Children to Little House Books to Pony Pals...and SOTW was a fight. They also tuned out the audio CDs. So I am thinking maybe I will wait a year...or maybe just go a different route altogether.

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KONOS, Volume 1. :-) Your dc would do history, geography, science, arts and crafts, Bible, literature, while learning to be obedient, attentive, orderly, honorable, trustworthy, patient, and good stewards.



Where can I find a sample of konos? Am I missing it on the website?

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Do you want something all planned out that you can supplement if desired but still have a ready made schedule to fall back on? If so, SL might be a good fit since you say your kids love being read to and can handle listening to chapter books already. If you don't mind not having a ready made schedule look into Five in a Row. You can add chapter book go-alongs to any unit.

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I was going to come in and mention Konos, but Ellie beat me to it :D


I can help you out with samples though:


Here is a PDF Link (I came across it, I'm not sure how to access it through the site, so it's direct):




Heres where it shows the main topics (but the topic within the chacaracter trait an include other things, like Eyes/Ears and that se tion can include things like Helen Keller, Louis Braille etc):



And Here's the link where Jessica walks you through a unit:



Now if you go to the main website (konos) on the right hand side, it mentions stuff about Explanation Videos on the drop down menu, you can access other videos from there.


Konos Original Volumes are much better (IMO) the boxes or Bags are probably missing activities and are more expensive, but have everything super laid out. Homeschool mentor.com is another site of Jessica's where its like an online co-op, and she guides you through everything, I think you still have to purchase either the in-a-box or in-a-bag units to go along with that, and you work at the online co-ops pace (so this doesn't allow for rabbit trails, or starting on the unit you want to start on) and its $30 a month.


So there are different options. I prefer the original volumes (so does Ellie), some people prefer to get one unit thats a box/bag, before delving into the original volumes, to help them get their feet wet, if you do that, you just skip that trait or topi in your volume.


Jessica also has videos that can help you with Konos like Creating the Balance (everything from Teaching konos to laundry), to how to create simple no sew costumes. Another idea is to go on Homeschoolmentor.com and look at the free videos where she has laid everything out for a week, this can give you an idea of the sorts of things you do in the Volumes, and how you could plan it if you purchased the original (I got some good ideas from those vids)


Last of all, excuse my horrible errors everywhere, this keyboard is on its last legs (and unfortunately attached to the netbook I am typing from lol)



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I was going to say KONOS, as well. It is fun and flexible. We did a lot of reading because my older two loved reading. we would get a big basket of library books. I was amazed at how I would be reading a book and they could pick out the trait.

Would Konos work with a small library? My closest library is about 2000 sq feet and the one 15 miles away is much bigger but still small by big city standards.

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Yes it would. I just like to mention that we did a lot of reading because people often think KONOS is this really difficult curriculum that you spend hours planning and you need to see and have lots of things. I am not particularly crafting. I can't see. The only thing I ever sewed for KONOS was done by hand. We tracked and "killed" stuffed animals. Then we turned them into coonskin hats.

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