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I am kitty, hear me roar


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His name is Oscar. He is so good for the groomer that they do not have to sedate him most of the time. The one that cut him today has never had to sedate and has probably cut him 3 or 4 times. There are a few groomers that see a cat and immediate put them out. Oscar seriously probably thinks that he is getting attention right up until he realizes he has been suckered again.

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She went from cute to RAWR!


I love giant furball kittehs :)



He is definitely a giant furball most of the year. Once he gets so furry that he drops random presents that get stuck to his hiney after a trip to the litter box, he loses his cuteness.

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He is definitely a giant furball most of the year. Once he gets so furry that he drops random presents that get stuck to his hiney after a trip to the litter box, he loses his cuteness.



Yeah, that's definitely not cute LOL. I'd probably be better about keeping his regular grooming appointments than I do my own, if that were us.


(I have a well-documented and infuriating-to-my-family habit of calling all dogs "he" and all cats "she" so my apologies to Oscar for the embarassing oversight!)

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(I have a well-documented and infuriating-to-my-family habit of calling all dogs "he" and all cats "she" so my apologies to Oscar for the embarassing oversight!)


Me too! As a kid I was absolutely convinced cats and dogs were the same species, just different genders. You could not convince me otherwise for years.

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If it makes you feel any better, Oscar spent his early months as a gender confused kitten. We found him as a stray tiny kitten. His hair was already fairly long. When we found him, we decided he was a boy and my dad (who has had several cats) agreed with us, so he was name Oscar Mayer after we vetoed the then 5 yo DD's vote for Weiner. Fast forward a couple of weeks to his first vet appointment and the vet declares Oscar to be a GIRL!! Oops. The name had already stuck so for a while we had a "girl" cat named Oscar. Fast forward again a couple of months and Oscar the girl went to a different vet to be spayed. Our primary vet has a disabled hand and cannot do spays. We signed all the paperwork to have the pre-surgery blood work, so when they called later that afternoon with a problem I immediately panicked. Well the "problem" was that my "girl" cat was very obviously a boy cat when the fur was shaved. They wanted to make sure we still wanted him neutered.

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Me too! As a kid I was absolutely convinced cats and dogs were the same species, just different genders. You could not convince me otherwise for years.


You're secretly German! All hünde in Deutschland sind maskulin! All Katzen in Deutschland sind feminin! (My German teacher in high school used to say this, to my great amusement.)

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If it makes you feel any better, Oscar spent his early months as a gender confused kitten. We found him as a stray tiny kitten. His hair was already fairly long. When we found him, we decided he was a boy and my dad (who has had several cats) agreed with us, so he was name Oscar Mayer after we vetoed the then 5 yo DD's vote for Weiner. Fast forward a couple of weeks to his first vet appointment and the vet declares Oscar to be a GIRL!! Oops. The name had already stuck so for a while we had a "girl" cat named Oscar. Fast forward again a couple of months and Oscar the girl went to a different vet to be spayed. Our primary vet has a disabled hand and cannot do spays. We signed all the paperwork to have the pre-surgery blood work, so when they called later that afternoon with a problem I immediately panicked. Well the "problem" was that my "girl" cat was very obviously a boy cat when the fur was shaved. They wanted to make sure we still wanted him neutered.


This was hilarious. Amazing what kind hide behind a giant pile of fur!!


I love the suggestions kids have for names - and in this case, how appropriate it turned out to be LOL.

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If it makes you feel any better, Oscar spent his early months as a gender confused kitten. We found him as a stray tiny kitten. His hair was already fairly long. When we found him, we decided he was a boy and my dad (who has had several cats) agreed with us, so he was name Oscar Mayer after we vetoed the then 5 yo DD's vote for Weiner. Fast forward a couple of weeks to his first vet appointment and the vet declares Oscar to be a GIRL!! Oops. The name had already stuck so for a while we had a "girl" cat named Oscar. Fast forward again a couple of months and Oscar the girl went to a different vet to be spayed. Our primary vet has a disabled hand and cannot do spays. We signed all the paperwork to have the pre-surgery blood work, so when they called later that afternoon with a problem I immediately panicked. Well the "problem" was that my "girl" cat was very obviously a boy cat when the fur was shaved. They wanted to make sure we still wanted him neutered.


Oh, that's so funny. We have our own gender confused cat story. We got a kitten and was told it was a girl, so we named her Gracie. Some time later, my husband and I were sitting on the floor playing Yahtzee when the cat walked away from us. I just happened to look over and notice that she was definitely a he. Well he was neutered and kept the girly name.

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I wonder how your poor kitty feels with his poodle trim LOL. Looks like your groomer is familiar with doggie hairdos...I've never seen a cat cut that way before. LOL.


He's still super cute though.


It is called a lion's cut. It is pretty much the go to style for cats that need to be cut. It definitely resembles the poodle cut though.

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Oh, that's so funny. We have our own gender confused cat story. We got a kitten and was told it was a girl, so we named her Gracie. Some time later, my husband and I were sitting on the floor playing Yahtzee when the cat walked away from us. I just happened to look over and notice that she was definitely a he. Well he was neutered and kept the girly name.


Glad to know it didn't only happen to us. Our vet claimed that with long hairs it is even harder to tell as kittens.


One problem we had with the whole gender confusion issue is that it happened right before I got pregnant with my youngest son. My poor confused 5 yo DD, who really wanted a little sister, was under the assumption that we could just go back to the doctor and he would make the ultrasound results change.

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