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x-post Can you recommend any books on the following subjects?

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I'm trying to find one or two books for my kids to read on each of these subjects next year. They'll be in 7th and 9th grade and reading them on their own. I don't want anything too heavy, just fun and informative. I'd like to start supplementing some of our subjects with a book or two every year.



Not poetry collections, but I'd be open to anything else.



I'm thinking Eats, Shoots & Leaves type books.



This year we dabbled in Sister Wendy's videos, next year we'll probably do that again. I'd like to find a book that will prepare them for the language and enrich visits to museums. Like poetry, we mostly study/memorize (lots of it). I'd like to take it to the next level... gently, and without adding to their workload. IYKWIM :tongue_smilie:


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For the art appreciation, I would introduce compare-and-contrast discussions comparing (and contrasting!) two works at a time; and then assign some compare & contrast writing assignments to deepen their thinking. You can use resources you like, or the History of Art for Young People. I would suggest looking seriously at A Survival Guide for Art History Students though it will have some chunks of information that don't apply -- it will give a good introduction to art vocabulary & provide guidance on talking about art (and writing about it too).

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Here's another suggestion for art: Smart Art. From the back cover: "It's easy and fun to be smart about art. Students will analyze art masterpieces, develop art vocabulary, classify and critique art, enhance thinking skills." The book is in black and white but it is easy to google the same images to view in color if desired. I heard about it here on the boards. Sounds like it might exactly fit what you're looking for.

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Here's another suggestion for art: Smart Art. From the back cover: "It's easy and fun to be smart about art. Students will analyze art masterpieces, develop art vocabulary, classify and critique art, enhance thinking skills." The book is in black and white but it is easy to google the same images to view in color if desired. I heard about it here on the boards. Sounds like it might exactly fit what you're looking for.

I have this sitting by my bed to read, it was part of the Prufrock 99 cent sale. I hadn't heard about it, but the description sounded great so i thru it in my cart. What I have read sounds good!!

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I have this sitting by my bed to read, it was part of the Prufrock 99 cent sale. I hadn't heard about it, but the description sounded great so i thru it in my cart. What I have read sounds good!!


Me too! LOL. I figured I couldn't go wrong for a buck, but it looks like something I would be willing to pay much more for now that I've read it. I see that it's now 10 bucks on Prufrock since the sale is over, but still a great buy! My knowledge in this area is weak and I needed a guide like this.

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