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Federal Poverty Guideline ~ Where do you fall? Anonymous poll :)


US Poverty Chart ~ where do you fall?  

364 members have voted

  1. 1. Where do you fall on the poverty chart (the closest category)?

    • 100%
    • 133%
    • 150%
    • 200%
    • 300%
    • 400%
    • More than 400%
    • I do not live in the US (so this does not apply to me)
    • The necessary "other" ~ Please explain :)

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I had to vote other because where we fall currently, if it is based on income alone, is vastly different from where we were last year, prior to my husband's unemployment, and where we hope to be by the time this year is through. In other words, right now it's up in the air.


Oh, man. Hang in there, mama. We were exactly there a year ago. Hope something greater comes your way. :grouphug:

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Median income here is $31,015. 16.4% have college educations, and our COL index is 71. We make more than the median, but still under the 133% poverty limit. I'm not quite sure what that means. We have no savings, huge debt (partly educational), but can afford cheap music lessons for our kids at a sacrifice. This is a big step up from the last place we lived where we were more than under the poverty limit (at a better job, strangely), but the COL was enormous. I looked it up on zip who, and I gotta say, it's wrong! There's no way the COL was lower. We paid twice as much for a smaller and incredibly dirty unsafe apartment and everything cost more. A cardboard box would have cost us more than a mansion where we live now.

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Median income for a household in my area is $32K, per capita income is $22K

Average home price is 100K


but, actually, you can get a perfectly nice house in a decent part of town for a lot less. Lots of independent tool and die shops here and they do hire. The cost of living seems low. Not a bad place if you are into watching the grass grow.

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Son with autism is at or below 100% since all he has is his SSI check of $770/month.


Rest of us were at 400% but hubby lost his job a couple months ago so we are now at 133% or lower - for now.


Just checked on-line - mediam income about $56,000 in 2009 (we were twice that)

Housing average about $200,ooo (not on our street - they must mean the nbew subdivisions far west and east of downtown. Our older area average is half that.)

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I voted other. We have zero income and live off student loans, so I guess we are less than 100%. If you count student loans and ssi for my dd, then we are more like...well, still below 100%. I thought for sure it would put us there, but nope.


Dh will start his residency next year, though, so we will finally stop adding to the red!



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Eastern Shore MD

Median income in 2009 was $47,00 and housing was $198,000


Up untill 4 months ago when I got a PT job we were below poverty level now we sit between 150 and 200 very interesting.


Also I know that the housing market is lower than that now, but the income level proubly has not changed much due to some large companies leaving our area.

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Median income for our area is about $80,000 (more than half of the families in our area are dual-income as well). Average home is about $350,000 (about 2300 square feet, no land, or about 25+ years old with land ;D). A gallon of milk is about $3.25, about the same as a gallon of gas.

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