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8/2 Runners check-in

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Anybody running today? I have to go clean the church w/dd (our new job). I did it myself last week and about killed myself; I'm looking forward to having her with me! Should take half the time, which would be really nice :D


I'm wanting to just throw in that half-mile today -- see if I can just do it without stopping to walk. I've been really wimpy this week with stopping to walk. Could it be because I had my monthly? I dunno. But I'd like to just go do that half mile nonstop as quick as I can just to see what I can do.


If I don't do it today, I'll do it tomorrow.

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I'm heading out soon, supposedly doing a longer run (8 miles), after which I'll stop by the farmer's market and do my weekly trip to the food co-op. Trouble is, I'm completely unmotivated at the moment, primarily due to the weather. It's totally gloomy outside (as it has been all week). Meh. Will check in later and let you know if I did the deed!

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Five miles for me (but with some walking). My oldest three and I are training for a "Women's 4-Miler" on August 30. This is the third year we've done this together and Saturday's are our long run day. My oldest, who is going to a private school next year, just started practicing with their cross-country team yesterday. So, her long run was with a gaggle of high school girls, whereas mine was with "women" from 10-80 years. Seriously, some of these women are AMAZING - such an inspiration to me. I walked a bit with a woman in her 60's who fell last year while running, and ended up with 8 pins in her ankle. But, she's back out there walking now, instead of running, but she's out there!

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The old bike is in the shop - needs new brakes.


The new bike isn't in yet.


So I rode dd's bike. DH tried to let me ride his road bike. It's just too different. Plus I couldn't get my shoes unclipped. DD's bike doesn't have clips. I rode about 45 minutes. Not a whole lot, but boy if this is what dd feels like when she rides, no wonder she doesn't like to ride! Her bike is too small! My knees hurt and her seat slips down on the hills. Well hills is where I notice it. That ride should not have been that hard!


But I did ride!


Oh and the 30 minute thing - 33 minutes yesterday, weight was same today as yesterday.

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I made it back on my mountain bike today and I had a much better time than Wednesday-no wrecks. I kind of just felt like sitting around the house today, but I thought I had better take advantage of a rare lower-than-usual humidity day. I'm glad I did.

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My running partner wanted to prove to me that I can run longer and not pass out. The weather was perfect for this experiment -- dry, slight breeze, good temperature.


I'm glad I have a partner who pushes me out of my comfort zone. We ran at a steady pace (slow but steady) and didn't need to stop at all. Now I have my eyes set on 10 km by the end of the summer. We'll see.

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My running partner wanted to prove to me that I can run longer and not pass out. The weather was perfect for this experiment -- dry, slight breeze, good temperature.


I'm glad I have a partner who pushes me out of my comfort zone. We ran at a steady pace (slow but steady) and didn't need to stop at all. Now I have my eyes set on 10 km by the end of the summer. We'll see.

:thumbup: Great job! It always amazes me how much my body is able to do if I stop letting my head tell me I can't.


As for me, C25K week 6 - day 3. I have come to the end of the intervals! I didn't check my schedule before I ran today...I thought it was a 23 min. run and it was supposed to be 25 (or 2 and 1/4 miles)!:tongue_smilie: But I did come pretty darn close to the distance in 23 min.


I ran the first mile in 10 min 20 sec. Second mile in 11 min 30 sec.


I love Saturdays because I can drive to the trail that runs along the lake - it is a much nicer run than my neighborhood.

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:thumbup: Great job! It always amazes me how much my body is able to do if I stop letting my head tell me I can't.



For me, I realize, half the battle is my mind. When I start out in the "it's too hard". "I'm too tired" mode it is too hard and I am easily worn out. If I start out with the "I can do it" mode I end up doing more.


I am a slow runner. I'm not exactly sure how much I ran today (I'm going to measure it out right now while I'm out on errands) but it was in the neighbourhood of 7.5 - 8 kms and it took 56 minutes. But it was an easy pace for me . . . absolutely no over exertion. In this case I really paced myself because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do the whole route and I really wanted to. After the first 4 km it really did seem to get easier. Even the small hills. I'm going to try and do this longer run at least once a week, working up to 10 km.

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I made it back on my mountain bike today and I had a much better time than Wednesday-no wrecks. I kind of just felt like sitting around the house today, but I thought I had better take advantage of a rare lower-than-usual humidity day. I'm glad I did.


I'm glad there were no wrecks today! Great job getting out there!

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My running partner wanted to prove to me that I can run longer and not pass out. The weather was perfect for this experiment -- dry, slight breeze, good temperature.


I'm glad I have a partner who pushes me out of my comfort zone. We ran at a steady pace (slow but steady) and didn't need to stop at all. Now I have my eyes set on 10 km by the end of the summer. We'll see.


It's great you can run with a partner! Great job on the longer distance. I need to wait for it to cool off - maybe in September before I go too much farther. The dog gets over heated too.

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I'm heading out soon, supposedly doing a longer run (8 miles), after which I'll stop by the farmer's market and do my weekly trip to the food co-op. Trouble is, I'm completely unmotivated at the moment, primarily due to the weather. It's totally gloomy outside (as it has been all week). Meh. Will check in later and let you know if I did the deed!


So, did you run?

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Five miles here! I am visiting family in NJ and the town that I am in is ridden with hills! North Carolina is flat, at least where I live anyway, so I was really sucking wind.:eek:


I didn't run yesterday because I was driving. Blech! Twelve hours on 95.:glare:

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Five miles here! I am visiting family in NJ and the town that I am in is ridden with hills! North Carolina is flat, at least where I live anyway, so I was really sucking wind.:eek:


I didn't run yesterday because I was driving. Blech! Twelve hours on 95.:glare:


Where in Jersey are you? PM me if you want. A thunder storm just rolled through here, so I'm thinking about going out and doing my pitiful half mile - it's not a running day, I just want to see if I can do it without stopping, that's all.


dh is going for a bike ride. I might just go do this when he gets back...

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