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Disliking a food I once liked ...


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Ever since I got really sick about a month ago, I have not been able to eat peanut butter. Peanut butter used to be one of my favorite foods, but I don't care for the taste of it anymore. I ate peanut butter every day of my pregnancy (24 years ago) and my daughter wouldn't eat peanut butter for the longest time. I guess she was about 7 or 8 when she finally started liking it. I used to send tuna fish sandwiches in her lunch the first couple of years because she preferred that to peanut butter.


Anyone else have something like this happen to them?

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Oh yeah. Even as far back as high school...I had Italian Dunkers (fancy term for breadsticks) and they made me sick. Never ate them again while in high school and the thought of them now makes me wrinkle my nose. I can eat other breadsticks but not Italian Dunkers.

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Yep. Chicken broccoli casserole is Indy's favorite meal in the entire world. I used to like it, but since I had Han Solo (he'll be 2 tomorrow), I can't stand it. Even the smell Ickes me out. I still make it because Indy begs for it, but not nearly as often as I used to. When I make it now (HS is a big fan of it too), I just eat rice.

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My mom makes these little thumbprint cookies at Christmas time. One year when I was maybe 8 or 9 her baking day fell on day I happened to be pretty sick. I can't stomach the thought of eating those cookies to this day. The smell alone made me stomach curl for years.

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For some reason, when I was pregnant with the boys, parmesan cheese started smelling/tasting fishy to me. I've only recently been able to eat it again, and they're 8 1/2.


On the other hand, I've never been a fan of peanut butter but I've recently been on quite the pb bender. Maybe I got yours. :D

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When I was pregnant with DS, I made chicken in the crockpot with basil. OMG. The smell alone made me sick. Years later and I would still get nauseous just from the smell of cooking chicken with basil. I still can't eat crockpotted chicken over 9 years later. And it took me a good 5 years to get over my extreme aversion to basil. Now I love, love basil.


And I used to drink slurpees (icees) all the time until about 2 years ago and now I can't stand them. And fruit loops. I lived on them during my pregnancies. I bought the kids a box of them last week while we were on vacation. I tried a handful and thought it was disgusting.

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Cheese Whiz. That was my go to food when I was sick as a kid and now it tastes awful. I like to think my palate just got matured. ;)


When I was pregnant the smell of everything made me sick and I had HG, after giving birth I did not want to eat anything with strong smells.

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I used to eat Thousand Island dressing on salad. When I was pregnant with my first, I had "all-day" sickness, and a particularly bad bout right after eating a salad. I can't eat Thousand Island any more.


I used to hate grape juice, but when I was pregnant with my 2nd, I got cravings for grape juice (with Ding Dongs). I love grape juice now.

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It's called a taste aversion. It's an interesting learning phenomenon because you can create a permanent association after just one incident (one time learning). It is believed to provide an evolutionary advantage...if you eat something and you later vomit, you would continue to avoid it as it has the potential to kill you. It tends to happen with foods you eat rarely (though not always). So if you eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and later vomit, and you normally eat jelly but avoid peanut butter, then you are more likely to associate the vomiting with the peanut butter but not the jelly.


For some reason, this can even occur when you KNOW some particular food did not cause you to vomit, for instance, when you have morning sickness and just happen to eat something and you vomit because of the morning sickness. Or in my case, if you had mushroom soup when you were a kid and had a stomach virus that was going around and even though you loved mushrooms until that point, you suddenly hated them for the rest of your life no matter how much you tried to like them.

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