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Exercise Thread ~ 3/31-4/6


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Saturday: Rearranged two rooms, moved furniture, 3 bookcases full of books, a dresser and two desks. Lots of lifting. Took several hours, probably an hour of lifting altogether.



Come on over cause I have a room (actually 2) that need to be redone.


I'm also spending the day cleaning. Oh, and eating Easter chocolate.

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Will soon be doing 5 Miles of Leslie.




the scale also can't tell you how much is muscle and how much is fat. fat has 3X's the volume of muscle. I have a friend who is a personal trainer. she's always been thin. when she got into training, she gained 10 pounds, and lost a dress size.
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I do a Leslie Sansone walking video too! I have Walk Away the Pounds, which has a 1,2,3 and 4 mile walk. I didn't do it yesterday because we changed time on Sunday (Europe changes on a different day than the US) and I got up late. Today I only did the 2 mile (I usually do the 3), because I got up late again (though not as late as yesterday!) and didn't have time to do the 3.

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I do a Leslie Sansone walking video too! I have Walk Away the Pounds, which has a 1,2,3 and 4 mile walk. I didn't do it yesterday because we changed time on Sunday (Europe changes on a different day than the US) and I got up late. Today I only did the 2 mile (I usually do the 3), because I got up late again (though not as late as yesterday!) and didn't have time to do the 3.


Time change is so hard. I still haven't fully adjusted.


I've gained 3 lbs and I assume it's muscle. My clothes are not tighter and I haven't gotten bigger or flabbier anywhere. :thumbup: So now my doctor is happy. Oh! Also, my oldest ds is up to 67lbs. :hurray: He was 52 lbs in Dec. and technically "failure to thrive" because he was so underweight. Now he's in the healthy weight range for his age/height. So woohoo for healthy weight gain for us.


This morning (after skipping yesterday) I did day 9 of Fitness Blender. Today was cardio/abs.

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This morning we went to CF. Anyone who read my blog knows yesterday was hard for me. Well, I decided halfway through the warm up this morning (10 overhead squats, 10 good mornings, 10 sit-ups, 10 pull-ups, 10 dips I skipped, then inchworm...supposed to do 3 times. I did two skipping dips), I was done. I was almost in tears when I went up to J (one of the morning trainers) to tell her. She was like, "it's okay" and told me to stretch. Well, so I do that. Then when my kids and this one guy finished warm-up, Cliff called all of us together to learn some lifts (we're all newbies so have to have specific training as we go). I figured I could watch at least. Well, I ended up doing three rounds on each lift. SO much for "quitting" today, huh? Well, I quickly regretted THAT when he then told us to run four 400 meters (with 90seconds between each). I ended up running one, waiting while my kids ran the second, then running the third. We all quit at that point. As long as we keep getting better, right?


I'm still off. I don't know why. At least is isn't as bad as yesterday.


I *should* go take Heidi on a walk and make lunch before napping. I do intend to take a nap. Hopefully I'm past needing a nap by tomorrow though as Wednesdays are busy.

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It's not only about getting better. It's also about learning when to push yourself and when to ease up a bit. That can be a fine line and difficult to interpret. :001_smile:


I think it's always about not giving up (different than easing up), trying new things, trying hard things, having fun, and knowing you are taking care of yourself and you deserve it.

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I went jogging with my boys this morning. Well, they scootered and I tried to keep up. It was fun. We went a different way today and stopped at the park for a little while. I did a few sprints and walked around a little. I wish we had this weather all year. I love spring.

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Pamela, your CF post brought memories of when I was Cross Fitting a couple of years ago! I remember that I was so thankful I didn't know the WOD or else half the time I wouldn't have shown up!! Stick with it - I hurt my back and stopped, but I was amazed at how much stronger I was before that happened.


I've been sick off and on since January with norovirus and nasty colds, which is bizarre for me because I'm one of those "never sick" people. I still have a cough (2 months later) and my singing voice is still an octave lower, but yesterday I started exercising again. Walked the dog 1.5 miles.


Today I walked the dog 2 miles, and I also want to start speeding up the walk. Oh, and today I finally bought a pair of Vibram's!! I'm so excited - I've wanted them for a while but never splurged. I don't want to take them off - they are so comfy!

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Good Morning!


Okay, I want to be in bed. But I'm sitting here with one shoe off and one shoe on, just finished my protein bar (I really need to find a healthier pre-w/o choice), about to finish my water, and trying not to strangle Heidi for chewing on Wiimotes.


I saw on the CrossFit Games rankings that our gym owner is in the top 10. That is cool :)


Okay, I'm running late. Still don't have teeth and hair done. See y'all later :)

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Those of you whose kids exercise with you in the mornings......what do you feed them? My kids are not hungry first thing. They don't like to eat until around 45 minutes after they get up. I wouldn't want my kids exercising on an empty stomach though. They need to grow and gain weight and not lose it.


Got up late this morning. Will exercise this afternoon.

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My kids get UP, but they don't do crossfit at the same time.

Will your kids do something like a banana with almond butter or something? It'd be light.

Honestly, I can wait hours to eat when I get up. I simply make myself eat because I know I'll need it.

Food is about fueling up effectively rather than hunger, at least sometimes.

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Yesterday I ran 6 miles (which I may have already posted) but I also did a cardio bag class and an MMA class. I tried backing off on exercise because of all my chronic pain from scoliosis and decreasing cervical curve as well as trying to be more productive in our homeschool. I feel so much better with all this heavy duty exercise. So much better. I must be an angry person or something!

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Yesterday I ran 6 miles (which I may have already posted) but I also did a cardio bag class and an MMA class. I tried backing off on exercise because of all my chronic pain from scoliosis and decreasing cervical curve as well as trying to be more productive in our homeschool. I feel so much better with all this heavy duty exercise. So much better. I must be an angry person or something!



If I don't run I am not a very nice person. I evidently have anger issues too :lol:

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Those of you whose kids exercise with you in the mornings......what do you feed them? My kids are not hungry first thing. They don't like to eat until around 45 minutes after they get up. I wouldn't want my kids exercising on an empty stomach though. They need to grow and gain weight and not lose it.


Got up late this morning. Will exercise this afternoon.


Can you take muffins or hard boiled eggs or something with for them to eat right after? I never eat before I run. Makes me feel horrible.

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So this morning, I skipped CF (I only do four days and skip Wednesday or Thursday each week). I'm about to get breakfast done so we can clean up the house then I can get outside on my Trikke. I can't wait! So glad I figured out what was the problem. Now if Heidi will hurry up and grow big enough to accompany me on rides :)

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Yesterday I did a kettlebell strength workout. It included goblet squats, 1 arm rows, and swings. I felt great when I was done, but I felt it a bit this morning while I tried to run. I ran for 30 minutes, easy, but it took a lot of effort for easy :D . I followed it up with a kettlebell conditioning workout (one more designed to get your heart rate up, working in intervals). I did high pulls and push press. I did 5 sets, and now I'm a bit tired and in a fog. I may have pushed a bit hard. :) I ate a big breakfast, 3 eggs (1 whole egg, 2 eggs whites) with spinach and goat cheese, along with an orange and a banana. But still, I'm in a fog. Might have been better to separate the workouts.

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Yesterday I ran 6 miles (which I may have already posted) but I also did a cardio bag class and an MMA class. I tried backing off on exercise because of all my chronic pain from scoliosis and decreasing cervical curve as well as trying to be more productive in our homeschool. I feel so much better with all this heavy duty exercise. So much better. I must be an angry person or something!



I feel better with more exercise as well, but if I'm going to, you know, actually do this homeschooling thing I can't workout as much as I'd like. I guess my kids' education is more important than me working out for longer than an hour.



Do any of y'all have shorter and longer term goals associated with your exercising?



It's hasn't changed really. Build and strengthen muscle and bone. Increase my cardio endurance. Tone flabby bits. Improve flexibility. I guess those are long term goals.


Short term....to finish Fitness Blender 8 week program.



But still, I'm in a fog. Might have been better to separate the workouts.



I've needed to up my water intake. I feel much better when I make an effort to drink more. I also like splitting workout sessions when possible.



Today was day 11 of Fitness Blender. I really love this workouts. Everyday something new.

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I feel better with more exercise as well, but if I'm going to, you know, actually do this homeschooling thing I can't workout as much as I'd like. I guess my kids' education is more important than me working out for longer than an hour.








Is this a dig?

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Is this a dig?


:lol: Only if you want it to be. ;) Seriously though why would I have anything to say about how you homeschool?


For me it means:

#1 I'm too lazy to get up earlier to have more time for workouts. I really like my warm bed. If I got up before 7 or 7:30 I'd have more time. We start lessons at 9 and from 7:30 til then I'm doing chores and breakfast for everyone. Sometimes I can sneak in a 30 min workout.


#2 If I didn't have a dyslexic child who cannot do his work independently, and therefore needs me helping him with every single lesson for 6th grade, I'd have more time.


#3 If I didn't have a preschooler who needs tomato staking I'd have more time.

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I kinda figured that the question about the dig was in jest. Everyone is well aware that all of us have different situations, priorities, etc. We all exercise differently and homeschool differently. Our ways may or may not be best for us and our families; but we cannot even begin to think about what *will* work for another. I don't think we should even try and I wouldn't guess anyone else would either. Honestly, my response to "was that a dig?" was LOL.


I had a friend who couldn't do half of what I did though she had no children, no health issues, no job, etc. I had all of the above. We just were different people. I also know a lady who fosters 6-9 kids consistently, works full time, has even taken medically needy children, etc. I simply don't see how. Obviously her way works for her. It doesn't work for me.


Anyway, this is probably an unnecessary post.

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Kleine Hexe, I guess I was thinking if anyone had grander plans because of their fitness....at least for one day.


For example, I wondered about doing the Kemah Triathlon (if i said the word correctly, I'd spell it correctly the first time each time!). They have a lighter version. It is 500meters swim, 12½ mile bike, and 3.1 mile run. Right now I can barely imagine it. For example, 100m in the pool is 5½ lengths in our pool (I used the straight line tool at mappedometer.com). Last year, I could barely swim across and back (though part of that, no doubt, was the four little kids under age 6 I was also responsible the great majority of the time). So 27½ times is gonna be pretty tough (I still have three of those kids and will likely get another one or two before summer). Okay, so I know nothing about biking anymore. I probably should work on that. I did find a bike I wanted last week. Still gotta get up the money for that. Then the run. At this point, it takes me stopping to walk twice within the first 400meters. The cramping in my leg (left) is rough and I partially drag it anything over 400m. I don't *think* it looks as bad in person as it does in this post. Anyway. but a year? Maybe that is possible?


And then I was thinking maybe I'd like to compete in the open for the CrossFit games one year. Not this year (currently going on) or next. But after that, I could try at 40 or 41 years old maybe. I'd be at the younger end of the age range, have a couple years of training under my belt.


Anyway, maybe I will and maybe I won't do either. But my head is going now.


Smaller goals? Well, I'd like to figure out this Trikke. I was hoping that I'd learn to like jogging/running at some point. It'd be nice if I could get half-decent before Heidi got too big so I could train her to run/trikke/ride with me.


My most important goal is to be healthy to raise these kids.

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Up and ready to go to CrossFit. I already know what the WOD (workout of the day) is because it was a huge announcement everyone was waiting for; and I, like everyone else, found out the night it was released. I would *love* to see our gym owner perform it. I probably will get to see two people do it *officially,* for the crossfit games open, today. I'm like, "oh, he can so do that!" Easy for ME to say. It is supposed to be:


4 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of:

15 Thrusters (100lbs men / 65 lbs women)

15 Chest to bar Pull-ups

*4 minute bonus (YAY! you get to do more! LOL) for every 90 reps (3 rounds) completed within 4 minutes.


Anyway, I can't imagine they are going to have my kids and me do it though. They *could* give us a light bar (35 or 45 pounds) and supervise us. Or they could have us use dumbbells for the thrusters. Then they could have us doing rowing pull-ups since there is no way we could do chest to bar ones. And they could have us just do 3 rounds regardless of how long it took us. This is semi-likely as they have had us do a modified WOD for each of the other open WODs. But I kinda think they'll have some other torture for us. N gets this evil look and who knows what she'll say. Hopefully it isn't baseline after what the WODs have been the last two days.


Anyway, the worst part of this morning regardless of what she gives us is the "active warm-up." It is a warm-up everyone does together on Friday mornings. It is fairly short; but I can't yet keep up with the group. Obviously if two of the people in our class can compete in the open, their warm-ups need to be appropriate for them which makes them killer for me. And it doesn't seem like they *should* be! I just simply cannot do certain things yet, especially not in a decent timing. Do you know when the last time I long- jumped, ideally in like 3 jumps, to get across a warehouse floor was!?!?! I mean, other than last Friday :)


And then there is post-WOD. OY!


Okay, really, I do this on purpose and love it in general. I do get myself a little anxious on Friday mornings though.


The weather is going to be nice today. That will lend itself to more activity also :)

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I had to look up what a trikke is. It looks fun. I don't have anywhere to ride one though as we live on acreage and dirt roads. Make that sand roads. There's no dirt here. It's all sand. That gets in my house all day every day.


I guess I don't have goals like that. Someday I might be interested in a trail marathon. I fantasize about Tough Mudder but I would never actually do it. They make you jump in ice water! I can picture LG doing a Tough Mudder race though. :thumbup:


Today is yoga after we get back from afternoon piano lesson. I can't go jogging this time because I'll have my youngest with me. 4 yr olds tend to want to explore every little thing on the ground instead of walk/jog at a steady pace.

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Kleine, I guess it depends. If chances are great that they will be significantly hurt, their anger is worth "nagging." Maybe you can find a super humble way to help, I would start with asking her to help you, let you know, give her a couple reasons, maybe an old story. Hopefully she'll say it in kind and then you can gently mention the issue and why it is an issue. If it is really unlikely to cause that big of an issue, you may just have to leave it if she doesn't "bite." An ineffective move isn't really worth a scene.

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I've been working out at the gym. We won a year's membership!


I began the end of February, three days per week. 1 mile on the treadmill walking at 3.0 miles per hour. Two miles on the exercise bike 10.7 mph. 10-25 reps each, depending on the weight machine at 12.5 lbs. for leg lifts, crunches, etc. I have eight different weight/strength training machines that I work on. The third week of March I increased to four times per week.


This week:


Monday - 1.5 miles on the treadmill at 3.6 mph with three one minute jogging bursts at 4.4 mph. Four miles on the bike at 11.5 mph. 25 reps each (one group of 15, one group of 10) on the eight machines, but on almost all of the machines, increased the weight to 25 lbs.

Tuesday - Same work out

Wed and Thurs - yoga/stretching at home

Friday morning - same workout as Monday but workout longer so have an extra 1/2 mile on the treadmill and mile on the bike.

Today - working out in the afternoon and planning on doing the same work out or possibly, trying out the rowing machine and adding a few minutes of that to the routine.


So far, I've lost four lbs. After a month, frankly, I would have liked to have shed more. However, there must be some sort of muscle building up and trimming some areas down because I've lost an inch on my waist and hips and I've almost lost a full dress size which doesn't seem possible for a four lb. loss so there must be some muscle gain. I am always very hard on myself so I don't see the change when I look in the mirror, but there is definitely improvement.


Next week, I'm going to increase the jogging spurts to 2 min and either add the rowing machine or stay on the bike longer. I don't think I'll increase weights again for a bit. I'm rather sore, though stretching a few hours later does help.


I could pay a fee to increase our membership to unlimited and then I could go more than four times in a week. I'm getting a 5th out of this week because dh's work schedule is fruity and he hasn't used up his sessions, so he's transferring an extra to me.



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I cannot exercise with food in my stomach. Blech. I drink tons of water, but no food. I usually don't eat until about 45 minutes after I workout. Indy is the same, though sometimes has a smoothie we buy at Aldi before hand, but no food. He usually does about 30-45 minutes of the more strenuous exercises on Wii Fit Plus, but sometimes he does the DVD with me. He does eat right after though.


I've worked with my DVD every day this past week. Depending on what time I get up, I do either the 2 or 3 mile walk. I prefer the 3, but if I get up late, I do the 2. I want to tackle the 4, but I'd have to get up early, and I don't see that happening.

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Faith, you might look at Treadmill Trainer or some other interval training to help you build up your running. I liked the TT. In fact, I think I might use that when I do my walk/runs with Heidi (now that I got her to actually move on the leash, I want to train her to be my companion).


Today, I put the lawnmower all the way down to "shave" the grass (our first mow of the season). Pushing it was much harder that way. I did the front yard. Then I weeded my strawberry patch as well as reorganized it a little (I had thick patches and bare spots so now it is more even). I've also chased Heidi all three times she's gotten out the garage door (this is tough for us as we have left the door open for the two years we've lived in this house so now having to shut it is just not on our minds or our children's minds. We need her boundary trained ASAP!). This is the first time I've sat down in hours and I plan on shopping this afternoon. We are considering moving our family day back up to today (it was going to be today then we pushed it back; but we, as a family, have like 3 gifts left to get so maybe we could do it today afterall. Most of the gifts are outdoor or workout "toys;" so I'm sure we'll play with them which will be active. AND I want to go to the park to give Tumbler some bar time and Heidi some socialization.


Busy and active, just not really working out.

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did yoga yesterday with 1ds (don't remember if I posted), and did yoga this evening. It feels good.


dh and I went out for our 31st anniversary last night. I was going through my closet trying to find something to wear. I pulled out things I haven't worn in over a year because they no longer fit. (as in, most of them I couldn't even get into, let alone zip.) I could get into every single thing. some didn't fit as well as I would have liked, but I could (relatively) easily zip them up. and no stomach sucking-the-zipper-will-pop-if-i-breathe-out needed.

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