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Quick tour of London suggestions?


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My daughter and niece will be in London (Heathrow Airport) from early in the morning until late in the afternoon. They would love to do a quick tour of some sort. They have both traveled a fair bit and are pretty self-sufficient. Any suggestions? Not too expensive of tours? Something so they get a chance to see it while they are there? I'm more nervous about them missing their flight than being safe on their own!

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I'd recommend the Tower of London. They could start out on a tour, and then spend time in the museum and various exhibits. They could easily spend several hours there. It's fascinating, and you get a lot of English history on the tour and browsing the main museum.




If they still had time after that, they could go on a short boat tour on the Thames. It passes under the London Bridge, and you see many famous sites. I believe we got on a tour boat right near the London Tower, so it was very convenient.

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The most cost-effective rail route to London. Piccadilly Line trains run from all terminals and journey time is 50 – 60 minutes





They need to seriously consider how much time they will have and/or the cost to get to London and back. I think getting off the plane, to the tube station, traveling to London and back might take a little less than 3 hours (two of those just on the tube - the rest foot travel to the tube), plus they need to check in for their next flight.

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Two ideas that are reasonably easy on the Piccadilly Line are Buckingham Palace -- it is a pretty easy walk to Big Ben from there, and the British Museum. Personally I would stay on that line so they don't spend all their time in tube stations.;)

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I definitely think the bus tour is a good idea for a quick tour of everything and the benefit over the underground is that obviously they will be seeing alot while travelling. If they book it before they can save a bit of money too. Then jump off at anything they really want to see a bit closer.

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