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Ridiculous warnings. What have you seen lately?


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I like the system in Europe. Stupidity doesn't pay. In Europe, in lawsuits, loser pays and also has to put up a bond for expenses of the opposing side before even bringing a suit. A panel of judges decides and stupidity doesn't pay. As a result, items like chain saws and tall ladders are less than half of the cost in the US while items that haven't had lawsuits about them are about the same price as in the US> Also, the playgrounds for the kids are much, much better because there is no fear of irrational law suits. If your kid falls off the monkey bars, you pay for the medical costs, not sue the city or the manufacturer. So there is no bonanza for being stupid or disregarding safety. Anyone climbing a tall ladder should know there is a risk and they should assess their abilities and decide whether they can do that safely. SO if you have a case of vertigo, don't climb ladders but if you do, don't expect others to pay for your mistake.


Europe also has universal health care coverage. It's an altogether different social model across the pond. :)

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We have no fault universal insurance instead of taking people to court. We still have ridiculous warnings.


On the other hand my extremely intelligent grandmother absent mindedly ironed the colour of the blouse she was wearing so you never can tell.




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When I flew to Seattle recently (I took a picture of this to send to my husband when the plane landed, because I thought it was so ridiculous), I got a beverage and a little packet of peanuts...which had the warning on the back: "Warning: may contain peanuts."


Wow. I never would have thought that the complimentary packet of peanut would contain, you know, peanuts.



OHMYGOSH! I did the same thing with that pack of peanuts! Posted it on Facebook, actually.


My internal response was "yeah, well, I sure hope it does, because I'm hungry."

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DH and I were laughing at the warnings on the side of the can of spray paint, like DO NOT SPRAY IN THE EYES AND MOUTH. And then I sprayed myself in the face.


After he stopped rolling on the front lawn in hysterics, he took the can away from me and suggested I find another project.



This totally made me LOL. Hilarious! Oh, the idiocy with which we live astounds me.

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Poor DH. Every time we see the signs I have to yell, "Let's try it anyway and see what happens!" Then maybe I can retIre upon the proceeds of the lawsuit against the county because the sign is stupidly worded.

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I just opened a new container of Easy Lunchboxes and the paper inside had some pointers. The first one of all said this:

" Not recommended for use as a stepstool or doorstop."


These are little reusable plastic lunch compartments!!



How about as bricks? Do you think we could build a house out of them??

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