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Suggestions for Fractions Manipulatives (not c-rods)?

Lots of boys

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My ds 9 is starting to work on fractions and is struggling (we are using MM 3B and Miquon). He really needs to "see" the fractions and so I think manipulatives always work well for him with math. I have tried to work with the c-rods but he really gets caught up on the number of the rod and can't see it as a whole, for the purpose of working with fractions. For example, if I use the brown 8 rod and want to show him 1/4 - he can only see it as "2" - he gets that is it is 2 of 8 but I think if we used something that didn't have other numbers associated with it, it might be easier for him to understand. Does anyone have any ideas for a good set of fractions manipulatives?




p.s. we love c-rods for all other types of math :)

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I wasn't pay attention when it came to fractions and ended up have to draw on a piece of paper the base ten form & also cut up a piece of paper, when teaching my daughter. She didn't seem to mind. Once when I got up into the higher fractions (16ths), I used a Hersey's chocolate bar, let her manipulate all the little broken-off rectangles of chocolate for about 15 min, then eat them.


Since then we've used little felt cut-ups (four small red felt squares become 4/4 ... etc).

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There are many different ways to visualize fractions, and it helps for a student to learn them all. I posted a game for that on my blog a few years back:

In general, for working with fraction problems, I find it most useful just to draw a rectangular bar to represent one whole thing and then to divide it as needed for the problem --- sort of a pictorial, scratch-paper "manipulative".

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We have the circles & tower cubes. We use each for different concepts.


A Hershey bar is great, unless you eat it.


Actually, a Hershey bar is awesome because when you are done, you GET to eat it. (Works wonderful for really cementing the idea of which fractions are greater. Only rarely do I end up with the bigger portion because they learn this lesson well.)

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I'd divide up your food as you eat or prepare it. For example, gazing at 8 pieces of pizza, if each of 4 people has 1/4, then they get 2 slices. How about a plate of cookies, or cutting a potato in sixths, or an apple in half. You can also scale a recipe: take a giant recipe and make 1/2 (or 1/3 or 1/4) of it. Make a big batch of bread dough and cut it to smaller pieces to make rolls. It seems like this would accomplish about as much as a manipulative, only it wouldn't cost anything extra, nor would you have to wait for it to arrive.

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I love Fraction stacks, because my son saw very quickly why you would want to find a common denominator to add or subtract, and why it was legal to do so. He could see the concept of "the denominator tells you how big the pieces are/how you divided your whole, and the numerator tells you how many pieces you have!"


Measuring cups are good too (liquid measures... Add 1/4 c to 1/2 cup, how many quarters??).


A 12" ruler is terrific, or a series of paper 12" "rulers" you make yourself that can be colored, written on, or cut. 12 is a great number to practice with, since it divides by 2,3,4 and 6, allowing for many fraction possibilities. If you cut it 12x1 (I suggest inches rather than cm just because a 1x1 cm square can be hard to manipulate) you can make unit squares to play with.


A paper plate is excellent when cut like a pie.


Cover a practice clock and tie 1/4 and 1/3 hr blocks to units of time.


A big pile of colored pencils is fun. Mary gave away 1/3 of her colored pencils. She broke 1/4 of those that remained. She had 20 colored pencils left. How many pencils did Mary start with? Give your child a bucket of pencils and encourage him or her to figure it out.



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If you're using Miquon then there are instructions in the Lab Annotations for making your own fraction circles. I also second the chocolate bar. We use the Hershey's Fraction Book. You can also learn fractions on a number line. Find fractions using a pile of coins. (take a dollar bill and place the quarters, dimes and so on under). Use a clock and talk fractions while learning time. I have even been known to mark on a few c-rods. There's a game called Pizza Fraction.


He may be able to start Key To Fractions as well.

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