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Calling Dr. Hive! Numbness in legs/inability to walk


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I woke around 2 or 3 am... to use the restroom or something I imagine. I go to stand up and BAM - I drop down. Try again, the same. I couldn't feel my legs. There was no strength in my thighs, is the best way to describe it, and I couldn't move my legs without doing so manually with my hands. This subsided after a couple minutes - I was then able to take a couple steps before it happened again. Sat down, tried again, and finally was able to make it up and down the hallway with no problem.


This isn't the first time it's happened, but it's been about a year since it last happened.


I've had knee problems since my teens (always chalked up to gymnastics injuries) and my knees have been kill me for several days, but this had nothing (seemingly) to do with my knees. When it last happened (a year or so ago), I vaguely recall that it was only one leg, whereas this time it was both legs.


I am 28, healthy, active, not overweight in the least. I'm not sure what's going on. Has this happened to anyone else?


(and yes, I will call my doctor/GP, but I need to line up a sitter first because the last time I took my children into an appointment or the outpatient hospital, they ended up more sick than when they had entered the office)

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I don't want to speculate. You need to go in. You need to tell them that this is not the first time this happened.

They're aware that it's happened before. My OB said it was due to the pregnancy (I was pretty far along in my third pregnancy). He said something about pinched nerves.

I'm not pregnant now though, lol.

I have a call in to my GP.

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They're aware that it's happened before. My OB said it was due to the pregnancy (I was pretty far along in my third pregnancy). He said something about pinched nerves.

I'm not pregnant now though, lol.

I have a call in to my GP.



This happen to me for up to year after my 2nd child. I've never had it happen since and he is almost 16. I'm a nurse and was pretty sure when it happen that it was do to pinch nerve. I was also small 28 year old. I don't know but for me my hips really were stressed during pregancy. I had most of my pain with growin uterous and low back hip labor. I think post pregancy is took awhile for my body to readjust.


Glad you are following up with your dr. hope everything is normal

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This happened to me, years ago, but just one side-- I was freaked out, so I called a relative who is a neurologist-- he said take some Motrin and see if it will go away. It went away & never came back. He said nerves get irritated sometimes and it is not a big deal. So you could try Motrin while you are waiting, but I would still go in, because if it doesn't go away it could be serious.

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I assume you didn't get that wonderful feeling of your legs waking up, right? I've had body parts fall asleep to the point of uselessness, but as they woke up, I knew what was going on.


You might want to make sure you get into a person that specializes in back issues. You could have a compressed disc or something pinching a nerve.

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You need an evaluation. I'm a PT, but not currently working. You need to figure out the origin of the issue; this should not be brushed off.

I'm certainly not brushing it off. My OB thought it was related to the pregnancy and it didn't happen again for a year. I have a call in to my GP. Do you think I should push for a referral to a neuro if it's brushed off this time?

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I assume you didn't get that wonderful feeling of your legs waking up, right? I've had body parts fall asleep to the point of uselessness, but as they woke up, I knew what was going on.


You might want to make sure you get into a person that specializes in back issues. You could have a compressed disc or something pinching a nerve.

There was actually no feeling - tingling or stinging (like they were waking up or falling asleep), which is why it caught me off guard; nothing to let me know what was going on, either before or after. One minute they weren't working, the next they were (or, rather, many minutes later they were working).

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There was actually no feeling - tingling or stinging (like they were waking up or falling asleep), which is why it caught me off guard; nothing to let me know what was going on, either before or after. One minute they weren't working, the next they were (or, rather, many minutes later they were working).



This exact same thing happened to me about a month ago. It was in the middle of the nit and I was getting up because my youngest was crying. I actually got off the bed and took one step and then BAM, I was on the floor and couldn't feel anything. It took about 2 minutes for it to stop and then I was fine. No tingling, pain, or anything. I was a little shaky, but I think that was from the fear of wondering what was going on. It hasn't happened since then.

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