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What do you use with Discovery Education?


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I just got this and am a little disapointed. I am not seeing a whole lot on there that we would be interested in. I am think I must be missing something. I checked out some of the videos (Elementary Spanish and something on Jane Austin) but I thought there would be more than just classroom type links. Has it changed a lot since it was United Streaming?



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I just started using it, so far I have used a literature series on the writing process- not the bulk of what I am doing, but a nice added educational push for my girls. We watched something on plate tetonics and volcanoes to go with science we were doing, and we watch a lot of Magic school bus for my 8 and 5 year old. I am planning on doing the spanish too, but it will be an enrichment to whatever textbook I get, probably galore park.

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At the end of each unit in History or Science, I search on what we studied in that unit. For instance, we just finished a science unit on electricity and a History unit on the 50 states. There were dozens of videos on those two topic. Plus, we're doing Elementary Spanish. Plus, in literature we are studying Swiss Family Robinson, so I searched that too. Unfortunately, they didn't have anything on SFR; but, it's worth trying because sometimes they do have something on our literature topic.


We use it a lot. Often in three subjects a day.

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I sit down once a month with all my books and look at the lessons and see who is studying what. Then I just type in key words and phrases and search for videos. We use it across our curriculum and for all my students from my first grade all the way to my 11th grader.


Then I have folders under my content for each of my children. I drop their videos in their folders, put the title on their homeschool tracker page and they know on the day it is assigned that they need to just go their folders and find the title. If I like the teacher's materials I will sometimes print those out as well, esp if there is a quiz or something.


You have to spend some time playing around with it to get the good out of it, and even at that it might not be for every family. I have always liked using a lot of audio-visual stuff in our school because I learn that way, so this is a good fit for us.

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We use it almost everyday for science. We have loved the Animal Profiles series which has dovetailed nicely with our until on animals. The Magic School Bus videos have come in here as well.


We are about to start our unit on the human body and there are tons of precious videos on a k-3 level about that as well - and again MSB!


We have found great supplements to history as well, although I use it for this the least. I really should use it more here!


We do use the Elementary Spanish program and have been pleased with that as well.


Lastly I will let my ds "buy" time on DS to research some random topic he is interested in - volcanoes, knights & castles and machines are some of the things he has watched with his free time.


I hope you find enough to justify your expense! I know we will pay for another subscription next year.



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Unfortunately, Horrible Histories is not available on the Basic plan, which is what most of us have. HH are on the Plus plan, which some are getting through their public school system. I called U.S. just this week to see if Plus is available to homeschoolers. It's not. The guy I spoke to said they're working on this, but I got the idea that we shouldn't hold our breath. Of course the price will be higher than Basic. But perhaps the Homeschool Co-op folks will work out a deal for that too.


BTW, if you haven't signed up though the HomeSchool Buyer's Coop, this is a significant savings. Here's the link: http://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/

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So far, this is what I think we would use:


Art Tango

Elementary Spanish

David Macaulay: (have to search with a colon after his name)

Bill Nye

Animated Hero Classics

Project Mathematics

Liberty's Kids

Magic School Bus

Operation Algebra

Great Books

Maths Mansion


I'm not sure if these are all included with the homeschool package, as we seem to have access to more selections with the free trial.

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I'm not sure if these are all included with the homeschool package, as we seem to have access to more selections with the free trial.


Yes, unfortunately the free trial is the expanded package. I sure wish it was available for homeschoolers--I'm considering using only Netflix & my library next year and dumping DE.

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