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Exercise Thread ~ 3/10-3/16


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Well, I'm leaving in 30 minutes to go to the gym with a friend. I don't like going, but it is so much more palatable with a conversation partner (who runs faster on the treadmill than I do, so she inspires me).


I've been doing a lot of walking (15 minute mile pace) with 1.5 pound weights in each hand so I get a little upper-body toning while I walk. I love this and plan to keep it up. I'm already seeing some increased muscle definition in my arms and shoulders. Yea!


Happy exercising!

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Today is a kettlebell workout, but I would love to have a short run too, maybe just a mile. The kettlebell workout is light, with no squats so it may be doable. This week I move onto phase 2 of the kettlebell program. It really picks up with the squats and presses, as well as some extra core work. I think I'll be sore a lot this week. :) It's been fun to see that I can progress. I started off with a 15 lb kettlebell, but I now can do cleans with a 25 pound bell. I'm using the 25 lb for everything but presses.

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Yoga stretches this morning and swimming this afternoon


gym with a friend. I don't like going, but it is so much more palatable with a conversation partner

Yes. I can relate. I'm not much of a gym type at all.


I've been doing a lot of walking (15 minute mile pace) with 1.5 pound weights in each hand so I get a little upper-body toning while I walk.

Great job. :D


I started off with a 15 lb kettlebell, but I now can do cleans with a 25 pound bell. I'm using the 25 lb for everything but presses.

That's wonderful! :)


Lazy week last week, only 1 day of yoga and 1 day of walking.

We all need these weeks at times. :)

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Oh, I'll join in! I recently started doing Walk Away the Pounds and really like it. You do a 1,2,3 or 4 mile walk in your house (which sounds weird, but it's not). M-Th of last week I did the 1 mile walk, which was a decent workout. Friday was not my friend, so I didn't work out. Today I did the 2 mile and I was sweating like mad.

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We're back from camping. We hiked a bit this weekend and I tried to run a little. Found a tick on my leg while hiking. Not cool. I hate ticks. Luckily, I felt it start to bite and got it off before the head embedded. Ticks are nasty.


This morning I did Jackie Warner Power Circuit....the 15 min version because I need to do camping laundry, put camping stuff away, and pick up my dog. Hopefully, I can squeeze in something more later. I need heavier weights.


I'm also toying with the idea of kettle ball because of a certain someone here that keeps talking about it. ;)

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Beach? I want to go to the beach. As I've said before, March in Michigan is a real challenge for the spirit: the ground, sky, and concrete are all the same color. We had a glimmer of sunshine and warmer temps the last couple of days which was helpful, but it was followed by a steel gray day and a drizzle of rain. The only upside to the rain is that it washed away the last of the dirty snow! Despite the weather, I've been really good about exercise lately, though (or maybe because of the weather - I find exercise THE BEST pick-me-up). I escaped a house full of sick kids to go to the gym for an hour. I spent 45 minutes on the elliptical machine and came home dripping with sweat and feeling much perkier!

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Sunday - 1.5 hours various (walking on treadmill, bicycle, stair-stepper, elliptical, weight machines). Didn't intend to do so much but my son was called in to cover the last of another worker's life guard shift - we went to the rec center together. So...time just got away from me. There was nothing else to do :)


Monday - Yoga. The instructor spent a lot of time on upper body (my weakness). The exciting news is: I can do the "roll up to a sitting position"! I was lamenting that I could not do that a while back, so I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to do it. I guess that means this Yoga stuff is doing its job :) Still can't do a chaturanga, but I'm getting lower each time.


Tuesday - (tonight) Ultimate Core for 45 minutes. I'm usually worn out by the end of it .

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Can't go to the beach for a while since my foot has duct tape on it in order to heal a plantar wart.

Hoping to do some yoga stretching later.


I am so not a beach person (pale skin that burns, peels and then burns some more), but as I watch the snow swirl around outside, I'm thinking the beach not be a bad place right now.

I avoid the sun and go in the very late afternoon. Yes, I think that you would like our beach. :)

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So I did the first day of month 2 of Kettlebells for Women, and it kicked my b*tt. I loved the workout, simple but effective. I'm sore in all the good places. :) The first month was so easy, which was good. It set a good foundation and let me get used to a little weight work with my running.


Today is a yoga day. I didn't do yoga this morning because my dh is sick and slept in (that's my yoga room). But I can make time this afternoon. I need it.


Tomorrow is more kettlebell.

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Can't go to the beach for a while since my foot has duct tape on it in order to heal a plantar wart.



You know that never worked for me. I don't know why because I hear people say it works for them.




I ran in my backyard for 30 mins. Half of it is uphill. Whew.


Then I did day 32 of BeFit in 90.

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Did two miles today on my turf course. Then I raked my turf course of sticks, so that I don't do a trip-jump-land-ouch like I did today! Not bad though.

Iced my foot and ankle afterwards and elevated. I don't know what to do about this foot. I guess I'm going to have to go see someone about it--grrrr.

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Did two miles today on my turf course. Then I raked my turf course of sticks, so that I don't do a trip-jump-land-ouch like I did today! Not bad though.

Iced my foot and ankle afterwards and elevated. I don't know what to do about this foot. I guess I'm going to have to go see someone about it--grrrr.


Well, perhaps take a long time off from running. There are many other things you can do for exercise. One site I read said it's good to switch your routine every 3-4 months.

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You know that never worked for me. I don't know why because I hear people say it works for them.

The first time that I had one, I ended up having surgery because it was so deep. When I get plantar warts, mine are very deep.

The second time, I heard about the duct tape method here and my friend who's a podiatrist told me to try it. It worked like a charm. I can't remember how long it took - maybe a month.

I hope it works this time. I hope that it doesn't take too long. I miss the beach already. Until the fasting period is over (next week), swimming would have been ideal for me. Now I can't do much other than stretching and yoga-type moves and I feel very sluggish.

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