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Could it still be strep throat if there is no fever?


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Dd12 started off w/ very runny nose starting last Fri and through the wkend, and then on Monday the nose got a bit better but turned into a bad sore throat (wakes her up at night). She has a bit of a cough starting now too.


She has never had a fever the whole time. Can't decide if the throat is now a different thing that could be strep (it is going around locally) or is part of the other virus she had. If it's just a virus I hate to take her to the doc, which is 1/2 hr away and surely infested with flu patients!


She has never had strep before.

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Yes it is possible to have strep without a fever...I have always been asymptomatic strep expect for a very sore throat. That said there is a nasty virus that does have a sore throat attached. Can she eat or more importantly drink? I find when I have strep swallowing is AWFUL and I stop eating because it really hurts too much.

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Many times strep throat comes with white spots on the back of the tongue and throat. They are easy to see with a flashlight. I grew up getting strep throat often (4-5 times a year). There was only one instance where I didn't have the spots. I was 16 and didn't get diagnosed until I woke up with scarlet fever. :(

Take a look at her throat and see what you think. And I agree with Murmer. Usually you can't even swallow spit, it hurts so bad.

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i had a kid once who had the rash of scarlet fever (which is strep) but never had a fever or complained of a sore throat. if its that far away i might wait another day or two tho - a cough can last for weeks after a cold and can cause a sore throat.

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Yes. You can even have strep without a sore throat (can also present as stomachache or headache), or with no symptoms at all (which you usually find out only when Typhoid Strep Mary has been generously passing it around to others in the household).


If I even vaguely suspect strep, we just go get swabbed. I actually switched pediatricians from an office where we had to see the Dr. to get swabbed ($20 per kid!) to one where we just had to see a nurse and don't even have to make an appt - just walk in (and it's free!).

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I was just reading online that if there are other symptoms (cough, runny nose), strep is not as likely. Have you found that to be your experience?


Her throat is very sore, but she has this congested sounding cough too. No visible spots on throat. I think I will wait a couple days and see what happens.

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BTDT. My daughter had a virus w/no fever for 24 hours then was fine - just a soar throat, a bit tired and mild headache for a day. The only issue was her tonsils remained swollen. We waited through the weekend with no improvement and NO symptoms of anything else (no spots, etc.). Took her in and even the doctor said I see no indication she has strep but want to check for that, mono and a blood draw to check cell count. Everything came back clear. They sent the strep test off to the hospital for a 72 hour test. Got a call Wednesday saying she DID in fact have strep.

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Absolutely! You can even have strep without a sore throat. We've had lots of kids with headaches and stomach aches as their only symptoms. A sore throat with obvious cold symptoms is usually not strep (although in some cases you can have strep and a cold at the same time), so if those are you main symptoms, it is safe to wait a few more days to see if they resolve. Strep will resolve on its own in about a week, but it is important to treat it with antibiotics, because untreated strep can give you Rheumatic Fever. And you really don't want that.

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Many times strep throat comes with white spots on the back of the tongue and throat. They are easy to see with a flashlight. I grew up getting strep throat often (4-5 times a year). There was only one instance where I didn't have the spots. I was 16 and didn't get diagnosed until I woke up with scarlet fever. :(

Take a look at her throat and see what you think. And I agree with Murmer. Usually you can't even swallow spit, it hurts so bad.


Yes, this happened to one of our family members, who is now chronically ill and has heart and kidney issues that land him in the hospital a few times a year.


Strep is tricky and doesn't always present the same symptoms in each person. If in doubt, check it out!

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Just thought I'd add something else to consider....


How is the pollen level in your area? I ask because here in FL we've had a very early start to allergy season. All of us have had runny noses, sore throats that are worse at night (from postnasal drip), and DD has a cough (again, from postnasal drip).


Yes, I would take her to get checked if you still suspect strep, but some of the same symptoms you described could just be allergies.

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I was just reading online that if there are other symptoms (cough, runny nose), strep is not as likely. Have you found that to be your experience?


Yes. If a sore throat is accompanied by a lot of phlegm (nose or chest) I am less likely to suspect strep. Sore throat that persists past a couple of days without involving runny nose or cough has me running for the strep test.

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