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Dr. Hive -- pulled muscle in hip (in a lot of pain)


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I think I've pulled something in my hip area (mostly on the backside of my hip, but some on the front like maybe the hip flexor). I was bending over helping my son get his pants on (we were both standing because there wasn't a chair or bench available) after swim practice last night and I went down on my knee I was in such pain. Then it was hard to get up or lean over to finish getting him and his brother dressed to go home. I am able to walk once I'm up, but in a lot of pain when I go to sit down or get up (I'm fine when I'm actually sitting and in a comfortable position), bend over forward or towards either side. For example, I had to squat down on one knee to put things in the dishwasher last night -- could not just bend over. What do I do for something like this? I have never had anything like this happen before. Do I rest it, ice it, put heat on it, stretch it? I have to get my dad, who was in an accident last week, to an appt today to get his stitches removed. I can rest (meaning stay home and don't have to leave the house) the rest of the week except if he needs anything (he cannot drive because he can't wear his glasses with all the stitches). Would a massage work? I would do anything!!!


Thanks so much!

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I'm thinking this is probably your lower back with the pain radiating around. Ice is good in the beginning. Walk or lie down. If you have to sit be sure you are not comfy. Use a straight back chair and don't sit long. Wash your dishes by hand, really. Bending over is going to put you out of commission. Massage helps, a good chiropractor helps, physical therapy helps. Read up online for some stretching exercises as you get better. A visit to your doctor and muscle relaxers help too. I'm so sorry. I hate back pain. It makes you wonder if you were crazy before the pain or if the pain is making you crazy.

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I would take ibuprofen (with food) for pain and to decrease inflammation. I'm not sure what would be better, ice or heat, but try one of them at minimum. Resting it is a must.


If this is your right side, I would consider not driving. Based on you going down on your knee when it originally happened; I'd be concerned with losing strength while you were driving and being able to control the pedals safely.


If it's not improving soon, I think I would see a doc, ideally an orthopedic one.

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I would get to a doctor. There is at least one prescription muscle relaxant you can use that is non sedating (SKelaxin). I use it alot and it really helps. ALso, if ibuprofen doesn't help enough, you can get a stronger pain killer. Muscle spasms are totally horrible. If you go to an OD (Doctor of Osteopathy, who are real licensed doctors but do use manipulation when it would help), they could do the manipulation and also give you prescriptions.

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I would ask for a referral to PT. It could be something like sacroiliac joint being out of whack, for example, but you aren't going to know that without a thorough evaluation. It could be a disc, etc. You should get it checked because what works for one lower back issue can exacerbate other lower back issues, which is why you wouldn't want to just take whatever advice to do certain movements or exercises. You really need an eval to know what is going on.

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Thanks everyone. It is my left side thank goodness. For today, I will try a hot shower (need to get ready to get dad) and Ibuprofin. I will rest when I get back home and do ice and/or heat. I'm going to be driving in Northern VA's rush hour for this appt so we will be gone for several hours with a bit of sitting in the car driving. I am the only one that can get him there -- no siblings around or anyone else that can drive him.


I did try a hot bath/jacuzzi last night. Felt better while I was there, but had the pain again once I was out.


I'll see how I'm doing tomorrow to figure out next steps. The boys didn't do much school last week because of my dad's accident. Was going to play catch-up this week. We'll see...


ETA: DH would usually be a huge help in situations like this (would work from home, do the dishes, etc.), but he has a big deadline for work next week that he cannot miss. He was working at home yesterday and will be working late all week. He did finish filling the dishwasher last night and finished the boys' baths when I couldn't. What a couple of weeks I'm having -- LOL.

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I just went through this. You really need to rest it. It allows scar tissue to form on the muscle. It is super easy to reinjure it if you haven't given it enough time to heal. Massage doesn't help.


Making yourself rest is super hard... mine only got better after I got the flu and had to stay in bed for several days!

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