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laptop? Ipad?


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We don't get around to things like Rosetta Stone very often, b/c my kids have to use my laptop and I HATE sharing. We are thinking of getting one (or two if they aren't too expensive) laptops just for them. I do NOT want anything fancy. I would also like to teach them to type and things like that. I don't think we will store much on there other than programs for them to use. That would be a laptop, right? Or can you put software like that on an Ipad? Thoughts? Recommendations?

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What is your budget and how long do you expect to use the laptop or ipad before getting a new one?

My boys have both laptops and ipads. We have a few old laptops so they get to use them.


Laptop advantage:


easier to upgrade

can run off the power supply if laptop battery dies

bigger screen

programming apps

MS Office home version usually comes preloaded

free programming apps like scratch, kodu


iPad advantage:

more portable - we use them at the dentist and doctor's clinic

lots of free educational apps


My boys are lego lovers and their Lego Digital Designer and Lego Mindstorm software does not run on iPad. Also my boy's iPad 2nd gen is already getting sluggish with the new OS and apps. Their iPad 3rd gen is still ok. Our laptops that are seven years old are still doing well.

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I don't think you can do Rosetta Stone on an ipad, can you? There are a ton of uses for it, yes, but that won't be one. And for typing, my dd uses a physical keyboard with the ipad. I don't know if I'd want to fiddle with that with little kids. If you want the ipad for the touch surface, fine. But to have a separate keyboard that gets lost, blah blah, that gets screwy.


So I guess consider this a bump. Maybe someone else will have an opinion on learning to type with an ipad. We used Mavis Beacon and Typing Instructor, and I'm not sure either of them come on the ipad either. You'd be looking at the fingers and the screen or...

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I had a hard time upkeeping my first generation iPad and gave it away. Apple devices needed a dedicated computer to backup to, and fill it with all the files on the device. If you switch computers, it wants to wipe the device. This is bad for me, because I tend to buy dirt cheap netbooks and run them without anti-virus software. I couldn't hold onto what I bought, when I wiped my hard drive or switched from one piece of junk to another.


You can get keyboard for ipads. I even had one for my old 1st generation.


Netbooks are pretty cheap, and don't need to be backed up onto your laptop. Can your laptop handle backing up one or more IPads?


The iPad served it's purpose of a lightweight device that can be used at a hotspot. There were days I carried that iPad 10 miles, as I ran errands before and after I took it someplace I could get online. I just couldn't lug even a small netbook that far along with the rest of what I was carrying. Every ounce counts after 5 miles.

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Lapbook. (And I want specific recommendations of which exactly if you find good one, since I'm in a similar situation. ) For typing, btw, my son is loving Typing Instructor Platinum for Kids. It is set up as games, but they really are working for him to learn while he is having fun. How do you like Rosetta Stone?

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I like the idea of getting an iPad for you (and allowing the kids to use it occasionally); I really, really love the touch screen capability of my iPad. I have a case with a bluetooth keyboard for it, so it functions very much like a small laptop, and it has almost completely replaced my usage of a regular computer (which is a desktop for me). However, I think it would depend on what you use your laptop for.

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I love the iPad for homeschooling. We use Mango Spanish and my ds does it at the counter from the iPad while I'm preparing lunch. My ideal set up is one desktop for the family and iPads for the kids and me. Right now we have a desktop and 1 iPad.


In your position, I'd use the laptop like the family desktop and get an iPad.

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