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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Roll up your sleeves, and let's get cracking!


Clean the kitchen

Laundry, of course

Call Mom and Dad


School specials -

DS15 - Week Preview

Latin seminar

Dd11 - Have to quick figure out what she's dong in history. Ack! I hate it when I suddenly run out of lesson plans and was not on top of things.

Language arts


Much of dd's school might have to be thrown out for today anyway because. . .

I might be picking up an African man I've never met before at the airport. Or maybe not. I hear that there is snow in Paris. . the life of a pastor's wife can be exciting. . .


Tidy the house - this is not my favorite because it involves painful bending.


MLK day -the Y is closed. Boo hiss! Not sure what I will do for exercise or if I will have the time. Might be taking the African man out for dinner. But also my left leg still makes walking painful. Today is an exercise in letting God help me through every detail as it comes.

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Got up at 3am to make coffee and help dh get out the door to the airport

Grocery order arrived and got put away (had to order delivery, as dh had to go out of town suddenly and the cupboards were bare)


Printed out materials and organized for microscope lab tomorrow


Still to do:


Plan meals for the week, now that we have ingredients

Write second quarterly and mail off to school district (NY state thing)

Dr. Who marathon with the kids (ongoing throughout the day :) )

Looking after sick kid with norovirus, bleaching bathroom after he uses it (also ongoing, ugh)


It's supposed to snow again today, and my main shoveller is down sick. Guess it will be up to me to rally the younger boys and clear the driveway together - my joints hurt already. At least it's only supposed to be light flurries! I always feel kind of blah when dh goes out of town, so think I'm going to indulge myself and cuddle on the couch with the kids while they watch Dr. Who and I read my book. I'll work on lesson planning and the quarterly once they're in bed. School isn't happening today because my two PS kids are home for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

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Jean, you are relentless! I don't want to tackle anything today. But, I know i have to so here goes...



grocery shopping

fridge cleaned out

groceries put away

trip to rite aid for sudafed and sympathy cards

Check on Ds literature assignment, and Latin

monitored Dd's piano practice

laundry sorted and started


Still sorting out my to-do list...back later

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Happy Monday - Greek music sounds fun, Jean!


For Today:

Laundry (mine and dh's)

Mix together gluten-free baking mix

Package up niece's birthday gift

Email niece

Teach violin lesson

American Heritage Girls tonight (do I have to go? ugh.)


Dinner tonight - baked chicken legs, green beans, lettuce salad

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*%#& - the doctor's office just called to say that I'm officially diabetic. Sigh. I knew this really but didn't want the confirmation. OK - give it all to God, right? Right.


Do you think this could be the cause of some of your issues lately or just another auto-immune reaction? Praying for you. Get thy booty to Bastyr :p.

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What is in your mix?


Happy Monday - Greek music sounds fun, Jean!


For Today:

Laundry (mine and dh's)

Mix together gluten-free baking mix

Package up niece's birthday gift

Email niece

Teach violin lesson

American Heritage Girls tonight (do I have to go? ugh.)


Dinner tonight - baked chicken legs, green beans, lettuce salad

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Wow! I missed this post. Sorry you've got so much to 'tackle' Jean. Will keep you in my prayers.


*%#& - the doctor's office just called to say that I'm officially diabetic. Sigh. I knew this really but didn't want the confirmation. OK - give it all to God, right? Right.

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Do you think this could be the cause of some of your issues lately or just another auto-immune reaction? Praying for you. Get thy booty to Bastyr :p.
Wow! I missed this post. Sorry you've got so much to 'tackle' Jean. Will keep you in my prayers.


Now they are backtracking and are saying officially pre-diabetic. I already knew that too. But it is time to get super serious about it. Today makes me want to eat lots of chocolate. Not good when you are supposed to stay away from sugar.


Oak - it's probably contributing but is not the sole reason behind them. And I'm meeting with an acupuncturist on Thursday.

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Happy Monday - Greek music sounds fun, Jean!


For Today:

Laundry (mine and dh's)

Mix together gluten-free baking mix

Package up niece's birthday gift

Email niece

Teach violin lesson

American Heritage Girls tonight (do I have to go? ugh.)


Dinner tonight - baked chicken legs, green beans, lettuce salad



What is in your mix?


Right now I just have a YouTube going with old Greek folk songs.

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I was all set to tackle this Monday....then I woke up. :)


I woke with a sinus headache and an achy, crampy body. Then ds9 woke up with stuffed sinuses, yucky sore throat and a slight fever. Then I logged on to FB and had a private message letting me know that my friend with cancer officially got the terminal diagnosis yesterday.


So... Revised list today:



Lined out ds12 for the week. He's watching math vids now because our tutor had to cancel again this week. Her assisted living home is on lock down because of the flu. :(

Scratched the curricula from the library to learn PowerPoint. It's too old to use with our windows program. Boo!

2 loads of laundry, still basking in the glow of my my new dryer.

Beds made

Kitchen cleaned

Dishes done

Jello made for poor little man's sore throat



Watching Hook and chilling with my little guy.


To do:

Run over to mom's and tidy up for her brother who is visiting tomorrow and the rest of the week. He's my favorite uncle! I'm excited!

Run up to target to get pillows for Mom's guest bed and a new lamp for her. And cold medicine for sickie.

Research you tube videos for ds12 to learn PowerPoint. All his peers in ps know this stuff. I gotta get on top of it!


Jean, I'm sorry to hear about your new complication. Diabetes was, by far, the most frustrating new development for my dad. It was difficult for him to get used to not eating what he wanted. I feel for ya! I hope you have less pain today. Can you invest in one of those grabbers to help you pick up so you don't have to bend down?

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Today's plan: finished items crossed off, errands out of the home done, now to cook dinner and tackle the rest


  • go to pet store and pick up cricket's, and apparently a critter keeper since we have to buy so many.
  • pick up groceries
  • recaulk the bay window in livingroom
  • prep the trim in the livingroom
  • prime the trim
  • paint the trim
  • write letter to ds14's boss outlining his availability for 2nd term due to online classes
  • teach kids how to polish their combat boots
  • somewhere in all of that assign reading, math and current events assignments
  • clean kitchen
  • feed snake, and leopard gecko
  • scoop litter box
  • clean up remnants of tortoises meal
  • oh and go to hardware store to pick up no electric outlet plates and light switch plate
  • buy broom at $store since my other is broken again, dang kids
    Yeah I think that is it for today...I hope.


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Kalah - I never even thought of one of those grabbers. I bet my kids would think that's a hoot!

I'm so sorry about your friend.



We brought home a grabber from an estate we helped liquidate. Our boys think it's super fun! :) I remember thinking it would have been nice to have when I was big with my last baby. I used to use the broom to sweep at the toys into a corner. That was 'picked up' for me then. LOL

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I'm sorry, but I am not doing a very good job tacking Monday. Monday has me in a head-lock and is bashing my head against a wall. My kids are naughty, disobedient and defiant. They are tattling and whining and battling me with school work. Dd1 is acting like she's never even heard of math before, dd2 is throwing her, I don't know, 100th fit for the morning, DS1 is getting nothing done, the house is a wreck and the cleaners are coming this afternoon and I just want to sit down and cry. I'm sorry to be such a whiner. I've been reading the boards this weekend and a lot of boardies are going through horrible stuff, but I'm sick of today already and it's just barely noon.

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Jean, you are relentless! I don't want to tackle anything today. But, I know i have to so here goes...



grocery shopping

fridge cleaned out

groceries put away

trip to rite aid for sudafed and sympathy cards

Check on Ds literature assignment, and Latin

monitored Dd's piano practice

laundry sorted and started


Still sorting out my to-do list...back later.....


Dinnertime check in---



Math w/ Dd

went over Ds's math

assigned writing for Dd

fresh garlic rolls are baking

made beef stew

baked a banana chocolate cake (sorry Jean)


Spent too much time in the kitchen so looks like we're doing some school into evening. We were only supposed to do half a day. sigh....


And then, after dinner......


just when I was going to settle in to do some more math and literature read alouds, Dh reminded me that I have an appointment for a thyroid ultrasound tonight.


Only thing I'll get to is grading math and assigning history reading for tomorrow. Ughh!


While sitting in the waiting room, I did manage to get some planning done for my public speaking class which starts in a couple of weeks.




Don't know if it makes you feel any better Jean, but I had pre-diabetic results a few years back. I was able to reverse it with diet, though it sounds like you eat fairly well already.

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Susan - I think she means your gf mix, not music!



Oh, it's good to laugh at myself today!


gluten free flour mix =

2 pkg (Bob's Red Mill) Sweet Sorghum flour

2 pkg (Bob's Red Mill) Potato Starch

1 box (Ener G) Tapioca Starch


We use this for drop biscuits and things.


For pancake mix, use 4C of the above mixture plus:

2 pkg (Bob's Red Mill) white rice flour (about 8C)

1/4C baking powder

1 heaping Tablespoon baking soda

1 heaping Tablespoon salt

1 heaping Tablespoon xanthan gum

1/4C sugar

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I'm sorry, but I am not doing a very good job tacking Monday. Monday has me in a head-lock and is bashing my head against a wall. My kids are naughty, disobedient and defiant. They are tattling and whining and battling me with school work. Dd1 is acting like she's never even heard of math before, dd2 is throwing her, I don't know, 100th fit for the morning, DS1 is getting nothing done, the house is a wreck and the cleaners are coming this afternoon and I just want to sit down and cry. I'm sorry to be such a whiner. I've been reading the boards this weekend and a lot of boardies are going through horrible stuff, but I'm sick of today already and it's just barely noon.




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What a day! It was 4 hours ago that I left home to go to the airport. One hour was spent going to the airport and back. 2 hours were spent waiting for our guest who it turned out never made his flight in Paris. Apparently he gets in at midnight tonight instead! (So I might be going back very late tonight.) 1 hour was spent getting a very very late lunch and rearranging some hotel details.


So. . . what's next on my list?


PS - Guess who I bumped into at the airport? My chiropractor. He asked me "how are you doing"? I told him that my feet hurt! I see him again on Thursday.

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Even though I have this horrible cold, I am attempting to:




clean out under bed in master bedroom

take a load of stuff to Goodwill (don't know whether they're open today?)


figure out plans for dd9's birthday tomorrow...it's her double-digit birthday :drool:


I got carried away in the master bedroom. Cleaned out the closet, filled up some bags for the Goodwill.

Ds is going to vacuum for me, dh will mop. One of the perks of having a cold.


I did list some stuff on Craigslist that we no longer use. This philosophy of lighter living is hard work. It didn't help that I watched an episode of Hoarders while I worked on the closet.

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