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If you pay for "extra" chores

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how do you keep records of it? I have started working part-time, and I would like to pay the kids (small amounts) to do extra chores around the house to help me out. By extra, I mean things beyond what's expected (help when asked, kitchen, their rooms, etc.). I would like for them to be able to choose the chores they want to do, and the chores have various payments. I only have the 2 kids, who are older), so I don't want to use something too young looking. I can trust them to only claim to do what they have done.


Any good suggestions? I would love links to blogs for pictures, if you have any or know of any.

Thank you!

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I got so tired of paying for chores...trying to keep track of what they did and what they earned. So now I just pay my kids an allowance, with the understanding that whatever I ask them to do, they do it...whether it is keeping their room clean or emptying out the dishwasher...and when they complain, I simly say "allowance" and they are on it...because they know if they don't do what I ask, they won't get their money. In your case with older kids and you being gone...I would give the kids each a list each day and expect they do it...and then doc their allowance for each chore not completed.

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I second the idea of an allowance. You could think of it this way: it is a share of the family income, and the family income has increased since you are able to work - but this is only possible if the kids pull their weight and help out. I would not want to start paying by chore and keeping records.

I do pay for two things though: mowing the laws (one big job that takes long, I pay flat fee) and ironing shirts (per shirt) because I despise ironing.

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I guess I want a method because I live with people who never "see" something and realize it needs doing. That includes my husband (except for dishes, which he helps with quite a bit). They are all good at helping when asked, but I get tired of always having to ask. I'm thinking if I had a list, they could go to it and see what it says needs doing. I will not include the things that I expect them to do without getting paid. I probably will pay for the things I don't want to do.

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We do contracts here. The Kid must write down what he wants to do, the quality/quantity of work done, when I can expect it to be done by, and the payment he would like. I then look it over, may negotiate a different payment, and then once we both agree he's on the hook.


Most of the time it's as simple as "I will pick up and mow the backyard by sundown, May 19th, for $10. For an extra $5 I will bag the cuttings". and that may get negotiated, depending on how much work there is out there.


And then after the job is done, it's compared to the work standard agreed on and paid accordingly. IF he renegs on the contract, leading me to hire someone else, he is to pay for the work to be done.



ETA: I gave The Kid a list of chores I would rather not do that I would pay to get out of. It's an easy crib sheet for when he's blind to everything.

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I have a chore list posted in the kitchen for the extra chores that I'd like to have done during the week, and the chores are assigned to each dc on specific days. IOW, I mop the kitchen on Monday, but I'd like it swept a couple of times in the week as well, so one dc has that assigned on Wednesday and another on Friday. If it doesn't get done, it's not the end of the world for me, as it will be done again next Monday, but they won't be paid for the chore. I hoover the dining room on Wednesday, but I assign it to the kids to do on Monday and Friday.


I used to make a table on MS Word with a column for each child and a row for each day of the week, and each day I would ask if they had done their chore for the day and I'd check it off. At some point I ran out of the printed charts and I started just asking what they had done that week. They're good about being honest (especially since they know that I'm very observant and will probably have noticed if the piano didn't get dusted all week, or whatever).

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My parents gave us an allowance on Saturday if our rooms were passably clean. Throughout the week, we helped with whatever, whenever as a part of being in the family. We cleaned up the kitchen, living room, bathroom, yard etc. as a family.


If we wanted to earn more money, mom had a list of extra jobs that took more effort. The main ones I remember were completely unloading, wiping down, and reloading the 3 tall bookshelves, completely unloading and scrubbing the fridge, defrosting the basement freezer, washing and oiling the widowsills, digging up dandelions, and Windexing every window/glass surface in the house. She always had cash on hand, so we were paid immediately upon completion (usually with change from my dad's dresser!)

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I just use a pad of yellow legal-size lined notepaper, and whenever I see or think of an "extra" job that needs to be done, I add it to a running list, with the amount that I'll pay for it written next to it. I keep it somewhere where the kids can see it. Once the job is done, the child who did it checks it off and initials it. Done! Of course the job has to meet my approval. :) Sometimes one of them will initial it ahead of time, meaning they have "dibs" on that job once their school work is done, but they can't cross it out until it's actually done.

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here are several ideas from my pinterest board








and my friend has and is LOVING this one http://www.fisher-ki...CFQUFnQodhxQA7g


we are starting this soon and i am still working on the details of how it will all play out in our house, too. but my kids are begging for money (to buy toys for poor kids.. true story) so i need to get on it!


oh! and squished pennies at amusement parks. oh the simple things in life. :D

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I keep, what I call, my 'bank in a book'. I just write each child's name and how much money they have earned or been given under their name. When they need money, or want to buy something, then it comes off the tally in the 'bank'. It's a bit like online banking......without the online :-)


I give a mininal allowance, but we also have certain jobs that class as paid jobs: things like ironing, cleaning the fridge, sweeping the pergola etc.

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