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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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TGIF everyone!


Clean kitchen

Laundry - sort everything from the hampers and do two loads.


School specials:

Ds15 - the week in review

Dd11 - Science experiment


grocery store to get what I need for the science experiment

gas station since I'm running on fumes.


Go to luthiers to get guitar and bandurria?


Dd11 - volunteering tonight

Me - grading

swimming at the Y? Zumba? Not sure what my body can handle right now.


Need a quiet moment to sit down with the calendar and figure some things out.

Need another quiet moment to sit down with the finances and figure some things out.

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I'm having a somewhat easy day today--TGIF! We thought we were going to have a snow day today, but alas, we only got rain and a few flurries. The kids were so disappointed when they woke up and didn't see white! We haven't had a decent snow in a few years.



get up and dressed


wait for daycare child to get here (8:30am)

folded laundry from yesterday

take dd8 to great-grandma's for her pre-birthday celebration

math & science with ds

sit down with dd15 to go over work

keep dd5 and daycare child entertained

C25K Week 3, Day 3 - 2.20 miles, 28 minutes



make lunch

take a shower & change clothes

English and more math for ds

work on religious badge requirements for scouts with ds

wrap presents for dd's birthday

wait for daycare child to get picked up (hopefully before 3pm today)

take ds to his friend's house for sleepover/birthday party



clean kitchens/bathrooms

fold last 2 loads of laundry & put away

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Whew. Friday already. I've been thinking about you this morning, Jean - how are you doing?


To do today:

Avoid sitting and worrying over things about which I can do nothing

Finish decluttering kitchen cabinet


Laundry Monitoring

TOG Meeting

DD to ballet class

Reserve next week's read-aloud from the library

Buy rabbit and hermit crab food

Pick up ds from Mid-State Orchestra

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Yes, how are you doing today, Jean?


Today I've gotten the boys through school, made pumpkin bread, fed everyone lunch, finished organizing this week's service project, made dinner for the skiers, and I just sent most of the family skiing. I love that we can go skiing for PE.


I still need to plan tomorrow's trip, start organizing next week's service project (I'm in charge of coordinating 40 hours of volunteer childcare for a woman at my church), download some ebooks and audiobooks for everyone in the family, do the dishes, find some sort of electrical engineering kit for my oldest son, and start preparing to speak in church next Sunday. And play with the five-year-old who's still home.

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Ok, I hate to brag ladies buuuut...


The only thing I have to do today is take care of the girls for roughly two more hours before they go to Grandma's for the night! Then I have about 6 hours to MYSELF since dh is working! WOWZA!!!!!!!!!


We completed school today, I put clothes away and did dishes. So stuff got done!!


I'll be puttering around later on! woot!

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Thank you to all of you who have asked how I am. I'm ok. I'm in a lot of pain still but my feet are a bit better so at least I can walk. I'm trying to put blinders on and focus on getting my work done even if it is 5 or 10 min. at a time. (And no, I'm not a masochist. Resting doesn't help so I'd at least like to get my chores done.) You can all chip in to commit me to the mental hospital - I just agreed to let my dd have a friend over for the weekend. The idea is that if she has someone to keep her busy that I won't have to be the one doing that.

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I don't know what we are going to do. This morning we made sure to finish school this morning since a friend was suppose to come over swimming.


I talked to his Mom on Wednesday and she said he may. He almost always comes swimming with us on Friday, has for weeks. But he didn't show. She I called, no answer. Kids ran over and knocked on his door, no answer.


Now Eldest is grumpy since friend isn't here. So we aren't going swimming. That leaves us with a lot of time and no plans. (He usually plays at our house after swimming till dinner time.


We might end up walking to town for shopping, but it's minus 20 out, and I don't really want to.

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Pretty boring, eh?



Well this morning I felt a bit like a rebel. I always eat peanut butter toast on thin sliced white bread and a glass of water. But this morning I ate a bagel with cheese and tomatoes slices right on the bagel. :ohmy: I admit it did make me feel very adventurous (I did mention I put the tomato slices right on the bagel, the bagel that already had cheese on it. )

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Did some business stuff

Went to bank and took care of banking error

Met with old vision therapist who let me borrow her callirobics to try out

Did an itty, itty bit of school with kids

Now about to nap but in a little while we'll do some housework, get haircuts and take down the outdoor Christmas lights now that it has finally stopped raining!

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Well this morning I felt a bit like a rebel. I always eat peanut butter toast on thin sliced white bread and a glass of water. But this morning I ate a bagel with cheese and tomatoes slices right on the bagel. :ohmy: I admit it did make me feel very adventurous (I did mention I put the tomato slices right on the bagel, the bagel that already had cheese on it. )


You are livin' on the EDGE, Julie! Way to be adventurous! I'm sorry the friend bailed.


I'm glad you're soldiering through, Jean. I would do the same.


Sounds like everyone's having a pretty good day! Have a great weekend, too!

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5:30pm update:



get up and dressed


wait for daycare child to get here (8:30am)

folded laundry from yesterday

take dd8 to great-grandma's for her pre-birthday celebration

math & science with ds

sit down with dd15 to go over work

keep dd5 and daycare child entertained

C25K Week 3, Day 3 - 2.20 miles, 28 minutes

make lunch

take a shower & change clothes

English and more math for ds

wrap presents for dd's birthday

wait for daycare child to get picked up (hopefully before 3pm today)

take ds to his friend's house for sleepover/birthday party

pick dd8 up from grandparents' house

going out for dinner to celebrate dd's birthday (a day early)




clean kitchens/bathrooms

fold last 2 loads of laundry & put away

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Now I am going to sit in my armchair with my old fuzzy green blanket and a Mrs. Jeffries mystery. I am not done with my work but I need a break.


Jean--I am glad you are improving a bit. I don't normally look at your daily thread but I wanted to know how you were. By the time you are starting my day is almost done--at least the productive part. So all your plans make me feel like a failure normally.;)


I have a question about the Miss Jeffries mysteries. Would they be appropriate for dd14. She loves agatha christie etc. Basically she likes good clean mysteries, not fond of tEa scenes. Would these be good for her? Thanks!

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Jean--I am glad you are improving a bit. I don't normally look at your daily thread but I wanted to know how you were. By the time you are starting my day is almost done--at least the productive part. So all your plans make me feel like a failure normally. ;)


I have a question about the Miss Jeffries mysteries. Would they be appropriate for dd14. She loves agatha christie etc. Basically she likes good clean mysteries, not fond of tEa scenes. Would these be good for her? Thanks!


Or. . . you could feel superior because you've done stuff before I've even rolled out of bed!


Yes, Mrs. Jeffries would be great for your daughter. They are absolutely clean.

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