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If you had to pick 5-8 foods to survive on, what would they be?


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if it were only me here, I could live a long, long time with just:



turkey bacon (I don't eat pork--one of my many idiosyncracies...)


yellow and orange bell peppers


nuts (except peanuts)

olive oil, coconut oil, butter (Sorry, I made a category ;) )

Cheddar cheese



Since there are others here who expect to eat more variety... I need to add:



cottage cheese




tomtato sauce



orange juice


With those additions and a few random snacks, we'd be fine for quite awhile here.

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Kale, chard, or bok choy (or let's just say mixed greens)


Beans/peas (crowder or black - not green)

Sausage or bacon (not so healthy but useful for flavoring)


Tomatoes or peppers

Parm cheese

Dark choc


I think that's as bare bones as I could go, but I have a feeling I'd wish I had access to chicken or veggie broth and some shrooms. Looking over the list, I'm tempted to try this for a week.

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I was working on my list last night, 8 is hard.



peanut butter



berries (any kind)



I need a green, but I dislike most green vegetables, salad has to be done right and then it has to have dressing, so I don't know. I'd choose Romaine as a first choice.

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I have a house full of allergic people, and I lost my sense of taste about two years ago. It really starts to get to you after a while. I used to love to cook, but now I need to the kids to taste-test all of my food to see if I have enough salt or even any flavor at all in it. To keep me eating healthy, I started loading my mornings with a very healthy breakfast, then I have a simple lunch. I rotate through about 10 dinners centered around similar ingredients which change a little seasonally (more stews in winter and more grilling in summer in addition to changing season vegetables). With that context here are my top foods, not counting sea salt, olive oil, butter, or spices (including garlic and onions).


Greek yougurt

Flax meal



peanut butter

grassfed beef (I buy a half cow or more each year)

eggs (preferably my own yard eggs if we didn't have so many bobcats)

aged cheese (I know I can't count)



seasonal vegetable (greens, winter squash, summer squash, zuchinni, whatever is freshest and local)

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dark chocolate

whole milk

olive oil

garbanzo beans




nuts (could be walnuts, pecans, almonds, hazelnuts, etc)


BUt I would have to add sugar and salt to that. I would hate to be so limited in my foods. I mean, it really wouldn't be a good salad without some acid- vinegar or lemon. But I think what I chose has the necessary nutrients for life plus for my sanity.

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I was working on my list last night, 8 is hard.



peanut butter



berries (any kind)



I need a green, but I dislike most green vegetables, salad has to be done right and then it has to have dressing, so I don't know. I'd choose Romaine as a first choice.


I forgot limes, I love anything lime. I'll give up cashews for lime.



This is fun. I'll go to the island with peanut butter. If I had to only choose one food, it would be peanut butter.

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I need a green, but I dislike most green vegetables, salad has to be done right and then it has to have dressing, so I don't know. I'd choose Romaine as a first choice.


Have you tried using Romaine as a wrap (instead of a tortilla or pita)? That may work well for you in terms of convenience and nutrition.

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